
Under 100k copies of Street Fighter V were shipped (incl dig) from April to September

According to Capcom's financial reports less than 100k units of Street Fighter V were shipped on the whole semester (that's from April 1st to September 30th), it shows it's LTD as 1.4m which is the same exact number they gave back in May.

This includes physical copies sold to stores and digital copies sold through PSN/Steam, both combined ammount to less than 100k units.

gangsta_red2829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

Well that's what happens when you rush a product out that's been money-hatted, cut off half their user base by making it exclusive, stick a ton of over-priced microtransactions, create unappealing new characters and limit or don't include modes.

Just a very mediocre entry in the series.

KI and KoF(which has its issues but) I have a lot more fun playing those games than I do SFV.

darthv722829d ago

It makes you wonder if it was worth it to Capcom to exclude other platforms for the sake of rushing it to market? Did Sony get their $$ back or are Capcom still paying on it?

One thing is for sure, MS would not have limited the scope of this game. It's not their style when they opt to pay for exclusivity. It is usually only for a period of time.

LordMaim2829d ago

Quantum Break's 250k sales across all platforms would say otherwise.

2829d ago
thejigisup2829d ago

That's definitely not for sure. Hopefully capcom learns from this so that any future products they release are completed experiences.

_-EDMIX-_2829d ago

Worth it? Do you seriously think this company even has the money to be bringing all their major games to all major platforms? Have you forgotten that Microsoft and Nintendo are also paying for several of their titles?

My personal opinion is that cop car needs to become a bit more conservative and start only releasing games on two platforms either PlayStation 4 Xbox One or PC and Playstation 4.

This company only got in this terrible financial situation when they essentially began trying to mimic Electronic Arts and Activision and other big third-party companies the reality is Electronic Arts and Activision can afford to do those type of things Capcom can not if you look at the releases last generation their best-selling game is nowhere near Electronic Arts or even Ubisoft or Activision's mid-tier games yet they're spending budget equivalent to what you might see from something like an Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty without even getting the same type of results.

I like to this company from back in the day and part of me still like them but you have to detach yourself and really look at the simple math to figure out that this company can't continue like this if they're not getting the results so I don't really believe they have the money to keep risking these huge multi-platform releases especially if they're not getting the same type of sales.

They either need to go conservative and start creating games on one or two platforms or they need to start lowering the budget of many of their games.

LordMaim2829d ago

@Doctor_MG: Admonishing me for making up figures while simultaneously using VGChartz "estimates" is a logical gaffe of Trumpian proportions.

2829d ago
LordMaim2829d ago

@Doctor_MG: On Quantum Break, in fact I do think that sales did "stop", or dry up to the point of statistical insignificance.

"highest sales figures in the first week for any new IP they've launched this generation" - Let's unpack that statement. You realize that excludes almost every other game Microsoft Studios has published this generation? That means that QB outsold Ori and the Blind Forest, Kalimba!, ReCore, Ryse, Project Spark and State of Decay, and I can absolutely believe that. That doesn't make the game, or its sales good. It certainly isn't as good as Alan Wake. They should have just done the sequel instead.

It sold so well on PC it still took people six months to discover the Windows 10 version had a FRAPS watermark in a cinematic. Obviously not a lot of people playing it.

Back to the original point, MS paid Remedy for QB exclusivity and it certainly didn't do it any favors. Especially considering the Capcom deal Darth was questioning above had SFV selling 7 times as many copies of the game as Quantum Break did in the same time frame.

Aloy-Boyfriend2829d ago

It is not their style? Really? Lol desilucional at best

2829d ago
darthv722829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

@lord... "MS paid Remedy for QB exclusivity and it certainly didn't do it any favors." Seems you don't understand how these things work. Remedy is the developer and MS is the publisher. So what they paid for was the development and publishing rights of the game. In the case of SFV... Capcom is the developer AND the publisher and what Sony paid for was to keep the game off the xbox.

Capcom wants people to think the game would not have been made without sony $$ but get real. It's fricken street fighter. Their most profitable fighting franchise. it was going to be made regardless. Now it begs the question... what happened to Deep down that Capcom was supposed to be making for Sony?

