
WG win Boston Major SEA Open Qualifiers #1

The first stop for the Boston Major SEA qualifiers ended after the final showdown between WarriorsGaming.Unity and Fire Dragoon.

Both teams came in with a clear advantage over the others as they eased passed others in the playoffs
First Departure, Mineski-X and Rave all fell victims to the onslaught as WG and FDN moved to face off against each other.

The final between the teams was thought to be a tough nail biting match as per the dominance they showed in the previous rounds.

However, WG seemed to be one step ahead of their opponents. Game One saw a damage aura strat being picked by WG as they went for a Drow and Sniper pick. The advantage started going in favor of WG just 4 minutes into the game as FDN’s mid-lane Puck died. The damage output then seemed to be getting out of control and 20 minutes meant enough to take out Game One in favor of WG.

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Evercade Reveals Data East Claasics And More

Looks like more retro classics are coming. Toaplan Arcade 3 brings 7 great arcade games to Evercade including the much-requested Batsugun and Out Zone. Data East returns to Evercade with 12 Arcade classics including Joe and Mac Returns, Super BurgerTime, and more.

darthv7215h ago

the Toaplan cart is a nice surprise. Batsugun, Truxton 2... great stuff. I keep hoping to see Robocop on a Data East arcade cart but licensing is a bitch. I'll just play it on my xbox via coinops.

Garethvk15h ago

There are so many fun games from Data East. I am sure rights would be a mess but it would be nice to see more.


Spectrum Studio Boss in Hot Water as "Naked Sauna" as Part of Employees' Requirements Surface

Spectrum Studios is in hot water, as part of their job requirements involve "attending sauna sessions" that are "non-negotiable."

rippermcrip14h ago

Hopefully their next game isn't about a murderer and they require employees to kill to someone to have a real understanding.

excaliburps12h ago


But you can't develop a game with sauna elements UNLESS you've been in a sauna with a game dev...preferably naked.

H913h ago

He is right you need to experience something to be able to write about it just like Tolkien threw himself in mount doom to understand Sauron and like Agatha Christie organized a death game on a remote island

Inverno12h ago

Ah yes I read that news outlets were picking up on this string of facebook posts. Easy to write about some random conversation on FB without much context. Let's see how long it takes for them to talk to the devs directly for clarification. I'm sure these sites will drag this out as long as they can painting this guy as a creep. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.

excaliburps12h ago

Have you read his replies?? He is even explaining how his rationale is correct...

Inverno11h ago

Yes I've read the replies. But if sites are gonna write about this they should do their jobs as journalist and get in contact with one of the woman who works in the studio.

swedishMeatwad9h ago

Why would it only be a big deal for women? I wouldn't want to be required to sauna naked, wouldn't work at a place like that. Really strange that owner is defending this. Since the owner is involved in those communications, that's enough to write an article about. That's not to say they shouldn't reach out to them and any employees willing to talk but this is freakin' weird.


Lords of the Fallen 2 PC release will be handled by Epic Games, which is bad news for Steam gamers

A sequel to the excellent action RPG Lords of the Fallen is coming in 2026 to PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. The game will be published by Epic Games on PC, which means it probably won't be coming to Steam.