
Why I Think Big Console Game Sales are Down

Eurogamer's Wesley Yin-Poole writes: Here's what's clear: big console game sales are down. Titanfall 2, Watch Dogs 2, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Dishonored 2 and more all failed to even match the sales of their predecessors at launch. People I've spoken to in the UK retail business are in panic mode. The PS4 has been a huge success. Xbox One is doing well. What's going on?

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Retroman2853d ago

(My Personal Opinion )

1. Could it be gamers Tired of no full game, constantly downloading rest of it?
2. Or the sequel not as good as the Hype claim it is.
3. Or gamers tired of open world games?

I say All 3 ......

KyRo2853d ago

Open world games is up there for me. As beautiful as devs make these open worlds, the mission structure is always the same. Its boring and ruined MGSV so nuch for me personally.

2853d ago
_-EDMIX-_2852d ago

@burn- you actually don't need to play Metal Gear Solid 5 open world you simply could just select all the missions....

I personally never even played Metal Gear Solid 5 open world I actually just went mission to Mission...soooooo yea.

When you're playing at Mission by Mission the open areas are actually not that different then the previous Metal Gear Solid games ie Peace Walker, Metal Gear Solid 3.

Hoffmann2853d ago

4. A stronger competition than ever before through indie games that were once a wave a 8bit retro-style games and just some outstanding games like Limbo but grew up in the industry.

Big games of the past found their successors with City Skylines (Sim City), Stardew Valley (Harvest Moon), Redout (WipeOut,Extreme G)

If even a game like Stardew Valley that looks like a Super Nintendo game from over 20 years ago can sell over a million copies in just a few months, it looks like a lot of consumers have no problem with outdated graphics in favor of a game experience they can't find in the latest big budget shooter, no matter how good it is.

2853d ago Replies(5)
2853d ago Replies(2)
_-EDMIX-_2852d ago

I'm sure all those reasons are part of it but I think the ultimate reason might simply be those games were not as good as people might have believed them to be.

I don't even understand the statement of console sales being down for those games considering Final Fantasy 15 just broke a crapload of Records, so did Battlefield 1.

I don't think it has anything to do with watch dogs being open world I think it simply has to do with people possibly not liking what they played of Watch Dogs 1 and caring over that feeling to the second game and not purchasing.

LamerTamer2852d ago (Edited 2852d ago )

It could be open world games, but not because we are tired of them. It could be because they take a lot of time. IfI am going to start Fallout 4 I will not be ready for another game for a long while. If I buy FO4, WD2, Skyrim remastered I will be done for months.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2852d ago
Hoffmann2853d ago (Edited 2853d ago )

After reading that FFXV sold 5 Million units in a few days I can't take this article and its point very seriously.

Big games still sell millions, but not every big game can do it, do to people getting tired of some peticular game formulars.

thorstein2852d ago

Exactly. It is an Opinion piece, but the question that should be answered is: Are Console Game Sales Down?

Yes, but last year (the last year for PS3 and X360 games) last gen systems sold a total of 125,000,000 games.
This year: @38,000,000.

PSP and DS in 2015: 10,000,000
In 2016: 2,400,000

When 2 major consoles no longer are supported with software and two handhelds drop out, of course there is going to be a decline in software sales.

More lack of journalistic integrity and well researched ideas hidden behind the word "Opinion."

RememberThe3572852d ago

I wouldn't call this a lack of integrity. You just happened to think of an interesting point. I'm sure your analysis is closer to what industry analysts are saying to publishers. But this is an interesting idea to chew on.

iTechHeads2852d ago

FFXV Shipped 5 Million To Retailers. (emphasis on SHIPPED)

Hoffmann2852d ago

ohhh. Thought they were sold already!

snoopgg2853d ago

I think the price of games has alot to do with it.

ShaunCameron2853d ago

So what was last-gen's excuse?

Redx1652852d ago

Last Gen's excuse was that games had much more content then they do now while also being very innovating.

_-EDMIX-_2852d ago

@red- can you give examples? Because to my understanding The Witcher 3 is far more a larger and more content packed than the first two Witcher games combined

In fact I'd argue that most of the sequels were seeing today are much more larger and more content packed than their previous entries last generation.

You're going to have to give some very solid examples to prove your point you can't just go off of a general assumption.

2853d ago Replies(4)
2852d ago
Hedstrom2853d ago (Edited 2853d ago )

I would think its a lack of hype, not much of the games that have released this fall has had me excited. BF1 is the exceptionell for me, and its all because its set in a diffrent time. Im tired of Sci-fi, so the new cod and Titanfall doesnt really appeal. The style of watchdogs is to pubertal for me, it tries to hard. Mafia 3 just flew under the radar, and stayed there. And you have 2 new Slim modells, a pro and VR that are competing for the money.

2853d ago Replies(3)
popyto2853d ago

would be interested to see how the sales were after black friday weekend. Releasing a game 2-3 weeks before the biggest sales event of the year cant help with initial sales. COD down from £70 for the legacy to £49, titanfall from £44 to £28, Tomb raider 20th £44 to £25 and thats just what I picked up.

May be gamers are just bieng more savvy, its already an expensive time of year but when people know that within a month they can essentially get 2 for 1 games with a little patience why wouldn't they.

2853d ago Replies(2)
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Get up to $300 worth of Steam Deck games for only $48 with this build-your-own bundle

This new Handheld Heroes bundle from Fanatical can help you save over $250 on 16 games, and all of them can be played on the Steam Deck.


Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future

With Arkane Austin no more and Lyon living for who knows how long, the superb Dishonored is in serious danger; Microsoft cannot be trusted.

Relientk77133d ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.

JEECE132d ago

I mean, I think the fans will probably kill Arkane Lyon by cooking up reasons to hate whatever they do next without playing it. I've never seen a game so artificially disliked as Deathloop.

thesoftware730132d ago

Lol, why don't we just say, we are worried about all studios owned by MS now. They will keep closing studios until they have none left ...🙄

Skuletor132d ago

Just merge them all into a single studio, have it churn out a single Call of Duty every year and call it a day, lol.

Barlos132d ago

Don't be scared, you'll be fine.

Skuletor132d ago

It's exputer, fine is one word I would not associate with them.

Profchaos132d ago

I think it's becoming clear based on matt bootys comments there's no future for any IP that can't sell above 10 million within the launch window. But is also a small game that gives them prestige

/S it's beyond a joke right now

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Titanfall 2 Is Still The Smartest FPS Of The Last Decade

The best shooter campaign since Half-Life 2 still hasn't been topped eight years later.

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Leeroyw138d ago

I agree with this. The time travel mechanics. The sense of scale. The relationship with your mech. The bosses all had personalities. It's a wonderful game.

138d ago
mastershredder138d ago

Yeah it was good, but it only did the time travel bit in one level. Dishonered 2 did the same thing. Now how about a game where it's implemented throughout the gameplay? Singularity says Hello (and deserves so much more recognition).