
PS4 Update 4.06 Now Out

In case you don't have your PlayStation 4 set to download patches automatically, you might want to turn your console on, as PS4 update 4.06 has now been rolled out by Sony.

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2867d ago Replies(2)
343_Guilty_Spark2867d ago

Does it fix the black screen for PS4P. I can't play unless I'm using 1.4a HDMI mode...

Sparta072867d ago

Please we know you don't have a PRO 😏....
No black screen with my PRO and 4K tv.

343_Guilty_Spark2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

I do own a Pro..I bought one from Target the other day. Took my PS4 slim back.

I had to do the safe mode thing too. I'm okay for now. Thaanks!

Davidgr22867d ago

It seems you have a new 4k TV. Older 4k models do give you a black screen. It happened to me, but ran my Pro on Safe Mode and chose 2160p YUV instead of automatic and it worked. PS4 Pro is freaking awesome

RedDevils2867d ago

People like sparta07 will not like to hear when someone say something bad about his belove console, even it the truth they would still assume you're making BS up.

gigoran2867d ago

the hdmi 4k issue is a thing knowitall

LightofDarkness2866d ago (Edited 2866d ago )

I have a 2016 4K OLED and I have a black screen. Thousands of others do too, even some on Sony TVs. Just because it's not happening to you doesn't mean it's not happening, stop being an ignorant child and let people who need to voice their concerns and issues do just that, without diluting the conversation with your fanboy delusions.

No, this update does not address the issue at all. Sickening stuff.

EDIT: This issue apparently lies with TV manufacturers more than Sony. LG are releasing a firmware update at the end of the month to resolve this issue for their customers. I'm satisfied. Besides, HDR gaming works fine with HDCP 1.4, the issue lies with any other apps depending on HDCP 2.2 (Netflix, Youtube, Twitch etc.).

C-H-E-F2866d ago

People like you are embarrassing to the gaming community. Because he had an issue with the PS4 and 4kTv doesn't mean he don't own it. I had the very same issue with the PS4 Pro along with plenty of others.I actually wrote up a fix on the Sony Forums: http://community.us.playsta...

I was actually 4.06 fixed the issue because I can't turn my PS4 Pro off completely I have to keep it in stand by mode to boot it up without getting black screen. However, I have to 4ktvs a 55 inch LG and a 65 inch Sony. The Sony works fine of course but the 55 inch LG is my gaming tv the Sony is my Bedroom tv. Both are mid 2016 models. And the issue has to do with what the PS4 Pro is looking for and what the LG tv is sending when it comes to HDR. (they are both coded differently).

So before you accuse someone of not having anything, keep your mouth shut or simply ask them. And the 18 people who agreed with you are idiots as well. Not everyone is a troll.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2866d ago
ShadowKnight2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

It's not going to work unless you own a PS4. You don't own a ps4 pro.

343_Guilty_Spark2867d ago

I have one and works fine. Had to change the display mode.

Xzviur_Azai2867d ago

Maybe if you kept the lighter away...

343_Guilty_Spark2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

It is on. It's an issue affecting Vizio and LG tvs...do a Google search and stop trolling. I asked a simple question.

SirBradders2867d ago

Is your TV hdr, if so change that hdmi to 2.0a. On top of that the 2.0a does 60hz the 1.4 does 30hz. Change that.

Davidgr22867d ago

If you run it on safe mode and choose
2160p YUV420 You should be able to run it HDCP 2.2 I had the same issue but was able to fix it this way. Leave HDCP settings on automatic

MasterCornholio2867d ago

You can shut alot of people up by just providing proof that you own one. Judging by your comment history I can see why many doubt you.

If you don't prove your ownership of the device these reactions to any of your comments where you claim that you own a Pro are just going to continue.

You don't have to do anything crazy. Just provide a non manipulated photo of your system and a simple piece of paper with your user name signed on it. That will prove that you have access to a Pro in some way.

Also why buy a slim shortly before launch and trade it in for a Pro?

Seems a bit weird to me but maybe you have a rational explanation.

343_Guilty_Spark2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

I posted the other day I bought one from Target for $311 using a Target Wish list 10% + 15% registry card + 5% redcard + 2% ebates. What is so hard to understand. I am a gamer not a fanboy. I enjoy Playstation. I enjoy Xbox. They both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Live a little and stop worshipping plastic boxes.

