
EA are committed to Titanfall, "whatever the f*** that means" says Respawn head

Quote: Zampella is then asked how he felt about Titanfall 2 releasing a week after EA's WW1 shooter, Battlefield 1. "If the question was, 'Would I rather have this window to myself?' Well, of course," he says. "I'm not foolish. I'm not foolish that way, anyway. In other ways, probably."

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Paytaa2807d ago

Respawn deserves so much better. After most of them changed the game back in 2007 with CoD 4, you'd think they'd be treated with a bit more respect and care.

You cannot pit a 2 year old IP versus two of the biggest in gaming with CoD and BF. A Q1 release would have faired much better for Titanfall 2.

Hopefully they part ways with EA and find a publisher who does them right.

Soc52807d ago

Shouldn't sign deals with the devil no matter how tempting, it always comes back to bite you in the zampanella

windblowsagain2807d ago

I don't think it's because of the age of the I.P.

Titanfall is never going to become a juggernaut.

It'll sell a couple of mill no doubt.

Automatic792807d ago

An August or September release would have been better for Titanfall 2. Look at how Destiny did for example.

kevnb2807d ago

I would go so far as saying they changed the game starting with MOHAA.

2807d ago
DA_SHREDDER2807d ago (Edited 2807d ago )

I don't agree, I've played all three games and titanfall is a better game, I don't know why the hell people only play Battlefield and cod?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2807d ago
Relientk772808d ago

If you were committed to Titanfall then you wouldn't have chosen the suicidal release window that you did between Battlefield and Call of Duty. Way to go EA

spicelicka2808d ago

EA's financial year end is March 31st, it would make sense if it was Dec 31st in which case they would need big sales before that. But March 31st? They could've waited till Feb. Perhaps Mass effect Andromeda releasing in March is going to be taking most of the budget.

BlackWolf122807d ago

End of fin year is end of June.

2807d ago
frostypants2807d ago (Edited 2807d ago )

@BlackWolf12, close. EA's fiscal year ends on March 31st. Q1 of 2017 for them was April-June of this year.

_-EDMIX-_2807d ago

But EA didn't create Titanfall , I'm sorry but you have to worry about a game that is holding its entire success based on when other games release.

It essentially means they're trying to bank their success based on runoff from Call of Duty or leftovers from other games that alone tells me they don't have strong confidence that they could sell the game based on its own Merit.

They're basically trying to hold the entire success of their game on impulse buys.....

That just doesn't sound like a sound plan and it sounds like it's an excuse for underperforming , I just never saw this game coming close to Call of Duty numbers or anything like that.

There have been plenty of shooters that released before or after a Call of Duty that I've never received sales even remotely near Call of Duty to have such an excuse even make sense.

Look at the sales from Doom, Doom has guns in it , it released in a time frame with no Call of Duty how come that doesn't have Call of Duty sales?

BrettAwesome2807d ago

Doom did very well sales wise! Have you played Titanfall 2? It really is a great game. It does deserve better.

Paytaa2807d ago

I think the problem is that Titanfall is a relatively new IP and it's being sandwiched by two of the biggest in gaming that have been around for 13+ years.

The thing with your Doom argument is that Doom is a part of a franchise that is known for puting FPS games on the market and into the mainstream. It has seen success critically and commercially for years therefore it already has a pre-set fanbase.

Games like Battlefield, Halo, Doom, and or other well known shooters have been in the game for a while and at the same time getting great success in terms of sales. Titanfall did pretty well on Xbox One the first outing but it released when not many games were out for 8th gen and in March of 2014 where the market is pretty dry of blockbusters.

If your average Joe can only buy one FPS this season he has to choose between Infinite Warfare, BF1, and Titanfall 2. Two are well established and you know what you're getting for the most part and the other is a fairly new experience that doesn't have nearly the same amount of exposure.

Titanfall 2 should have been given a Q1 2017 release window to have room to breathe and come out when not many new AAA games hit the market giving it the chance of success it deserves.

