
ONM Review: Dragon Quest: Chapters Of The Chosen

There's no getting away from the fact that Dragon Quest: Chapters Of The Chosen is as old as the hills. Possibly even older, in fact, to the point where it looks at the hills and remembers when they only came up to its kneecaps, before banging its walking stick on the ceiling and telling the whippersnappers upstairs to turn their newfangled music down.

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PS360WII5741d ago

Hmm another lowered score because they don't make the game easy :( Sorry some people don't want an easy walk through on games and a big red arrow pointing out your next mission. Many random battles to fight through :) yes please and with that a possible random encounter that could kill you off and leave you with half your money or have you go back to your last save a few hours ago! That's the price of dying in game ^.- least it was...


Up to 40% off Dragon Quest IV, V, VIII and Builders

Several Dragon Quest videogames are currently on sale with Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (3DS) dropping to $29.99, Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (DS) to $23.70, Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride to $24.99 and Dragon Quest Builders (PS4) to $29.99.

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Tross2496d ago

I have the DS games, but none of the ones on the 3DS or PS4 so that's great news.

3-4-52496d ago

DQ 7&8 on 3DS are pretty good.


Pocket Power: Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen

The NES classic receives new life in an upgraded handheld remake.

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Fist4achin2505d ago

They should bring more remade DQs on the the 3ds and 2ds systems.

2505d ago
Melankolis2505d ago

Hoping VIII to be ported for PS4/Switch. 3DS version wasn't good enough.


Latecomer Reviews: Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen

Eyes on FF: "Winter is finally letting go, so the days aren't as cold anymore and my hands are no longer sand paper. Might have to do with the fact that I decided to ditch the iPhone in favor of my beloved little black DS Lite to play the Zenithian trilogy of the Dragon Quest series. Though that of course meant I had fewer opportunities to play, I'm glad that I've rediscovered the joy of playing a good old classic JRPG cuddled up in my chair under a warm blanket. Although this time around, I'm a bit less enthusiastic."

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