
ADR1FT cancelled for Xbox One

Space exploration game is no longer coming to Microsoft's console

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KiwiViper852804d ago

Most likely the poor sales on pc and ps4 mean there's no more money to keep funding the development for Xbox one. They also cancelled the PSVR version.

darthv722804d ago

didn't even know it was for xb1. I thought it was PCVR / PSVR game.

christocolus2804d ago


You are right.

The PSVR version is on hiatus... the devs also told fans to beg the publisher for PSVR support.


and the reviews weren't great either


2804d ago Replies(1)
2804d ago
BABY-JEDI2804d ago

PSVR Support please, I still haven't thrown up playing a PSVR game so here's hoping this will do the trick 😝Only kidding. You can do it 😉

2804d ago

505 Games has removed the Denuvo anti-tamper tech from ADR1FT

Now here is a pleasant surprise. Three One Zero and 505 Games have announced that they have removed the Denuvo anti-tamper tech from their Unreal Engine-powered first-pers on adventure game, ADR1FT.

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Atomicjuicer2504d ago

Whatever about Denuvo, this is an under-rated game.


VR Gaming’s Real Problem Isn’t Price; It’s Diversity

New Normative takes a look at the diversity concerns facing VR gaming, and how inclusiveness can be achieved without hampering design.

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garyanderson2880d ago

I dunno, cost is a big deal! But I can still see the concerns the author has.

PeaSFor2880d ago

"a dark-skinned, Asian player may feel less immersed in the world seeing that the the player character, despite being a no-named blank canvas with which they’re meant to ‘project’ upon, has white hands. And what about female gamers, where the character is addressed by others in the game with male descriptors (dude, guy, man, etc.)? This only results in them feeling ‘hey, this game was not designed with me in mind"

garbage material, dont click on that trash.

gangsta_red2880d ago

Looking at the pic above...VR seems pretty diverse to me.

Aenea2880d ago

What the heck just happened? I clicked agree on a gangsta_red post!


ecchiless2880d ago

Is the end of the world(?)

OC_MurphysLaw2880d ago (Edited 2880d ago )

FPS games have dealt with this same issue for many many years and guess what....its not really as big an issue as this article would lead you to believe.

The actual big issue for VR right now is the media hype has slowed a ton.... It's still the buzz word right now in gaming but its not nearly on the level it was pre-Oculus launch. Is it running out of steam or just coming back to reality? Likely a bit of both but more just coming back to reality as in, many are starting to look at this as not a viable primary way to game.

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Adr1ft Review - The Video Games

Scott from TVG writes "As a kid you likely grew up wanting to be an astronaut, the adventure and allure of walking in space is a temptation of imagination that is hard to resist and very few get to experience that in real life. Thankfully we can all be thankful of video games and developers with exceptional skills bringing …"

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