It'll probably do well in the long run hopefully, but screw EA for the stupid launch date when they knew the two biggest games this year were releasing within a week of Titanfall 2.

_-EDMIX-_2807d ago

So my statement is very simple if it's a good game exactly why that relying on the sales of another game based on a single month? It should be good enough to continue to sell long after release.

I understand that there's definitely a difference in sales...

It shouldn't be determining the success or failure of the game because it means that game wasn't even good enough to carry its own long-term.

Call of Duty and Battlefield 4 were once new intellectual properties as well, Call of Duty releasing around Medal of Honor was not determining its success or failure. Call of Duty being better determine its success.

I'm sorry but even for argument sake if we say that they would do better if they released away from Call of Duty something is disturbing that the team is even relying on its entire 6s on impulse buys from Call of Duty fans in the first place.

If Call of Duty fans in one month could determine your game success or failure maybe your game wasn't good enough in their first place and maybe it's too similar to Call of Duty 2 actually successfully compete. I'm sorry but I just don't believe it desperately trying to mooch off of game sales of other games even ironically from the team that originally created Call of Duty.

Destiny was a new intellectual property and it went on to do really great numbers the division was a new intellectual property as well so was OverWatch.

Don't be worried about Titanfall 2 releasing next Call of Duty be worried that the team is even relying on its entire success based on runoff sales in the first place.

I personally do not think that there is just one installed base of shooters that will purchase anything with a gun..

If that was the case every game that released that was even similar to Call of Duty would be matching its sales every month a Call of Duty didn't release...

I think this team needs to go back to the drawing board and spend more time on a more substantial single-player, I also think they need to work on setting themselves apart.

Nothing could stop me from purchasing Red Dead Redemption 2 when it releases... I don't care if three of my other favorite intellectual properties were releasing that same month I would simply buy all 4.

And if I couldn't buy all 4 I would simply by Red Dead and then buy the remaining in the next several months my point is if the game was good enough it's going to receive the remainder of its sales in the next coming months there's nothing that's stopping anyone from purchasing this game after release.

Am I missing something here? Did titanfall to stop being on sale after Call of Duty released? Because if the game is truly good Call of Duty fans should have no problem entertaining purchasing it after the next several months simply because Titanfall 2 still exist as a game.

That being said if I want Red Dead Redemption 2 next year nothing is stopping me from purchasing it even if one of my favorite intellectual properties release that exact same month it doesn't mean I'm never going to own Red Dead Redemption 2 for life as if this month I could only purchase that one game for life and anytime after that I'm banned from purchasing it lol

Some of the best games ever sold we're not sold simply based on a few months based on the release of another game ..

_-EDMIX-_2807d ago

@brett- weather I played Titanfall 2 or not is actually irrelevant. I still plan to purchase it but I don't understand the relevance of your question in regards to my original post...

Please stop asking irrelevant questions , my post it's simply about the sales of the game it has nothing to do with personally how I feel about it.

Gazondaily2807d ago (Edited 2807d ago )


"So my statement is very simple if it's a good game exactly why that relying on the sales of another game based on a single month? It should be good enough to continue to sell long after release. "

It is a good game. The reviews and consumer reception confirm that. What exactly is the point you're trying to make?

You've previously just called this Cod with mechs. You obviously don't have a clue aboutique this game or its obvious quality.

"I think this team needs to go back to the drawing board and spend more time on a more substantial single-player, I also think they need to work on setting themselves apart. "

Go back to the drawing board? Cod shamelessly rips off the mechanics from this game and then incorporates them in an inferior fashion into their games that are critically worse rated?

"@brett- weather I played Titanfall 2 or not is actually irrelevant."

You're here talking about the devs going back to the drawing board and referring their design in the game as reasons for its failure and now you're saying you having not played it and therefore not being aware of any it's strengths and weaknesses is not relevant??

