
Everyone Needs to Get Up and Move On From No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky and Hello Games are still being pounded with criticism, but it's definitely time to move on.

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UCForce2888d ago

We are moving on. For Sean Murray, he will move on with his guilt and one day he will answer.

Orbilator2887d ago

And I'll always enjoy nms it's my most played game ever

Irishguy952887d ago

Great that you enjoyed it, I think I would have enjoyed it had I not expected it to be more than it was(as Sean on Hello games features that would have added some depth to the endless exploration that simply did not come)

Soc52887d ago (Edited 2887d ago )

Good for you! a lot of people also like solitaire and minesweeper too oh and knitting and counting stars, and that game with the pegs they have at Cracker Barrel where u jump pegs and have to leave only one on the board, ummm staring at the clouds, twiddling their thumbs, whistling, staring pensively out a window, tic tac toe, oh wait that's multiplayer! Not tic tac toe.
Lemme see, counting sheep, yoyo-ing, throwing a ball against the wall.......

raWfodog2887d ago

I still have fun playing it but I haven't put as many hours into it as I have other games.

DragonKnight2886d ago

For some reason I have a hard time believing you Orbilator.

On topic though. Moving on doesn't have to mean forgetting. Hello Games didn't live up to their own advertisement of the game. They priced an incomplete game at the same price as a complete one because they saw that consumers pay full price for games lacking in content. They, unfortunately, were the small dog in the fight this time and are paying the price for the B.S. Triple A devs have been foisting on us for a long time.

They (Hello Games) should never be allowed to have the idea that they got away with this. They should be reminded of this as much as possible so their next attempt is better. Then, and only then, would it be time to truly move on.

rezzah2886d ago

Played it once, never went back.

Orbilator2886d ago

Don't know why the negatives. Surely it's my choice to like it or not it's almost like people are saying no you don't like it. But I do lol

FreeSpeech692886d ago

You aren't much of a gamer if that's true unless you have been playing it 24/7 and dead.

Hotabang2886d ago (Edited 2886d ago )

@orbilator as you can see, people here really love respecting other people's opinions (or in your case, likes and dislikes XD)

nowitzki20042886d ago


lol thx for that one.

2886d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2886d ago
freshslicepizza2887d ago

it looks like most people have moved on, this game has one of the hugest spikes in history of those who stopped playing it in such a quick amount of time. pretty ironic for a game that was advertised as endless amounts of planets to explore.

GrimmyReaper2887d ago

Like many have stated.
As wide as an ocean, but as deep as a puddle.

Goldby2887d ago

Cant really use that because of the amounts of refunds they gave to people who shouldn't have been given the refund

Irishguy952887d ago (Edited 2887d ago )

I'll keep it short, I apologize on the Irish behalf for producing this dismal lying **** of a man Sean Murray. He's just like the politicians that run this country, a great big bunch of wanks

"But we gave you...half of what was promised" :D

I'll never get it, get up and move on? Forgive them for lying to millions of people? What matters is, Hellogames got their money off a bunch of suckers who trusted them. No one should be let off for that. Not gaming, not food, not politics, banking..NO ONE

SephirothX212887d ago

I'm also Irish and a programmer. To compare Sean Murray to the Irish politicians is idiotic. This guy created a game engine in a year that could generate entire planets. That alone is probably a greater achievement than you will ever be able to lay claim to in your entire lifetime. Anyone with any common sense, would know that the game would lack depth considering its scale and the team's tiny size. The game was about experiencing something new. Of course a game of this size will have plenty of short falls. I thought it would have turned out a lot worse. It was an amazing technical achievement and people have themselves to blame for thinking it would be much more than that.

Point out exactly what Sean Murray said was not in the game and how that feature impacted your purchase decision. Point to the exact interviews or other mediums where he communicated these false advertisements.

You can mention the multiplayer issue. Fair enough. But in a universe as large as NMS, few people were likely to come across each other anyway for it to really impact someone's decision to purchase the game.

