
Sexuality and the grotesque in video games

Human beings love monsters. All throughout history humans have created monsters to fear, and to help us come to terms with some of the fundamental aspects of our reality. Well, video games are full of monsters, bizarre creatures, fear and sex. So this is my (Angela Night) take on sexuality and the grotesque in video games.

Taero2852d ago (Edited 2852d ago )

Went in somewhat dubious expecting another castigation of men demeaning women in videogames but was pleasantly surprised at the, for once, mostly even take on both sides, especially this quote which I feel actually attempts to reason out why we see so much overt female sexualization as opposed to male:

" As it is while depictions of female nudity and sexuality, weaponised or otherwise can often scrape an ESRB T (Teen) rating in the US, or 15 rating in the UK, depictions of male nudity and sexuality will virtually guarantee an ESRB M (Mature) or even an AO (Adult Only) rating, or 18 rating in the UK. This imbalance in the rating system means that video game character designers have little choice but to skew utilisation of grotesque sexuality in favor of the female form."

Simon_the_sorcerer2852d ago

My thoughts exactly, and there seems to be no outcry when it comes to male nudity (double standards).

TGG_overlord2852d ago

Double standards (when it comes to sex and nudity in games) has existed since the dawn of time pretty much, because male nudity = comedy while female nudity = Bad/evil/perverted (for straight males only).

Docknoss2852d ago

What kind of Bullshit SJW opinion piece is this? I'll never get back the time wasted reading this horrendous shit tastic boulderdash poppycock! Am I in an episode of Twilight F*cking Zone?! Have the Feminist communist taken over America and now we're subjugated to this Bullshit. That will eventually take away rights to free expression! Oh I thought this was America. Where we can play games, watch movies, read comics that are both as f*cking Grotesque and Sexually explicit as our American free spirits want.

TGG_overlord2852d ago

That´s what I thought as well =) I really enjoyed reading through Angela´s post, so I hope to see more posts of her in the future =)

2852d ago
Simon_the_sorcerer2852d ago

This was a very nice read I have to say. I honestly thought that it would be a "Queen Anita" kind of OP post at first.

Littil_Devil2852d ago

Well, I just found out that Angela (the author of the post) is the "right" kind of feminist (she´s nothing like Anita).

TGG_overlord2852d ago

Angela is a very smart, nice and talented person =) And yes. She sure is ;)

2852d ago
Adrian_v012852d ago

Clearly the system of approving articles needs to be improved on N4G. I want to see more of this kind. You can tell that she's done her research; while being an opinion piece, each of her arguments is linked to other articles. It's a well researched and credible opinion, not just a rant like we usually get.

Well done Angela, true gaming journalists are a rarity today.

Littil_Devil2852d ago

The female body is a very beautiful thing, and yet there is so much rants and complains in the world of games when female characters show some skin.

Simon_the_sorcerer2852d ago

Imo, beautiful and sexy females are like real time art.

TGG_overlord2852d ago

Very much so ;) Just check out the super sexy babe Holly Wolf :3

TGG_overlord2852d ago

Queen Anita (with friends) never bother about male nudity and such. As there is no PC points for her to win by doing that.

-shoryuken-2852d ago

While I will agree with what you said regarding the female body, I also want to say that I wish there were filters for this because it is immodest. I skip out on games that I feel have lots of skin/sexuality in it. For one I don't want to fill my head with that because first of I'm married and have a woman that I love and want to be faithful to even with my eyes. Two I have kids and don't want them seeing immodest things that are not appropriate. I know I'll get flamed because it's not a popular way of thinking but it is what it is. Same is true for violence and language. I've seen filters in some games which is really cool and wish it was adapted by more developers.

MilkMan2852d ago

The authors take on the subject is interesting. Decent read for early morning.

detroitmademe2852d ago

So you blur partial female nudity but it's okay to show male nudity?? Just another subliminal gay agenda message. What is this world coming to. On another note how is it ok to show full male nudity but it's not ok to show the vagina???? That gay agenda tho....

Kane222852d ago

gay agenda..GTFO with that crap...gay had nothing to do with this....

detroitmademe2852d ago

It's got everything to do with it. I can't even go see a comedy at the theaters without there being a bunch of gay crap. Why is this acceptable?

MrDead2852d ago (Edited 2852d ago )

Wow a non-flamebait and well written opinion piece on N4G!!! More of this please.


I think you're the one with the "agenda". Are you afraid that you'll turn gay if your exposed to homosexual themes or naked men?

detroitmademe2852d ago (Edited 2852d ago )

@MrDead Um no, but I see where your thoughts are. I Just Want to know why do I have to be subjected to it against my will. And why are there double standards that either no one is talking about or no one has a problem with.

detroitmademe2852d ago (Edited 2852d ago )

@MrDead but I am afraid of our next generation being "gayer" than they were originally supposed to be because everyone is popularizing it like it's the cool thing to do these days. I imagine that their are gonna be kids who think their gay all because maybe it's something or someone homo that they can relate to at the time. Mind you most of these kids don't even know what sex or being gay is about before making these kinds of choices, mainly because their KIDS! We're ruining our next generation!

MrDead2852d ago


"I have to be subjected to it against my will" if someone is forcing you to watch, read or take part in gay practices then take it up with you local law enforcement.

"@MrDead but I am afraid of our next generation being "gayer" than they were originally supposed to be because everyone is popularizing it like it's the cool thing to do these days. I imagine that their are gonna be kids who think their gay all because maybe it's something or someone homo that they can relate to at the time. Mind you most of these kids don't even know what sex or being gay is about before making these kinds of choices, mainly because their KIDS! We're ruining our next generation!"

You don't catch gay from being subjected to gay media or meeting gay people, being gay or straight isn't a choice, you are what you are.
If you are worried about media such as games, movies etc influencing future generations shouldn't you be more worried that they will all turn into gun wielding psychopaths as they are more exposed to violence then homosexuality?

detroitmademe2852d ago

@MrDead being gay is definitely a choice. It's a behavior. You can definitely be influenced by some outside source and DECIDE to be homosexual. Homosexuality is widely acceptable now And that's why from here on out we're gonna see more gays than ever in history. So to your point , yes you can catch "gay".

MrDead2852d ago (Edited 2852d ago )


"yes you can catch "gay", "being gay is definitely a choice", "You can definitely be influenced by some outside source and DECIDE to be homosexual"?!?!?!?!??!?!? ?!?!!!!!!!!.............?..... . . How can you think that, have you ever spoke..................

..........Ok, I get it you're just joking me around, I should of guessed as your profile pic is a clown face. Very funny you got me, silly MrDead thinking that there are people out there that think you can catch gay... egg is on my face.

detroitmademe2852d ago

I hope your joking and you don't think your Born that way because your not. It's a behavior

MrDead2852d ago


You're not born gay, straight or bisexual.

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TGG_overlord4d ago

I agree, I like SH3 the most though.

Cacabunga2d ago

Auto Modellista will always be one of my favorite racers of all time..

gold_drake4d ago

id throw haunting ground into the mix. it still looks fantastic.

but i still dont quite understand why we never got a dragon quest 8 remaster for ps4. even the damn 3ds got one.

OtterX2d ago

I'd add Rogue Galaxy, Shadow of the Colossus.

Scissorman2d ago

Silent Hill 3 was straight up sorcery. It has better hair animation than most modern games, which is wild to me.

Venoxn4g1d 7h ago

I would throw in MGS3 as well


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