Are you honestly ever correct about anything? This is almost as weak as the poor arguments you out in favour of DLC content

BlackWolf122807d ago

It doesn't matter who develops a game if that developer has signed an agreement with a publisher. EA would have controlled the release window.

_-EDMIX-_2807d ago (Edited 2807d ago )

@sep- "It is a good game."

I said good enough.

Where did you hear me say it was a bad game? Can you guys at least for a little bit recognize that what I'm saying has nothing to do with the game personally it has everything to do with the actual sales of the game, I'm not commenting on my personal opinion of the game, I'm not saying the game is a bad game, I'm saying the game is not good enough to Warrant those type of sales.

Based on your response I'm not even sure you understand my point is simply based on the sales I still plan to purchase the game.

That's nice that the game got great reviews and great scores what's your point? Where on Earth did you ever hear me dispute that? In fact when did you ever hear me even bring that up?

Did you miss the entire point where I said I'm still purchasing the game? I purchased Gravity Rush remastered as well that game didn't outsell call of.duty do I suddenly hate that game too?

Help me understand your relevance to personally liking the game to the actual sales of the game because I've made my comments extremely clear that they have nothing to do with personally how the game is received.

Yes the game was received well I've made note of that several times clearly it was not received well enough to outsell Call of Duty.

I'm not even sure if I could say that game did well enough to even warrant selling half of Call of Duty sales that's not me saying it's a bad game, I still plan to purchase it it's simply saying the reality of the situation.

"You're here talking about the devs going back to the drawing board and referring their design in the game as reasons for its failure"

When did I say it failed? My comments regarding them going back to the drawing board on the single player simply has to do with making the game more separate from Call of Duty if they're still relying on the sales of Call of Duty's install base to carry them in the first place.

If anything I would say they need to expand on the idea that they've already started with and make it something more substantial because they only had about two years to work on that single player and I think they could do a better job longer and something more substantial.

I'm sorry but like always I think you're exaggerating my comments regarding the game I don't really know how many times I need to tell you guys that I still plan to purchase the game.

The fact of the matter is is that didn't sell Call of Duty, your whining is not going to make it out sell Call of Duty the fact that it was even relying on runoff sales tells me it was never going to be that successful in comparison to Call of Duty.

Not that it's not a good game simply in comparison to Call of Duty its sales are not going to match it...

That excuse doesn't work on me I purchase Battlefield 1 and I'm still purchasing Titanfall 2....

Soooooo no. The entire games success could not have been hinged on releasing around Call of Duty to get Leach sales that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard because games continue to sell long after their release date.

Is Titanfall 2 is not meeting their expectations I'm sorry but Call of Duty is not to blame. For some sales sure I understand to a degree but not the entire success of the game

Also how you feel about me is irrelevant. I'm not entirely sure why you can't keep your feelings under control. Lol stay on topic bud.

andrewsquall2807d ago

Reminds me of this hilarious Mega64 video where they take the piss out of everybody who was terrified of going up against Modern Warfare 2 in 2009 and delayed all their games like idiots.


Borderlands sold 3 million units in the same year because they had balls to release it. People actually wanting the game obviously helped too.

2807d ago
Name Last Name2807d ago (Edited 2807d ago )


You say that people can just buy the game in the future if they don't have money now and I agree with that but you can't expect every person to keep the same level of interest forever. For many reasons (consumerism) some people just enjoy games when they're brand new and if they don't have the money when they release then they never get them. Its also bad for developers if people buy later because prices go down and they earn less profit, possibly afecting future releases.

_-EDMIX-_2807d ago

@Name Last Name - lol love the name.

Something is definitely wrong if consumers feel that their interest can't be held to a game like this past its release date I think that speaks volumes to the actual game itself.

Call of Duty doesn't just move 20 million units and one month it actually continues to sell a couple months after its release, I stand by my statement that Titanfall 2 should not have to be catering and hinging their entire sales on runoff from Call of Duty because it means that they don't even feel their game has enough interest to carry itself long term.