When it comes to MS paying Capcom, yeah they paid and published Dead Rising 3 and helped to fund the development of DR4 but they aren't paying to publish it which means they aren't paying to keep it off other systems hence why it is coming to the PS4 and XB1 and PC.

morganfell2829d ago

We were not aware that you have been sitting in Capcom's boardroom and know what they would and would not have done with Streetfighter. You can postulate all you want but you do not have an inkling of fact to back up your remarks. There is what you want to be true - something negative about the Sony deal - and then there are the things to which you are not privy called actual events.

2829d ago
morganfell2829d ago

You really should read my posts more closely. Perhaps that is asking too much of you...

rainslacker2828d ago

"One thing is for sure, MS would not have limited the scope of this game"

Are you sure about that? The limited scope seemed more for getting it out in time for tournaments that year. MS couldn't have increased the scope. They seemed more than willing to release a limited scope KI game....so where is your actual back up for your argument?

Afraid this was likely more a Capcom decision than a Sony decision, and I doubt it'd be any different under MS.

2828d ago
darthv722828d ago

@rain, sorry, maybe I should have said limited reach. Meaning they would not have tried to exclude PS4 like Sony did for xbox. MS would likely have had some sort of timed exclusivity or xbox specific features but they wouldnt cut off another platform out of spite or fear of fair competition.

Bottom line is Sony paid, capcom delivered an unfinished product and sony should be pissed at the whole deal. Maybe that is why Deep down has been stuck in limbo. Sony doesnt want a repeat of paying for an unfinished product. No mans sky and SFV are making them second guess their pay to play strategy.

LordMaim2828d ago

@Doctor_MG: My original argument was that Quantum Break sold poorly, and your accusation about "falsified statistics" is not correct, and not appreciated. So let's instead use *your* statistic, so that you can't fling accusations instead of dealing with facts. You say that in June Quantum Break had sold 180k. Do you feel that 180k sales in the first two months of a high profile AAA game's launch is a lot?

Yes, Ryse sold 1.3 million. What about it? The only reason Ryse even entered this conversation was to provide context by providing the list of software that "any new IP" statement applied to.

@darthv72: "(MS) wouldnt cut off another platform out of spite or fear of fair competition. " Literally what they did with Quantum Break.

2828d ago
2828d ago
+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2828d ago
-Foxtrot2829d ago

Yeah it shouldn't have been an exclusive but I don't think that was the main problem like many people will make out it was just barebones and lacked content compared to past games. I don't care about DLC, paid or free you should make a complete game.

Automatic792829d ago


Please do not damage control this mess of a deal. StreetFighter had the best support from Xbox players not to mention the game was across the board number one on Evo Circuits due to Xbox 360 players. This goes to show you can have 40 million install base and still not move units.

TFJWM2829d ago

@MichaelLito79 Where do you see that Xbox 360 had more sales for SFIV than PS3?

Pretty sure PS3 version outsold 360 by a large margin

2829d ago
Mikefizzled2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

I think he is mixing up that the Xbox 360 version of Street Fighter IV was the tournament standard. Hell, they tried to move to PS4 for USF IV and ended up playing on 360 again. According to the ever-controversial VGChartz, PS3 version sold 1.2m more copies of original SF4. (4.19m vs 2.95m)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2828d ago
Hoffmann2829d ago

Would recommend you also Guilty Gear Xrd /Revelator.

gangsta_red2829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

I love Guilty Gear Xrd, but I am especially horrible online in that game. Still a very fun game.

DarXyde2829d ago

Only a few days until Central Fiction hits too. :0)

_-EDMIX-_2829d ago

As opposed to what? It never releasing? I agree that it sucks that the game was rushed but I can't seriously blame its quality based on it being exclusive to any series of platforms because as of right now this company is literally on the brink of going out of business and they can't even afford to develop many games consider that Sony Microsoft and Nintendo are all flipping the bill for numerous projects that this company is working on, so I don't entirely believe that it's quality has much to do with Sony paying for it no different than Microsoft or Nintendo paying for some of their games.

