
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour Review - Hail to the King Baby | Playstation Enthusiast

"Duke Nukem 3D was one of the most groundbreaking PC games back in 1996. While many first person shooters, such as Doom, took a serious and somewhat ominous approach to the infantile genre, Duke Nukem 3D came in guns blazing, literally. With a loud-mouth, testosterone driven lead character, Duke Nukem 3D was filled with one-liners, strippers, and of course bloody action. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of Duke Nukem 3D, Gearbox has put together Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour, a celebration, and continuation, of the Duke Nukem 3D original release. So how does the Duke fair in 2016?" -- PlayStation Enthusiast

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1nsomniac2792d ago

Funny, I remember buying it on release day 20 years ago for almost the same price...

DefenderOfDoom22791d ago

But original version did not have over 40 levels .

1nsomniac2791d ago

Yes but you've been able to pick up Duke inc. Atomic ED as well as what ever the other one was. Which came to over 40 levels & that's been under £5 or a couple of bucks for the past decade.

Anthotis2791d ago

Such a game being released these days would be "problematic"...


Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour - PS4 Review | Chalgyr's Game Room

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

Like most gamers with a lifetime of virtual experiences, my current opinion of games played during my childhood and overconfident teenage years is often aggrandized by nostalgia. Playing these classic titles in the present day arouses sweet memories and emotions specific to the awe and wonder of my first play-through, so even if a game has aged like a rock star who’s spent his best crowd-surfing years cleansing and exfoliating his face with innumerable breasts caked in cocaine residue, I’d probably still enjoy and adore the title for the pleasure it gifted me with during those formative years.


Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour Review (The Gamers Lounge)

Hail to the King baby, The Gamers Lounge has taken the time to review
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour and has some positive
things to say about this remastered game. 20th Anniversary World Tour
is going to take gamers back to the mid 1990s where Duke was king of the FPS games.

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2766d ago

Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour (Xbox One) Review | Marooners' Rock

Mike writes:

"Anyone who grew up in the nineties has uttered the words “Hail to the king baby,” at one time or another. We grew up in an era where CD-roms were all the rage and you either were the kid with all the games, or you went to your friends house because they had all the games. My family was pretty late to the game getting a computer, but when we did, you can bet that I tried to get as many games as possible for it. That included Duke Nukem 3D."

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