So you're correct there are some people that want to purchase it brand new around the time of the excitement and the hype but are those really the fans that they should be trying to seek in the first place? Impulse buyers?

Like I stated above multiple times if for whatever reason I couldn't purchase Red Dead Redemption 2 upon release that doesn't mean I won't own it forever it simply means I couldn't purchase it upon release , if somebody really wants a game badly no amount of time after its release is going to stop them and I just don't see that as a viable excuse.

Well I wasn't expecting Titanfall 2 to be anything like BioShock over this generation the reality is if a game indeed released that was worthy of such a title it would continue to sell long after its release as most titles continue to do if they are successful in the first place.

Like I said multiple times I understand that they lost some sales releasing against Call of Duty but I actually do not believe that should be determining their entire success or failure because it simply means they were already releasing this game on a house of cards to be determining their entire success on runoff sales of COD.

If Call of Duty could stop your game from being successful in the long run you might want to question the quality of your game. Multiple first person shooters this generation have shown they could be successful regardless of when they release.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2807d ago
Spike20XX2807d ago

not entirely EA's fault as gamers still buy the crap that is COD over the brilliant game that's made by the guys that made COD relevant.

andrewsquall2807d ago

The game will be still on the shelves in Q1 next year. Why would it sell more had it NOT been released before then. If people don't care about Titanfall 2, then they don't care.

I'm glad Gearbox didn't give a crap what anybody with your attitude said about Borderlands in 2009 when it went up against none other than Modern Warfare 2. It went on to sell 3 millions units before the year was out and was a massive success all because they had faith in their product and this WAS a new IP at the time too.

C-H-E-F2807d ago

Exactly this is the point here. They have Titanfall Mountain Dew cans. I'm not sure if you all saw this, but they have advertisement just as big as BF1 actually I see more Titanfall 2 advertisement than I do see BF1 ads. At the end of the day it's consumer preference. Doesn't matter when it was released especially with it being a futuristic shooter that at a glance looks just like COD IW you'd be quick to call it a clone if you're a consumer without knowledge of who actually made the game. Granted the game is really good, really well made and everything, but for those who aren't up on the latest games and the developers that make what games one will tend to "stick to what they know best." I bought all 3 franchises, because They all had something I wanted. However some people can only afford one, and 9/10 will buy the game that their friend has bought as well. The game will still be out next year and the year after that. They have marketing backing as much as BF1 even if they released in february or march i don't think the story would be much different.This is also the devs fault for the exclusivity deal limiting the games exposure to Xbox only. Now they have this tacky 2 behind the name of the game "Titanfall 2" which will make customers say woah wait there's 2 of them? why didn't I hear of the first one, gets the game looks at it briefly oh it's a COD rip off and puts it back on the shelf. They made this hole for themselves. TBH.

2807d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2807d ago
2808d ago Replies(2)
Sciurus_vulgaris2808d ago

Looks like Respawns and EAs partnership is done. Goodluck to Respawn in finding a better publishing partner.

fenome2807d ago

Publisher of the year!


XXanderXX2807d ago

Who , Activision is a no , Bethesda everyone moans about their games , Ubisoft shows off game that look different than shown , T2 not their type of game.

WeAreLegion2807d ago

Microsoft and Sony wouldn't mind having Respawn around. I guarantee it.

Xzviur_Azai2807d ago

They could go towards Guerilla style tactics -

Killzone Evolved baby.

C-H-E-F2807d ago

So many games has stolen from Killzone it's insane, yet they don't get any credit in the FPS genre and by far is my favorite FPS series. Always has quality and great stories. So many guns in these "future shooters" are literally Killzone gun clones lOl.

ShadowWolf7122807d ago

Not likely. Respawn's got a Star Wars game slated yet.

XXanderXX2807d ago (Edited 2807d ago )

Not if they leave EA , they never get to make that game .
Due to EA having and be the only one allowed to make licensed Star war games .

