
Watch Sony's PSVR Get Broken Down to Its Very Last Compound

There are a lot of screws in Sony's forthcoming virtual reality headset---and none of them can escape the discriminating eye of the hardware designer in this oddly captivating teardown video.

joeorc2903d ago

Pretty nifty, Sony's very own engineer taking a PSVR apart to show , what is exactly inside the headset...I would imagine , iFix it & Chipworks are going to be scanning in components for x-ray soon..would love to see the components upclose..interesting to see if there maybe areas on the system iO on the board that may be left open on the board for other components and to maybe see if there could be more room for other components.

Majors2903d ago

Looks very well engineered with every space having a component squeezed in there.

SmoothC9112903d ago

I always find these videos amazing, especially when you consider that each component had to be engineered, constructed/molded, assembled, tested, marketed, transported, inventoried & sold (with entire industries behind all those steps). Pretty much goes for almost anything we use or work with; we live in some amazing times!

Eonjay2903d ago

I am having a nerdgasm as well.

2903d ago
peewee110162903d ago

Yeah they said Gamestop will have some instore... So i went today to ask and the guy told me they are making a list of people who can buy them and its full??? Like wtf happen to first come first buy thats what they said? Now i have to go around to wal-mart and other places -.-

iceman062902d ago (Edited 2902d ago )

Was that headline a nod to the great KRS-1??? If so, props!

On topic: Even though I don't know what I'm looking at, I'm still intrigued that someone actually and painstakingly designed this thing. It really is a marvel to look at.


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Babadook7149d ago

Should this be in the PC section?


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