It's rushed quality has more to do with Capcoms current state

gangsta_red2829d ago

And I'm not entirely sure where you got that Sony paying for it had anything to do with the quality...

It was rush job that was paid for by Sony, is about the extent of Sony's involvement related to my comment.

And I don't believe Capcom is on the brink of going out of business. They may be struggling but not as bad as you keep making them out to be or no different than any other Japanese company with problems.

_-EDMIX-_2829d ago

@gred- be that as it may, their financial situation is still pretty serious.


Didn't you think it was strange that they're one of the very few companies that has Sony Microsoft and Nintendo flipping the bill for some of their projects?

butchertroll2829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

Money-hatted? Dude, SFV wasn't even in development before Sony involvement. Capcom didn't have enough money for development. Sony offered a help then. Do some research before spew some shit, will ya.

Capcon killed SFV from very start. Launch a game with barely any content in core game automatically means game is dead on arrival.

gangsta_red2829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

SFV was in development because Sony stepped in and poured money on Capcom's desk. Or are you going to point me to a link where Ono said Capcom hasn't given him a budget for the game? Because he didn't need a budget, Sony covered the bill.

2829d ago
butchertroll2829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

Quote :

SFV was in development


IT WAS NOT! Capcom didn't have the money for development.


Dude, you asked me to provide some link, but you talking out of your ass. As i said, do some research before spew some shit.

gangsta_red2829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

I knew you would pull that article out (just as I predicted in my first reply to you), as most of you who pretend to know shit do.

You truly believe that he would let the cat out of the bag about a SFV? Especially with Ultra SFIV about to drop?

Oh and in that same article he says:

"No plans are in place right now to bring the update to next-generation consoles (Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Wii U)"

Didn't SFIV come out for PS4? Didn't he say he didn't have any plans then to bring it? Could it be that they were already working on it and also meant for it to be another special reveal...too far fetched?

Remember how Sony/Ono were surprised when SFV was leaked early before the Sony event? You really believe he would just ruin a reveal years earlier on a tweet?


"SFV was in development because Sony stepped in and poured money on Capcom's desk."

If you're going to quote something you should at least put the whole thing.


Looks like Dimps was working on a secret fighting game a year later from your post. It turns out that it was SFV, I wonder why they never announced it in that article?

Nu2829d ago

I'm waiting for Tekken 7

butchertroll2829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

YEAR LATER, dude! Year later! Of course Sony offered a help to Capcom to START SFV development year later. Before that IT WAS NOT IN DEVELOPMENT. Stop talking out of your ass.

Nice try, gangsta, nice try!

gangsta_red2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

Sure, let's not even take into account pre-production, concept and development...

Capcom already had another version in concept development of SFV.


Now, I have provided many links to prove my point while you have provided nothing and yet you claim I'm the one talking out my ass? How cute.

andrewsquall2829d ago

Lol yeah, another console with less than half the install base of the superior one would have yielded a significant amount more sales from April to September like 800,000 units. 500,000? 200,000? Or 120,000 units, yeah that sounds about right. The new characters are fine too.

Everything else you said is definitely why it failed though.

NXSwitch2828d ago

Hey Cc is just giving what Sony fans want which what they have been buying years & years on is broken games & costly dlc. If No Man Sky can get away with all the praise it got before release & still fan support for its broken promise after release then why all the hate on SFV!? A crap system with mindless fans is what I see, lmao!

NotEvenMyFinalForm2828d ago

SF always had the lowest sales on Xbox, so it was nowhere near "half" the fan-base.

gangsta_red2828d ago

Lowest? It may not have been as much but it's not like it failed on Xbox as some here are insinuating.

Not to mention there was a huge install base for SF on 360 has almost every major tournament used the 360 for SFIV.

butchertroll2827d ago

LOL! You gave me links from year 2014 and 2016. Game already was in development then. I gave you link from 2013 and game was not in development then, dumbass.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2827d ago
LordMaim2829d ago

News flash: Games sell most of their numbers in the first two months after release.