The_KELRaTH2807d ago

In the digital only world EA, Activision etc are no longer a requirement. Who needs a publisher when you can publish direct to Steam, PSN, Xbx
The release timing was from a pack of morons - an early December release would make more sense if you're aiming for the Xmas pressie market (bundled with Xmas characters and Xmas styled map overlays etc).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2807d ago
fenome2807d ago

EA also chose to cut a deal with Microsoft for exclusivity on the first game behind his back and then chose this release date for the sequel... I can understand his frustration. It's hard to gain a following behind so many bullshit constrictions.

_-EDMIX-_2807d ago

I'm not sure how much that is going to do to the end product at the end of the day people still buy games they believe are fun.

Do you think a game that is going to be a massive success is going to owe all their entire success based on releasing before or after Call of Duty?


I'm sorry but at some point they still actually need to release a good game to Warrant a sales Call of Duty is not stopping anyone from purchasing Titanfall 2 if they really wanted it but they not just purchase it the next month? If Call of Duty stop someone from buying Titanfall 2 it's clear they didn't even want Titanfall 2 enough in the first place.

Buddy this is a completely stupid plan to have a successful game because it's essentially relying on the release date of another game through the process of elimination to be successful and that really isn't a reason why the majority of people purchase games

Are you seriously telling me you yourself purchased games not because you like them but because a Call of Duty or Battlefield is not releasing? As if to suggest you're willing to buy anything with a gun in front of it in absence of a Call of Duty? If that's the case is there a reason why no other first-person shooters are even getting the type of sales of Call of Duty that release outside the release date of a Call of Duty?

I'm sorry but you people with this release date crap sounds like you're exaggerating to a ridiculous degree sales this game was going to get outside of the month of a Call of Duty releasing , I understand that sales definitely would Factor but not so much to the point of determining the game's entire success, it tells me the game wasn't even good enough to hold its own in the first place.

The performance of Titanfall 2 overall still has everything to do with the developer behind it, yes to a degree they definitely lost some sales by releasing before a Call of Duty but I do not believe it's going to determine the games overall success because people are either going to buy the game or they're not if they're willing to not buy it simply because of Call of Duty, it is very clear they never wanted it in the first place if they had no intentions of even purchasing it after the fact, it's basically saying someone bought Call of Duty and decided they weren't going to purchase Titanfall 2 for the rest of their lives that's what that's actually saying....

If Titanfall 2 was so good nothing would actually stop consumers from Simply purchasing it after they purchased Call of Duty , the game still for sale right now it doesn't just disappear on the face of the planet simply because its release date is past.

DefenderOfDoom22807d ago

Reply to Edmix , you are right , a game with a single player campaign never gets to old to purchase . I still have not played FAR CRY 4 , ALIEN ISOLATION and a bunch of other video games for 8th gen consoles . So basically what i am saying is ,TITANFALL 2 is competing with every game that has come out in the last 3 years and beyond.

BrettAwesome2807d ago

It IS that good. 90 on metacritic and two (or three?) Goty award nominations are a pretty f#@$ing solid indication of a decent game, don't you think? But anyway...it's so cool and awesome that you have your own opinion. Oh btw. Did you actually play the game?

_-EDMIX-_2807d ago (Edited 2807d ago )

@defender- we'll have to see.

@brett- apparently you're not really able to understand comprehension, my comments regarding it not being "good enough" have everything to do with its not good enough to warrant specific sales, it has really has nothing to do with personally how the game actually is to me.

I like lots of games that are not out selling Call of Duty. .

I actually still plan to purchase Titanfall 2 , that doesn't mean that I believe Titanfall 2 is going to out sell Call of Duty

Did you seriously just think that me personally playing or liking Titanfall 2 would somehow mean it's sales potentially could beat Call of Duty? How was that actually relevant? Lol

My comment is only referring to the actual sales itself.

Mind you I think someone might have to be absolutely insane to give this game a game of the year nomination especially with the Heavy Hitters that just released this year.