Because I found a better deal...

MasterCornholio2867d ago

I'm only trying to help you. I personally believe that people can stop worshipping certain plastic boxes and can go to loving gaming as a hobby in general.

You have to realize that after so many years of being negative towards PlayStation and especially towards the Pro some people are not going to believe that you've changed.

What none of us want is another Rookie_Monster in N4G. We really don't want to deal with someone who constantly stealth trolls PlayStation and then claims that he isn't biased towards the brand because he owns one. And then his proof of ownership is proven false again and again.

It's not you it's the fact that some people (most of N4G) don't want to deal with someone like that ever again. So it's normal for some people to react that way to your comments where you state that you own a Pro.

MasterCornholio2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

Yep and it's not a manipulated photograph either.

That's enough to stop most people from harassing you.

That wasn't so difficult to do now was it?


Thank you for proving that you own one.

If anyone doubts you just use those pictures to prove that you own one. You did alot more than Rookie ever did.

Anyways congratulations on being able to get one. Hopefully you'll enjoy the many great exclusives that the system has to offer.

I see that you already have Uncharted 4. What other games do you have for the system?

I personally recommend Bloodborne and Ratchett & Clank.

343_Guilty_Spark2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

I have

Until Dawn
Uncharted Collection
God of WAR 3 remastered
Everyone is going to the Rapture
Resident Evil
Gravity Rush
Rachel and Clank

MasterCornholio2867d ago

The Uncharted collection?

I take it this is your first time owning a PlayStation.

If so welcome to the family.

343_Guilty_Spark2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

Ive had every playstation but the vita. My favorite was psone...my room mate broke my ps2...GREAT system...I bought a ps3 phat off craigslist...loaded 3.55 cfw and games but it YLOD...before I cold play UC or TLOU. Didn't like the PS3 library much otherwise. Ps4...just seemed like the right time. A lot of great 1 player games.

I'm 30 so I know all about PS.

darthv722866d ago

@343... "Didn't like the PS3 library much otherwise." this is why you got so many disagrees on this particular comment. I guess you really didnt have time to explore the PS3 library with getting the unit and putting a custom fw on it and then having it YLOD and all.

Should you decide to get a PS3, you would not be disappointed with its library. And considering its the only way to really play PS3 games at your leisure then i suggest you invest in another and this time... try not to use custom fw and stick to the legit path.

Oh, a few games i'd suggest would be the motorstorm series, heavenly sword, the resistance series, infamous 1 & 2... basically games not available to the PS4 or 360.

MasterCornholio2867d ago

Sounds like you have bad luck with PlayStations. Hopefully nothing will happen to your PS4 Pro because it really is a nice system.

It's unfortunate that there's compatibility issues between your TV and your Pro. Hopefully they will get fixed soon.

BizarroUltraman2866d ago

I play mine no problem...no black screen!
Knock on wood...

jojo3192866d ago

Same thing happened to me. Had to switch to 1.4. Using a brand new Sony Bravia X930D. The weird thing is, it didn't happen for the first week I had it.

xBigxBossx2866d ago

Plug your pro into another TV and boot it up in safe mode. Go to HDCP and set to 1.4. Then start your PS4 and to settings then click system. Unselect the HDCP button. Then turn your PS4 off.

Plug your pro into the tv with a black screen. Then turn the HDCP to automatic. Start your PS4 up and it will run. Then go to settings then system. Recheck the box for HDCP. Go to your video settings and check the status. You shouldn't have 4K and HDR.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2866d ago
2867d ago
kevnb2866d ago

it fixes an exploit found by Chinese hackers.

ONESHOTV22866d ago

yeah i came home to this nasty update last night after i bought the pro it too about 5 minutes though not bad lol

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Leaked RDNA 4 features: AMD to catch up in RT - doubled RT intersect engine could come to PS5 Pro

A partially redacted data sheet highlighting the expected ray tracing features coming to RDNA 4 GPUs has been shared by well-known hardware information leaker @Kepler_L2. We expect the features to also be present in the hybrid RDNA 3 + RDNA 4 RT design coming to PS5 Pro when it launches (presumably) later this year or early next year. The leaked data points seem to confirm that advancing ray tracing technology is going to be a major focus of RDNA 4.