Orbilator2887d ago

I'm sick of idiots like Irish guy telling me Sean lied to mer the games is rubbish he didn't, and it isn't, the game is everything I expected and wanted from it and I play it every day for hours, don't find it boring or repetitive. And I look forward to updates and new content.
If you don't like a game, fine, don't play it. But stop fu@king trolling the internet endlessly moaning about it. We get you you don't like it and that fine, but millions do like it, they just got better things to do with there life than to have to come on hear and defend it from all you Moany faced bast@rds .

DragonbornZ2887d ago (Edited 2887d ago )

I don't think the game is bad, but the fact of the matter is Sean did lie and mislead and that's the problem people have.

Soc52887d ago

Well at least you have Conor Mcgregor. Conor Mcgregor on Sean Murray: "who da fook is this guy?"

GamingIVfun2886d ago (Edited 2886d ago )


Seans only problem was giving to many interviews during the games development, but on the other hand you can't blame him for wanting people to know about his game. Things change during development of a game, developers never know what's final until the very last few months. In my opinion nearly everything he said would be in the game is in the game just slightly different. another problem is that people judged the game for what they thought it should be based partly on Sean's explanation (not deceiving just not precise enough) of it and what got in their head the game should be.

Games come out all the time that are not exactly like what they were explained to be or shown to be. If it's not to peoples liking, People say it's bad and move along. Console manufacturers are guilty of the same or similar and we still don't see the kind of hate that Sean Murray has received, people literally acting like they want to hang or stone him in the streets. This kind of behavior is just insane, despicable, Hateful, and the ones behaving this way are the ones with the real problem Not Sean Murray or Hello Games. You people with this behavior are the real wart on gaming not Sean Murray and Helo Games.

There are just as many people that think No Man's Sky is a great or good game as there people that thought the game was bad and that Sean Murray Is the worst criminal in gaming history (not talking about people that just didn't care for the game and moved along). the hate mongers totally discount that there are a lot of people that like the game.

bloop2886d ago

Oh sweet jesus don't compare anyone to the corrupt bunch of brainless morons that are trying to run our country. That's the highest insult to any living being!! I'm so proud to be Irish but so embarrassed at the same time. Even with all his lies I think I'd take Séan Murray as taoiseach over Enda Kenny any day .

sagapo2886d ago

@ SephirothX21: Sean used a generating formula for that engine from Belgian developpers. He just poured it into a game, a game that did not deliver at all!

Irishguy952886d ago

No Seph, I will not, 'again' its well documented what he lied about

Irishguy952886d ago

But https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Heres some of them. Factions, friends, 'orbitting planets'(There is no orbitting. Just a skybox with a star), on their website it states you can visit every star. You cannot. You cannot get near the stars. Only to their local skybox and sandbox of planets...well, thats enough major features for me. But check out the vid nonetheless. Theres some meh lies that are clearly subjective, but some huge major ones are not.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2886d ago
Corpser2887d ago

Sean Murray needs to answer a lot of questions and he's not saying a word, no we are not moving on from this disaster

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2886d ago
jwillj2k42888d ago

that image is the face of a troll

NXSwitch2887d ago

No we will not move on! Gamers have voiced up saying we won't take anymore of the BS lies that is what NMS represents for future games & that all Dev's need to wake up as we won't take it anymore!

Orbilator2887d ago

Stop buying cod and Fifa then you sheep

CrimzonRazor2886d ago

Your just a idiot who likes to jump on the bandwagon so you can feel cool

wtchytbe2886d ago

I hope SONY learned not to overhype games.

nicsaysdie2886d ago

Sony didn't overhyped anything. Sean Murray and hello games are the only people responsible for the information given prior to its release. All Sony did was make a commercial stating that you could play it on ps4. Stop trying to move the blame goalposts to someone else. If you want to blame someone, blame the people who told these "lies".

CrimzonRazor2886d ago

Stupid comment their job is to hype to sell more product plain and simple

L0wlifeGamer2886d ago

I hate Sean Murray and his beard.

vega2752888d ago

Sorry craveonline but its not going to stop. Especially from those that haven't gotten their money back from this and whom maybe stuck with the game.