That's not even saying it's a bad game I still plan to play it but I'm not so delusional that I would be handing it a game of the year award in comparison to everything that's releasing, I've heard good things yes but nothing like game of the year that's a bit overboard and exaggerated.

conanlifts2807d ago

Titanfall 2 is one of the best shooters in years. The single player is amazing and multiplayer very solid. It would be a shame if it didn't shift large numbers. I definitely recommend giving it a try if you like any shooter. Pretty sure you will be impressed, particularly with the campain.
I do think the last line of your comment makes sense and wonder if it will sell well leading up to xmas as people look for a new game as a gift etc.

BrettAwesome2807d ago

"Understand comprehension"? LOL. It's because your writing is totally incomprehensible. It's, objectively a good game. When everybody (except for you) can agree that it's a good game (90 on meta equals good. True story right there) then it becomes OBJECTIVELY good. No, that fact wouldn't change if you played it, but then you'd actually know what you're talking about, you pretentious Pachter wannabe.

_-EDMIX-_2807d ago

@brett- I'm questioning your comprehension because you keep saying that I'm saying the game is not good when I'm simply saying it's not good "enough" to warrant out selling something like Call of Duty.

I never said the game was not good in general as in it's my personal opinion it's a bad game that was actually never stated by me.

That's what I mean in regards to your comprehension being a bit off because you're actually misrepresenting what's being stated.

"When everybody (except for you) can agree that it's a good game "

Where did you hear me say it was a bad game personally? Are you still not fully understanding that my comment is simply in regards to outselling Call of Duty? Are you seriously not even reading that I'm telling you I'm purchasing the game? Lol

"it has really has nothing to do with personally how the game actually is to me.

I like lots of games that are not out selling Call of Duty. .

I actually still plan to purchase Titanfall 2 , that doesn't mean that I believe Titanfall 2 is going to out sell Call of Duty ". Sooooo nowhere do I say I don't like the game. You're exaggerating and literally making things up.

@sd11- agreed, I definitely think it can pick up traction during the holidays. They have lots of ways to continue to Market Titanfall 2 long term especially considering it's going to be getting downloadable content for free in the future so I see lots of opportunities to continue to Market excitement for this title. I think series fatigue with titles like Call of Duty will likely start to show that consumers might be interested in something different.

I think in the long run Titanfall will do just fine with more installments and becoming more of a brand name.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2807d ago
Hedstrom2807d ago

EDMIX: One analyst wrote down the expected sales for Titanfall 2 from 9 million to 5 million when date of release was announced. Sure a good game will still sell, and Titanfall willl still sell, but it has lost millions of potential players because of its release date.

The reason to why EA did this is a mystery. I would guess that they were unsure how people would react to BF1, and wanted something to put up against COD if that was the case. When BF1 becomes a huge success, Respawn gets thrown under the buss. Kinda ironic that this years Cod special edition is the highest selling special edition of Cod through history, and its all because of Zampellas old game renastered, COD 4 Modern warfare.

conanlifts2807d ago

My understanding was ms part funded the game as EA thought publishing an online only game was risky at the time. So they part funded it for exclusivity.

fenome2807d ago

Oh, I didn't realize that, I just remember zampella acting surprised when he heard it was an exclusive. That makes sense if that's what the deal was

fenome2806d ago (Edited 2806d ago )


Calm down "buddy". Lmao

Gtfo if you don't think this will affect initial sales, which mean big things to the suits upstairs. They don't care about 6 months down the road or over a games lifespan, they wanna see those numbers out the gate.

Personally I'm neutral in all of this, I don't play COD, Battlefield or this, I'm just tellin' it like it is.

Feel free to throw in like 5 more paragraphs about how right you are for the hell of it though, if that's what you're into buddy :)

Plus, the reception of this title was very successful, both from critics and users alike.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2806d ago
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gold_drake11h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣

phoenixwing5m ago

@zeek that's right it's as good or better than a pokemon game but they didn't have access to pokemon game money. So it's more of a stain on pokemon company to be in the same ballpark as them


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