Hoffmann2829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

News Flash: Street Fighter IV sold over 3,4 Million copies around a year after its launch.

News Flash 2. Actually, that last part in the article is incorrect. It only shipped 1.4 million copies,

it never sold that much to costumers meaning that retailers are not buying any more copies on top of valiantly trying to get them off the shelves (which is why SFV has so many price drops to 25 dollars and otherwise).

If anything, it's most likely barely scraping a million copies.

News Flash 3: Look at the numbers that Mortal Kombat X made in the 6-12 months AFTER the launch month to see how the numbers differ.

edit: newsflash XXX: GTA V, Diablo 2,3 goddamn did those games sell even years after release.

LordMaim2829d ago

News Flash 4: Street Fighter IV also released on six platforms instead of two, most recently in May of last year.

Apples and oranges.

darthv722829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

@lordmaim, you do know that apples and oranges are more alike than different. People often use that phrase incorrectly. Had you said apples and pontiacs then it makes more sense as those two are nothing alike.

edit: guess lord lives in the box that limits his scope of reality where the one difference between an apple and orange outweigh the similarities they posses. Most other people are able to think outside that box. I give him a pontiac to drive his point home and what does he do... he crashes into a wall.

TheUndertaker852829d ago

@LordMaim: That argument would actually back the fact it shouldn't have been exclusive in the first place

_-EDMIX-_2829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

Well Street Fighter 4 was also an actually good game and the original poster is correct games typically sell the most within their first six months or so it's actually quite rare that games continue to sell after the fact.

LordMaim2829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

@TheUndertaker85: It wasn't. It was available on PC as well.

@darthv72: Well if you're willing to look beyond "an apple is different than an orange", why not just go completely ridiculous and say that apples and pontiacs are both three dimensional arrangements of molecules so they're extremely similar too. If you're going to look beyond the obvious, accepted, and actual meaning of the phrase in the name of pointless pedantry, then by all means go for the gusto.

In the name of being easily understood by you, "Six is more than two. And since it was re-released on multiple consoles staggered over the years, it artificially inflated the appearance of its longevity looking at raw sales numbers devoid of context."

I hope that was sufficiently clear to avoid misinterpretation.

moegooner882829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

Except sales suffered mostly cause of the negative initial reception. Launching without an arcade mode was laughable. Plenty of fighting series are exclusive to PS4 and PC,and guess what, they sell well. However, seeing Xbox fanboys still raging after all this time, is funny, gotta admit.

morganfell2828d ago

It is called an idiomatic expression Darth. Perhaps you should investigate that and you would understand what he really meant instead of taking the literal road in order to address the fact he posted. That is called avoidance.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2828d ago
Hoffmann2829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

I mentioned the SFIV sales from March 2009, a year after its release. Back when it was only released for PS3, XB360 and PC.

SSFIV etc sales were not included in the 3,4M copies of course. If we had an xbox one version, it would be 400-500k more maybe. Still just half as much sold copies as SFIV in a year.

edit: 3 instead of 6.

LordMaim2829d ago

Okay so four consoles instead of six, and the Xbox 360 / PS3 had more than twice the install base of PS4. Still not seeing your point.

2829d ago Replies(2)
2829d ago
LastCenturyRob2829d ago

..@ Lordmaim...Yes and no. Of course during initial release a game will have the most sales but if a game is popular it will sell well, with steady numbers for quite a while even years in some cases. 100k sales in a six month period after the fist couple of months is not good for any high profile game.

2829d ago Replies(2)
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2828d ago
Hoffmann2829d ago

Capcom destroys their own series..one after another.

Resident Evil, Street Fighter, MegaMan, Devil may Cry.

And killed a ton older series already. (Darkstalkers, Dino Crisis, Onimusha, Breath of Fire to name a few)

They go the way of Konami.

But in the case of Street Fighter it is especially bad because they damaged the fighting game community as a whole with this incomplete mess.

-Foxtrot2829d ago

I really hope they don't f*** the Resident Evil 2 Remake up...I just want what they did with the original Remake but updated for RE2 and 2016s tec.

