
Robinson: The Journey Review - STN

STN: Robinson: The Journey is a great game, with plenty of puzzles and some very impressive visual moments. The scale of the dinosaurs is a sight to behold and is one of the features well worth try out the game for. Unfortunately the movement within the game is likely to cause a lot of people to feel quite queasy. If, however, the game doesn't affect you in this way then you are in for a treat.

IamTylerDurden12784d ago (Edited 2784d ago )

Seems to be getting good reviews. I have it, it's an impressive game with free movement, which i love.

Aenea2784d ago (Edited 2784d ago )

You think it's worth €60 ($66)?

Utalkin2me2782d ago

I myself cant play it for more then 5 minutes at a time, i get very queasy and start sweating. This is the only game that has affected me this way. Im going to keep playing and hopefully i will get used to it. But so far it looks great and plays well and im really excited to play it, if my stomach will hold out.

But far as price goes i think 40 bucks would be the perfect price for it. Cause it supposed to be somewhat short. But the experience i see is going to be great.

Aenea2782d ago


Sadly it's €60 around here which I find a little steep. I will wait a bit before buying it. Do have Eagle Flight on the way should be here in a few hours...


Crytek Adds Touch Support to 'Robinson: The Journey'

Robinson: The Journey has just received Vive and Oculus Touch Control Support on PC.

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MrFisher212465d ago

PSVR next please. So odd using a controller for this in VR


Crytek Adds HTC Vive Support to Robinson: The Journey

This is Crytek’s first release for HTC Vive.


CryEngine 5.4.0 Preview Adds Robinson: The Journey Tech

Lifelike vegetation is coming to CryEngine thanks to the studio’s VR experimentations.

nishanth1232522d ago

Nice.. more VR games, the merrier.