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Einhander197263d ago

This will be the actual start to Ray Tracing on consoles, I'm really looking forward to seeing what PSSR is capable of as well.

I can't wait to see what games designed around this can do.

sagapo63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

Don’t hope for anything major imo. RT remains a power consuming feature and I don’t think a pro version will make all that much difference. Higher frames (say 60fps) with RT features as they are now would be a big win if that would be the case. If RT features would be extended, games will probably stick at 30fps like they do now, is that worth a pro upgrade?

Einhander197263d ago (Edited 63d ago )

Zero first, second or major third party console exclusives have lacked a 60 fps mode on PlayStation, 30 fps is an xbox problem.

The GPU alone statistically offers 40% uplift, and with PSSR upscaling games designed around the console should have a significant performance uplift.

And my understanding is that RT has been largely decoupled from the CU's in RDNA 4 so the performance hit from RT should be much less than on current AMD GPUS. And regardless, the huge number of RT cores with the doubled RT intersect engine should be able to power through RT in a way that simply is not possible on current consoles.

fr0sty62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

With a rumored (according to the leaks) 4x performance jump in RT performance (and a 40% boost in overall GPU performance), in addition to the added AI upscaling frame generation tech, the actual RT performance increase should be significant.

sagapo62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

@Frosty; 40% GPU boost you claim. With PS4 pro vs base at the time, that increase basicly doubled so 40% ain’t that big of a deal imo.
4x performance jump with RT (if true) sounds impressive but will we be able to play games in 60fps quality mode then? If not then pro is a waste as most gamers prefer 60fps performance over 30fps quality mode.

Einhander197262d ago (Edited 62d ago )


The PS4 Pro had the same GPU as the PS4, the PS5 Pro is switching from RNDA 2 to a mix of RDNA 3 and 4. The 40% increase is just the CU increase and doesn't include any uplift from the technological improvements AMD has done to RDNA which have been significat.

PS5 Pro is going to be a much bigger improvement than the PS4 Pro was, especially when you take into account the RT improvements..

sagapo62d ago

@Einhander; assuming you are right, answer my question: will the pro do 60fps in quality (RT) modes? Because if not, why bother imo.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 62d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic63d ago

I really hope so, AMD has been pretty far from Nvidia's performance on Ray Tracing, so to see such a huge uplift, with greater performance and efficiency is a big win.

Destiny108063d ago

if astro bot is fully raytraced / 60fps on the pro model, we can start believing the hype

fr0sty62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

No games are fully raytraced as of now, even on PC. All of them utilize a combination of raytraced and rasterized graphics, with ray tracing being used for shadows, reflections, or global illumination in the best cases, but not for the entire rendering process.

Whitey2k63d ago

There's gonna be quite a difference between ps5 and ps5 pro compared to ps4 and ps4 pro

fr0sty62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

agreed, PS4 Pro was only geared at pushing more pixels per frame (and HDR), not making those pixels look better in the process. PS4 Pro didn't offer much as far as increasing the actual quality of the rendering went.

Whitey2k62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

Expecially when ps5 is around 10tflops and ps5 pro rumored to be 30tflops compared to ps4 at 1.84tflops and ps4 pro at 4.2tflops u could pretty much call it a ps6 near enough. Then ps5 pro could be using rdna 3 or say rdna 3.5 because it's rumoured to be using that newly assets of rdna 4 which benefit greatly on resolution and Raytracing even effect etc etc. What would be nice for sony greatly benefit is amd solution of the X3D in its Cpu on cpu bound games

dveio62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

As always:

I can't wait for the specs of the new consoles.

Wether it's NSW2, Xbox Next or PS6.

If Cerny stays the lead architect of the PS6's hardware (which is very likely I guess?), I am VERY excited for Sony's approach.

They've always done something unique noone else did.

And I expect the same for the PS6.

Edit: man, crazy. PS6 (six!) is already near! Time flies.

neutralgamer199262d ago

Ceeny won't be going anywhere I don't think. He and his team have produced back to back amazing consoles

What I want to know is what the price for pro will be since it's much more powerful compared to regular PS5

smashman9862d ago

This might be his last run tho, I hope he has looked into training a protege


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XiNatsuDragnel104d ago

Excited to see this game get published