After RE7 going in another silly direction I really want the RE2 remake to give us that core RE survival horror experience.

DragonDDark2829d ago (Edited 2829d ago )

What's wrong with Resident Evil 7?

@Edmix nails it. RE7 is pretty much a classic RE game. It's just in 1st person instead.

-Foxtrot2829d ago

They are going in a first person direction which relies more on jump scares instead of giving us a proper survival horror experience. The only way RE7 could be really scary is if you have VR, which is basically what it's been built around. Zombies, Limited saves, BOW boss fights which you need to be prepared for, old school characters, multiple enemies in a room and so on. I know there's a trailer with some herbs, a shot gun, an inventory but they are like 10 second clips which don't really elaborate on them, just something to make people go all nostalgic, tricks they did in the RE6 trailers when they made Leons campaign look like a "return to it's roots/horror". The enemies aswell only look like it's the family...that's it.

So yeah I'm hoping the Resident Evil 2 Remake will be like what we experienced with the Resident Evil Remake but updated for 2016. It could be fantastic.

Lennoxb632829d ago


Nothings wrong with the new RE. It looks to be a good game, its just not RE. All of the characters you played in previous installments were not regular people and nearly defenseless. They were highly trained agents who weren't easily taken down by just one zombie/infected.

_-EDMIX-_2829d ago

I actually disagree I believe that Resident Evil 7 is going anymore so conservative Direction in the regards that it's actually having all the same features that the previous Resident Evils had in regards to puzzles limited ammo limited Health and limited weapons.

I think we're only seeing them go this conservative and safe simply because they just don't have the money to keep doing huge Blockbuster titles that could essentially put them out of business. I for one do not want them chasing Call of Duty and Gears of War those days seriously need to end or this company is not even going to exist for you to criticize them in the first place

I'm sorry but I just don't want another repeat of Resident Evil 6 but I definitely agree with you with Resident Evil 2 but it's definitely questionable how they're going to do this remake it could be a reimagining with the same type of over-the-shoulder control scheme that you find in Resident Evil 4 5 and 6 or it could be a remake in the respect of the 2002 Resident Evil remake where they just update the background but keep the original control scheme.

In my personal opinion I actually think they should find a way to incorporate both as it would be incredible to essentially still have the fixed backgrounds while also having the option to toggle over the shoulder by choice.

Basically the camera would remain fixed but it would change as you ain't or you could just have the option of just playing the entire game over the shoulder I actually think it would be pretty interesting if they went that route because both parties sort of still get what they want

Very interested on how they're going to pull off Resident Evil 2 remake.

_-EDMIX-_2829d ago

*Zombies, Limited saves, BOW boss fights which you need to be prepared for, old school characters, multiple enemies in a room and so on."

Zombies have already been confirmed to be in the game, bow enemies have already been confirmed to be in the game, I'm not entirely sure why they would spoil the game by telling you any of the original characters would be in the game. Technically speaking Resident Evil 2 didn't have any original characters from the first game Leon and Claire were brand new characters.

In my personal opinion having any original characters from the other games is not this staple that must be in a Resident Evil game at some point the characters we know and Resident Evil we're still new. Moot.

I'm not sure how the multiple enemies thing is going to play out because none of us have actually played the final game to know if that's not the case.

The only thing I could agree with you on this is no limited saves I would definitely had like to see that return at least in a harder mode or something.

I personally do not want a carbon copy of the other Resident Evils I just simply wanted the limited ammo limited health limited weapons and return to puzzles everything else regarding the story or characters is absolutely irrelevant to me because this series never even had great characters or even a good story in the first place we playing Resident Evil 2 and 3 made me realize just how awful the story was lol

I'm far more interested in the narrative that Resident Evil 7 is showing off in any Resident Evil to had ever released maybe second only to code Veronica cuz I absolutely love the origin story on the family that develops the t-virus!

I see where you're coming from from the skepticism but if they're telling you a series of features is returning I would actually believe that more than a trailer that suggesting something like they did in Resident Evil 6 because even I knew that Resident Evil 6 was not returning with those features because they never stayed in anything I mean I don't care for this company just as much as the next guy but I could never stay they were not transparent about what was or wasn't going to be in the game they kind of made it pretty clear that Resident Evil 6 would be like Resident Evil 5.

