
Prif MixSonic 1 PS4 review - A topnotch amplified lan ready sound mixer - TGG

The Prif MixSonic 1 delivers what it promises to do, and it´s a rather cheap and travel friendly solution that has a lot to offer.

Simon_the_sorcerer2746d ago

Not bad, I´ll keep that one in mind the next time I visit my local game retail store.

Littil_Devil2746d ago

I´m not sure if the Prif MixSonic 1 is for sale in my town, but Amazon.co.uk sales it.

TGG_overlord2746d ago

Correct, and I bet that there will be a price drop the closer we get to Christmas.

TGG_overlord2746d ago

Sharn (the reviewer) had me know that you won´t regret it =)

Simon_the_sorcerer2746d ago

Hehe, I´m glad to hear it ;) I think that I need to pick up some better headphones while I´m at it as well.

Littil_Devil2746d ago

The price is what makes this product attractive in my eyes.

TGG_overlord2746d ago

Very much so, because you have to pay much more for other similar products.

Simon_the_sorcerer2746d ago

By the looks of the review, one would get a lot of value for his or her money.

Littil_Devil2746d ago

And It appears to be travel friendly, and that´s a huge plus for me at least.

Simon_the_sorcerer2746d ago

@TGG_overlord "Very much so, because you have to pay much more for other similar products."

True that...I´ve seen amplified sound mixers for like +100-200 pounds and more :S

Littil_Devil2746d ago

That´s pretty much the price range that I´ve seen in my local stores...

user816732746d ago

What is this thing actually good for? Is the best one you would recommend at this price range ?


Summer Game Fest 2024 and games conference schedule: All conference dates, times and streams

A schedule for all of the currently announced game conferences in June 2024, including the Summer Game Fest 2024 date and times.

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Lightning7718h ago

For the first time in a long time I have a hard time feeling excited for these events. Maybe it's because of all these massive lay offs and closures there hasn't exactly been good news since the start of the year.

Maybe come next week I'll get a little more excited but I dunno I just can't get too excited right now

thorstein16h ago

Maybe it will be an indie showcase.

Cacabunga11h ago

Cancelling e3 and introducing some ridiculous events..
Times have changed.. to the worse

Lightning7710h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Back then it was very exciting, great looking trailers, on stage live gameplay where yes things can and have went wrong but that's how we knew it was a real games being played instead of curated footage extra doctored up that didn't even represent the actual game half the time. Games would release 6 months to a year max not 3 years later.

I miss past E3's even the goofiness like Giant enemy crab or Riiiidge Raceeer. Xbox and Kinect glitching Nintendo's craziness. Again it was real, these days there so protective, clean, doctored sets, where nothing can absolutely go wrong. Too strict and professional with heavy PR babble with buzzwords that mean nothing. Being professional is not bad but when it's fake and corporate heavy where you're made to buy into the words rather than the game, that's how you know it's not real.

Now SFG is just sizzle reeling all the games at once. Plus past SGF events haven't been that great either. Maybe that's not Geoffs fault but the pubs and devs are simply never ready to show anything and have to wait. This gen we've been waiting and waiting for these games.

Plus lay offs as I Mentioned. I dunno Geoff needs to do what made E3 great back then, get funding support and do live stage gameplay he has the support and so why not? Pubs and devs need to do their own thing at the event again. No more doctored bull crap with PR diarrhea trying to sell the game show us with a controller in your hand instead of making empty promises.

Rant over.

Cacabunga10h ago(Edited 10h ago)


I will never forget the pre-e3 one year where Kojima was teasing MGS Rising.. and Peace Walker.

Such an incredible period where studios enjoyed what they were doing and teasing their work weeks before the event.

Nowadays is half baked games, cross gen titles, useless mid gen upgrades. There is no hype anymore.
Last great show I remember is the PS EXPERIENCE maybe 3 or 4 years ago in December

gleepot9h ago

Maybe it's because Keighley sucks and never puts on good showcases.

Lightning778h ago

They aren't geoffs games he's not makin it. Though you're half right, he has the stage and events and controls the pace, how the games are shown and presented. If I was him I would have devs have real gameplay with a stage like how E3 used to be.

No more of this curated pre done footage that we've had in the past 4 years.

Actually before that they've been doing that format for awhile. Cyber Punk being the biggest culprit of that format because you can easily deceive and lie to ppl.

Yeah Geoff is half to blame

isarai13h ago

Is it just me or is there little to no buzz or marketing leading up to this compared to previous SGF?

monkey6029h ago

Because they've been consistently boring for the last couple of years. Hard to get worked up for it now

bRuud8310h ago

Where is Sony? Still no news about the next Playstation showcase.

VR210h ago

It'll be June sometimes no doubt, I'm guessing the Saturday 10th the day after Xbox showcase or maybe sometime the following week

Lightning778h ago

Hopefully early next week at this point they are signed to SGF so they'll be there.

I also said in another post it's rumored to be a State Of Play now. The only AAA's I can see being announced now is Ghost 2 and Bends New game.

I can't see Santa Monica's New IP or ND New IP being announced. I can see GG being there announcing leggo Horizon, Zero Dawn remake or remaster, maybe the LS horizon game.

Skuletor7h ago

After the way they rudely hurried people off the stage at The Game Awards, I won't bother watching any of the streams for this. I'll just checkout out a few game trailers on Youtube after they're uploaded there.


Boosteroid Plans On Adding More AAAA Titles Exclusively To The Service

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Relientk772d ago

So they're adding Skull and Bones to their service? That doesn't seem exciting at all lol.


The DevGAMM conference is returning to Lisbon (Portugal) on November 14th, 2024

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