
Long Live Resident Evil

A writer for MONG back-pedals on a knee-jerk reaction to Resident Evil 7's new direction, and outlines why the series will continue even if RE7 IS a failure.

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S2Killinit2857d ago

Im liking what we've seen so far from the game.

TheEvilResident19972857d ago

It's not gonna fail trust me it's got a lot of love it's gonna sell a lot and be very successful.

TheEvilResident19972857d ago

This guy in the article whines a lot and don't do much information not worth reading.

mnlorain2857d ago

So backtracking on a previous knee-jerk reaction, pointing out why RE7 will very likely be good, and explaining why the series is still fine even if RE7 DOES suck... is somehow whining?

You know what, I'm going to assume you didn't read it. And thanks for the laugh! "and don't do much information not worth reading." is one of the funniest bits of gibberish I've seen in a while.

Fist4achin2856d ago

Fingers crossed that they can resurrect this series to its once great standing in the gaming world.


Resident Evil Original Cast Reunion 2 | Rebecca Chambers, Chris Redfield, Barry Burton, Wesker

RESIDENT EVIL (1996) Original Cast Reunion & Interview with Linda - Rebecca Chambers, Charlie Kraslavsky, Greg Smith & Eric Pirius.


Resident Evil 7 Flops On Mobile; Sells Less Than 2000 iOS Units

Resident Evil 7 has massively flopped by making fewer than 2000 purchases on iOS, with other console mobile ports also performing poorly.

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cthulhucultist71d ago

Well at least there are games like angry birds or clash of clans for mobile gamers :-)

Cacabunga70d ago

Good it flopped.. they must have realized that the target audience is totally different

ABizzel170d ago

This is a win for gaming even if it’s not an ideal experience on iPhone yet:

1. It’s a huge step forward for mobile gaming showing in the next 2 - 4 years this will be a solid 720p@30fps experience for AA / AAA PS4-PS5 quality games on a device we carry with us everywhere.

2. It’s a huge step forward for Apple gaming in general which has been underwhelming for years running NATIVELY and flawlessly on any M2 / M3 / M4 iPad and MacBook. At worst 900p@60fps Medium-High Settings + Metal on the M2 iPad, 1440p@60 - 80fps Max settings on the M3 Pro Max which is equivalent to a RTX 4060 / RX 6700XT, so slightly above console settings…..but in a $3000 - $4000 laptop (Apple and they’re ridiculous prices).

3. But most important for all of us, it shows what the future of mobile platforms like the Switch 2 will be capable of and ports like RE7, RE Village, and RE4 Remake should be lined up for the Switch 2, optimized even more for mobile PC like SteamDeck / ROG, and eventually Android based platforms.

OtterX71d ago

Who the hell would want to play this on a phone?

ABizzel170d ago

The iPhone version won’t be good for another 2 years (iPhone 18) or so when they have their next fabrication node (2nm), so they can hopefully improve the CPU cores (AA/AAA games will need 3 or 4 performance cores instead of 2), add 2 more GPU cores, and improve memory bandwidth with LPDDR6.

Then it should be a stable 720p - 900p resolution, @ locked 30fps, Medium-High Settings, with better Type-C out for larger displays.

KwietStorm_BLM71d ago

Apple users ain't gamers. I don't know whether this push with "metal" was just to say they did it and it's possible to run modern games, or if Capcom just said hey more units is better, but either way this shouldn't be all that surprising.

ChasterMies71d ago

You say that but everyime I’m waiting for one of my kids’ events to start, I see an audience full of kids playing games on phones. No Nintendos. Just phones. Lots of Minecraft. Lots of Clash of Clans style games.

jwillj2k470d ago

Roblox as well. Gigantic mega platform. Kids can’t get enough of it. Sony/Nintendo would be wise to integrate more with their platform as kids get older.

KwietStorm_BLM70d ago

Playing clash of clans doesn't make you a *gamer.* Most mobile games are designed to literally be time wasters and money pits. They're for casuals who don't actually have a gaming platform. Kids on phones today is just a symptom of the modern era. Doesn't mean gaming is what they're really into, as proven by those sales numbers.

Goodguy0171d ago (Edited 71d ago )

Mobile gamers only want simple games and gachas. Nobody wants to pay up front for a mobile game, you have to hide it behind micro transactions lol.

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Resident Evil Fan Film Adapts Iconic "Itchy Tasty" Diary

A fan-made Resident Evil short film has been released, and it tells the story of one of the original game's most terrifying and iconic diary entries.

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TiredGamer86d ago

Fantastic homage to a memorable part of the original. The authenticity to the source material is outstanding and blows away all of the pathetic Hollywood adaptations that we've had to endure as fans. The addition of Chris Redfield's original actor AND (separate) voice actor is fantastic! Heck, even the CGI was pretty good given the total budget of $55k to make this.

Babadook785d ago (Edited 85d ago )

Yeah this seemed so much more like cannon to me. I’d watch more of it if / when it’s available.