Then you have those that want answers and because hello games nor sony wants to talk about it. Is why it will keep going on.

Razrye22887d ago

A bit of a over exaggeration. Myself and plenty more are enjoying this game. Especially when you don't follow the lines to the centre of the galaxy.

vega2752887d ago

I highly doubt its an exaggeration when you read the steam forum page and i can only image how most sonyfans who have express there concerns about the game and the lies that went into selling this game.

You and many more may like and enjoy playing the game. But a vast majority doesnt on both platforms and have expressed their anger in not getting their money back because they were straight lied to.

Irishguy952887d ago (Edited 2887d ago )

I'm stuck with the game, unforunately I played it for 4 hours before realizing that..oh, now that i'm in space...I'll try fly to the sun! Or...hmm, why is there only planets here, and not..the other side of the sun? I thought I could visit the stars!? Doesn't it say on their website I can go to the stars?

Okay, how about going online and seeing if I can find another player? Oh...wait! What!?

Maybe a fleet is near by? Cough

Anything? ANything cool!??

By design, NMS cuts the Steam 2 hour policy before you even realize the game is a lie

nicsaysdie2886d ago

I agree. The game is great. I've spent more time enjoying it than any other current gen title. There is something wrong when we can't get a single objective review of a console exclusive game that accomplishes so much. All of the great things about it are thrown out the window. What about all the awesomeness? Now everyone is blaming Sony. Stop trying to place blame where ot doesn't belong. Maybe everyone's playing the blame game because they don't want to point the finger at themselves for misunderstanding what No Man's Sky was going to be about. But what do I know, I only followed it since 2014 and had long conversations about the lack of multi-player with someone who swore it was gonna be in there. But guys what, my friend Nate still loves the frick out of this game, so much so that he couldn't and didn't want to stop playing it every day for hours at a time for over a month.

CrimzonRazor2886d ago

@vega275 learn how to type and spell before posting you look foolish.

vega2752886d ago

@ crimzon razor

What don't you understand about my post. Since you need help

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2886d ago
Orbilator2887d ago

They don't deserve it back,

vega2752887d ago

And thats why hello games deserve the hate they are getting.

nicsaysdie2886d ago

Why do you people keep bringing Sony into the conversation. They published the game. Did not have any hand in development other than funding so hello games could finish what they started after their offices flooded. Next thing you know we'll hear all about how hello games is really sony's one and only first party developer, and Sean Murray was just s Yoshida in a mask doing his best British accent. Cut the shiz and stop trying to say Sony had anything to do with the marketing of No Man's Sky. Other than of course to say it was playable on ps4, using footage provided to them by hello games.

vega2752886d ago (Edited 2886d ago )

Sony is just as to blame as hello games. You people keep acting like all sony did was hand them money. Like they never knew what state the game was in before it launched. They periodically check on these guys from time to time to see the progress of the game and give more money. Your telling they only first saw the game when it launched like everyone else? Bullshit.

Look at SF5 (another game) sony funded this game right? But ask your self if sony paid capcom to make the game. How much was really given for a half-ass barebones game.

So your saying sony just money-hats these project and these Dev's just decided not to show sony any progress of the game? I mean they would have to to get more money from sony. Sony knew the state of both games and the money they would get back in return.

uth112888d ago

It will stop when the next high-profile failure drops. Maybe Last Guardian will disappoint as some press outlets who've tried it have suggested

OB1Biker2888d ago

The media thrives on negativity and will even create some when it doesnt exist.

coolbeans2887d ago

"The media thrives on negativity..."

Except for when it comes to reviews, previews, and general AAA shilling.

trouble_bubble2887d ago

Gears 4 has already disappointed critically and it didn't change anything. Switch hyped some but did absolutely nothing for many others. TLG, FF, COD, nothing will kill the clickbait that is NMS when the media keeps getting drama from it via new twitter hacks etc. If it's not one thing it's another. Media's gonna Lucille that game til it's Abra-glenned.

uth112887d ago

I don't think Gears flopped hard enough though.

