
Silence PS4 Review | Console Obsession

Console Obsession says: "A very long overdue sequel to the 1998 PC game The Whispered World, the first thing that captured my interest when I first started playing Silence was the stunningly beautiful graphics, especially that of the environments. I've described other games as being paintings that have come to life, though that statement is no more truer than it is here. The painting style compliments the games fantasy elements very well, sweeping brush strokes and a mishmash of tonal colours setting the overall mood of the game. From the outset, it gives you an idea of what to expect just from the incredible artwork alone; a game set in a fantasy land should have visuals that are a far cry from reality and this is one area that Silence excels at. But any avid gamer will tell you that good graphics in a game is only a bonus, and that it is all about the gameplay; it’s one thing to have a beautiful fantasy landscape, but it’s nothing if you can’t immerse the player in it and give them the interaction to explore it, so how does Silence fair?"

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Humble Daedalic 15th Anniversary Mega Game Bundle out now

The Humble Daedalic 15th Anniversary Mega Game Bundle just launched today. It features games like Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, State of Mind, Silence, and more. A percentage goes to support charity.

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Silence is Now on Switch | Garage Band Gamers

The point and click genre is alive and well in Daedalic's ecosystem, and what can be considered their most beautiful game is now able to be played on the go.

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Silence Review - Linear But Engrossing Fairy Tale | COGconnected

COGconnected: Silence's gorgeous visuals, haunting musical score and solid puzzle elements make it a fun and entertaining package that feels right at home on the Switch, despite a linear feel.

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