By the way I never purchased Resident Evil 6 simply knowing that's what it was going to be Resident Evil 7 on the other hand is an easy day one just based on the features that I know about.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2829d ago
LastCenturyRob2829d ago

Yeah, I think Capcom needs new leadership...Maybe sell to Nintendo... What a world it would be if Nintendo bought Capcom and Sega, doing justice to the classic franchises. Yeah, I know, wishful thinking.... I can fondly remember the glory days of the 16 bit era though.

Hoffmann2829d ago

I can be quite a debbie downer but well..before you think about Nintendo doing justice to Capcom or Sega game series, please remember how they were incapable of doing justice to their own series like Metroid and were not able to release new parts of F-Zero, 1080 or Wave Racer and Pilotwings since over a decade and have problems to release a new Zelda for tv consoles even every 5 years now.

_-EDMIX-_2829d ago

Lol agreed.

They just began getting rid of so many developers and Outsourcing their games and spending a ludicrous amount of money on intellectual properties in my personal opinion that don't even warrant such budgets and regards to development and marketing and they paid for that deeply last generation.

Basically last generation this company tried to do with Electronic Arts and Activision did an essentially was not making Electronic Arts and Activision money and basically almost went bankrupt.

The biggest issue I have with them is that they don't even fully understand the intellectual properties they own Resident Evil is never going to be Call of Duty some of the games they own are not going to be huge Triple-A Blockbusters and I truly believe they just need to respect what they currently are and budget accordingly.

People get angry at Sega all the time for essentially not putting all their games to all platforms and at the end of the day that type of conservatism is what even keeping that company alive because they're not going out here releasing games on every single platform and risking their entire company and blowing budgets chasing Call of Duty ghosts Sega not only still exist they even purchased several developers last generation where this company lost several major last generation.

I personally want them to go to save a route in go more conservative with their releases and watch their budgets because the reality is Resident Evil 6 having a 600 Man team did not do any Gamers or that company any favors chasing Call of Duty.

What side is we all know that titles like Devil May Cry in onimusha are not pulling in ridiculous Millions butt if budgeted correctly they could still meet a respectable profit.
When this company began Outsourcing their games to lesser Studios to save themselves some money and cutting Corners they essentially signed their own death certificate and it's why in 2014 they were even entertaining the idea of selling their intellectual properties in the first place.

It's sad because those games we're not even going to do major numbers and they sold even less than their predecessors because of such stupid moves.

The strange thing is I'm sort of happy that this is happening so that way Gamers see that companies like square and Sega are not evil or malicious for being very conservative on their releases at the end of the day at least they still exist as a company that's able to release games periodically or Capcom financially essentially always needs Sony Microsoft or Nintendo flipping the bill on some project here or there and it's getting to the point where now that all their major developers are gone gamers are starting to question their place in the market because I believe Resident Evil 7 is going to be a big turning point for this company it could seriously be sink or swim with that release

LastCenturyRob2829d ago

True, but I can still enjoy those "member berries".

2829d ago Replies(4)

When you screw over half of your fan base this will be the result. Not only did Capcom screw over xbox players but they released a half cooked game and sold it as well done. I bought SF5 and in my opinion it's worse than SF4. My favorite SF is SSF2T.

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Street Fighter Icon Michael 'BrolyLegs' Begum Passes Away at 35

Michael 'BrolyLegs' Begum, beloved Street Fighter icon, has passed at 35, leaving behind a legacy of courage and inspiration.

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RiseNShine125d ago

A true legend, how to make the best with the worst hand life can give you.

mariopasta125d ago

Damn, this guy was amazing and very courageous. It was unbelieveable how good he was at Street Fighter. Playing the game basically with his mouth. RIP.

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Mortal Kombat hits 80 million sales, here's how it stacks up against competition

NetherRealm confirms its Mortal Kombat franchise has sold over 80 million copies in the last 30 years, and here's how it competes against other fighters.