Summons752887d ago

It did bad critically? I haven't seen much below a 7 in terms of reviews. 7-9 is certainly not bad.

81BX2887d ago

Gears 4 disapointed?? Nice try buddy!

StarElite2887d ago (Edited 2887d ago )

"It didn't change anything" and why would it? We all have seen the backlash Halo 5 has gotton for trying to make changes to the series.
Why would Gears of war change when the formula is already perfect?

NXSwitch2887d ago (Edited 2887d ago )

The man stood & sat on tv & lied & that goes above everything you have listed. It has to be treated like murder that can't be forgotten!

trouble_bubble2887d ago (Edited 2887d ago )

StarElite, I meant change in regards to uth11 saying it'll take another disappointing game to make the media change and stop focusing so much on NMS. I said we've had other let downs, but nothing's changed. NMS is still public enemy no.1

81bx, if halo is Xbox's god then Gears is their Jesus. Going from a mid 90s metacritic for 1-3 to a mid 80s for 4 is disappointing for their biggest game of the year. Forza' Horizon's now lapped halo + gears to become xbox's best game this gen. How many honestly saw a spinoff dethroning the king&queen?

CrimzonRazor2886d ago

You have a strange idea of what disappointed critically means

trouble_bubble2886d ago (Edited 2886d ago )

Says the guy who called TLOU "very overrated and boring", lol. Just following the same rules you fine gentlemen applied when coming to that conclusion, calling NMS a flop even though it sold over a million week 1, and constantly throwing shade at games that aren't even out yet like TheLastGuardian.

Speaking of, what did you call TLG and the people who preordered TLG, Crimzon? Oh yeah, "flop" and "fanboys". Well lol, sorry but by those extreme standards Gears4 is equally if not more disappointing. Own it.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2886d ago
Ricegum2887d ago

Also, Recore flopped terribly and that didn't stop the hate wagon.

uth112887d ago

I don't think recore had anywhere near NMS level hype. That's why I picked last guardian. It's "lost" status made it legendary and it got some hype that it probably doesn't deserve because of it. Still not at NMS level hype though

The 10th Rider2887d ago

Recore wasn't a very hyped up game. There was also the Tomorrow Children that had some interest a few years back . . . that really bombed, but because the interest had mostly died down no one really cared.

Summons752887d ago

The Last Guardian isn't being marketed as the be all end all puzzle adventure game. In fact from what I've seen, people have more guarded expectations for it becasue of it's long development time and the bits of development hell it's been through. Not to mention the previews have been, "it's really fun but it is not going to be for everyone". Sony also hasn't given a whole bunch of features promising them to be in the game. All we know is that it's about a boy and his bird dog, and it will be the typical Team Ico style game that is for a niche audience.

Maybe Final Fantasy 15, but again it's certainly not in the situation that NMS was before launch. FF15 may be promising big things but they've actually shown off those features when they promise them.

Sean Murray promised us the world then gave us a rock. A tiny fraction of what was promised.

The 10th Rider2887d ago

You're spot on with your assessment of the Last Guardian. If that got a 7, or even a 6, it would be the butt of many jokes, but no one would really complain that it didn't deliver what it claimed.

However, if Final Fantasy XV bombed I think that would draw significant controversy. It's development has been absolutely massive, which is unusual for a Japanese game these days.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2886d ago
Koopdogg2887d ago

Well STOP then making articles like this putting No Man Sky back into peoples minds,its that simple!!!!!

subtenko2887d ago

No we cant have that, MORE! Hey you over there... cookingmania.com scramble up a NMS article! AND YOU, momswhowatchtheirkidgame.com you should definitly have the facts straight to write a NMS at this time. How about you bobbytalks.com get that NMS article out and get it out asap! How about you fluentswedes.com surely you have something constructive and informative to say about nms, why not show your expertise and post it to n4g!

MOREE Moooorrrr MOAAAARRR!!! *storms out door*

nicsaysdie2886d ago

Fuck yeah. That was hillarious. And completely true. Great job.

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