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Kakashi Hatake433d ago

Don't care what anyone says, Smash isn't a traditional fighting game. May as well call Powerstone and Playstation All Stars fighting games. They're more of an arena fighter /party game.

NotoriousWhiz433d ago

You don't have to care what anyone says. It's not a traditional fighting game. But it is a fighting game.

gerbintosh433d ago

Not according to the creator, Sakurai. Link below


432d ago
CrimsonWing69433d ago (Edited 433d ago )

I mean what makes them an arena fighter than say something like Tekken? Because there’s platforms?

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21433d ago

because theres a bunch of pokeballs and other random stupid stuff on stage that you can use at your advantage and flying ultra super power ball that you got to chase on the stage to get your ougi LMAO.

CrimsonWing69433d ago


I mean what it sounds like is they took a fighting game and “added” unique mechanics to it to me.

When I think arena game I think of things like Spawn: In the Demon’s Hand or Virtual-On.

Smash to me is a fighting game, they have fighting game tournaments for it. It just doesn’t jive with me to call it “not a fighting game” because you have poke-balls and platforms or because it has 4 players at once duking it out.

Power Stone I’d consider a fighting game as well. Hell, if you google what it is everyone calls these games “fighting games”. So yea, they’re fighting games…

Immagaiden433d ago

What’s next, you gonna say Mario Kart isn’t a racing game?

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21433d ago

oh its a racer but its not a realistic one like GT or Forza. only kids check for mario kart and smash .

Immagaiden433d ago

I didn’t say it was realistic. I said racing game. Does Burnout not being realistic make it not a racing game?

What does a demographic have to do with a genre? Do kids playing CoD make it any less an FPS? You see how ridiculous bringing up that subject is?

repsahj432d ago

"Only kids and kids at heart check for mario kart and smash".


FallenAngel1984433d ago (Edited 433d ago )

Nobody said it was a traditional fighter. Everyone acknowledges it as a platform fighter

PSASBR & Power Stone are fighting games, the former being a platform fighter and the latter an arena fighter

gleepot432d ago

You're correct, it isn't traditional. It's a fighting game though.

repsahj432d ago

Because if cute and lovable characters are fighting it's not a fighting game? XD As long there's a versus fighting, it is a fighting game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 432d ago
MrNinosan433d ago

Including Smash Bros in a list of fighting games, is like including GTA in Racing games.

NotoriousWhiz433d ago

I hate to break it to you but smash bros has fighting game tournaments so it qualifies.

MrNinosan433d ago

"and here's how it competes against other fighters"

No, Mortal Kombat doesn't compete with games like Smash Bros? It's a different genre for a different audience.

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21433d ago

Anybody can host a tournament in their garage it doesnt mean it qualifies.

NotoriousWhiz433d ago

I'm going to assume you're not part of the FGC. However, I am, and I can tell you that there is a ton of overlap between people who play smash competitively and those who play other fighting games competitively.

Now for casuals, there is a lot less overlap between the two for sure.

PapaBop433d ago

While technically true, Leffen comes to mind, FGC and Smash community have always had a rocky relationship.

Thundercat77433d ago

And yet, If Smash Bros was over 80 million, you wouldn't be complaining. On the contrary, you would be bragging about it.

Immagaiden433d ago

Bad comparison. You do a LOT of things in GTA outside of a car while fighting is what you’re mainly doing in SSB

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 433d ago
Ezio2048433d ago

Given the volume of games released, I would say Tekken has sold the best.

lodossrage433d ago (Edited 433d ago )

Yeah, that's a good point. Most of these games have parts to the franchise outside of traditional fighting games.

Like for example, with Mortal Kombat, do Special Forces, Mythologies: Sub: zero, and the Kollection count?

With Tekken does death by degrees or the tag tournament games count?

With Street Fighter, are we counting all the iterations of 2, 3, and 4? how about the ex series or alpha series?

There are a lot of variables at play here

Ezio2048433d ago

Even after including Tekken Tag, they have less titles compared to all MK and SF games.

CS7432d ago

Yeah, i realized that too. Very interesting.

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