
Metal Gear Online Patch 1.12 Released.

Ver.1.12 Update information:

The following problems have been fixed

When a host leaves a game, the position of host is automatically forwarded to someone else. When someone else filled the free 16th slot, the player would be invisible to the new host.

The game would sometimes freeze if a player would invite a Clan Member while in Survival mode.

The day of the week of "Match Time" was not correctly displayed when viewing the rules in the Survival Lobby.

The following game specifications have been changed:
The motion of reloading the shotgun cannot be canceled by equipping a box or changing weapons.

Change of weapon specification:
Saiga 12's cost changed from 8000DP to 5000DP.
G3A3's cost changed from 5000DP to 4000DP.

Change of skill specification:
"NARC" Lv2's cost from 1 to 2
"NARC" Lv3's cost from 1 to 3
*With this change, all skills will be temporarily removed, but players will be able to put them on again with the existing skill points

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PirateThom5799d ago


Nope, game still hasn't been moved to PSN.

KingDizzi5799d ago

MGO was awful but considering it was a free be with the main game it was a nice addition. Of course it was all a marketing ploy for people to get addicted to MGO and but the full game but Konami forgot to make MGO good.

ShinMaster5799d ago

MGO is pretty good. It's pretty addicting.
You gotta look at it as if you were playing single-player mode, but with more people.
It's not super fast-paced like other shooters.

silverchode5799d ago

i agree, once you get used to it, it becomes quite addicting. most of the people who dont like it are the ones who get owned because they are not used to the controls, at least thats how it was for me.

Solid_Snake6665799d ago

says the fanboy even though he never tried it or even has a ps3 but he says its horrible..go figure

MiloGarret5798d ago

Disliking a game does not make you a fanboy, calling people fanboys for disliking a game does. MGO, is awful, and not because I get owned, but because it sucks. I also hate Halo, LBP and I can't stand the sight of Banjo Kazooie. It doesn't make me a fanboy, just a conscious gamer with certain gaming preferences.

And @KingDizzi: Why wouldn't it be free? Last I checked MP is very much part of most games, for free... It'd be weird if they charged for it, especially when it's crap.

Finally, on topic: Ok, great for those who like and play it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5798d ago
Tweeperz5799d ago

woOot see you online!!!!!!!

Spread Butt Cheeks5799d ago

This website was brought to you buy Microsoft's ASP .NET and SQL Server. Every time you visit this site you are supporting Microsoft :) :)

See how all of these webpages end with ".aspx"?

pwnsause5799d ago

yes they do, about a good 3,000 a day.

chidj25799d ago

what the fu*k!!!!!

when they release patch for the lag im going to play again MGO

i have 4 mb download and 512 upload

and LAGS what the hell :S

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Online services for MGSV:TPP (Xbox 360, PS3) and GZ (Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4) to be terminated

Konami has shared an announcement on the official Metal Gear portal site stating that the online services for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will be terminated on May 31st of 2022. This only affects the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. Both MGSV itself and its multiplayer component Metal Gear Online will be shut down on that date. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will also lose its network service on the same date, but this time it also affects the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the game.

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Nyxus1060d ago

MGS4 servers were closed after only 4 years, by the way https://www.metalgearinform...

Welshy1060d ago

Don't remind me, my favourite online game of all time :(

Giblet_Head1060d ago

It's been brought back with RPCS3, if you're curious to get back into it.

SegaSaturn6691060d ago

I played this game recently. This is a problem because infiltrating online bases is by FAR the best way to get money.

During the actual game i made a few mill doing story missions, and procuring equipment, but with the online wallet, I had 100m+ in a few hours.

Not to mention you'd need to create online FOBs to max your gear.

Was hoping there would be a next gen patch to make the idroid a little less laggy. Really, a masterpiece of a game.

SDuck1060d ago

And that's why online elements in single player games will never be welcomed by me

MasterChief36241060d ago

Remember that the services for Phantom Pain on Xbox One, PS4 and PC are still going to be online. But it is only a matter of time, I suppose.

GhostofHorizon1060d ago

Are there any trophies or achievements tied to online?

GhostofHorizon1060d ago

Well... that's unfortunate.

Dark_Overlord1060d ago

Actually 3, Intruder, Deterrence and Disarmament. You have to connect to the online to finish building the Nuke and get the trophy, meaning you can't disarm it either without online.

MetroidFREAK211060d ago

I still need to play these games. I have the PS3 versions

franwex1060d ago

The online component is really helpful with online connectivity. You get minerals and stuff while you sleep to build up your base.

MetroidFREAK211060d ago

I don't think I'll get to it before the online service is shut down

1060d ago Replies(2)
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Metal Gear Online is back, thanks to custom servers

We’ve seen custom servers bring loads of online PC games back from the dead, and emulation has provided a way for plenty of old console games to live on modern hardware. You probably see where this is going. Yes, a group of enterprising fans have put together custom servers to bring back the PlayStation 3’s take on Metal Gear Online, commonly known as Metal Gear Online 2.

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Dabigsiebowski1112d ago

I play MGO 1 still on my Original PS2 still... Online of course

franwex1112d ago

I had no idea we could still play this!

aaronaton1112d ago (Edited 1112d ago )

I play this and I would just say the skill gap is as large as ever. Headshots are key, and most players seems to be able to quickscope anyone from anywhere. This was always a thing on PS3 but it's even more pronounced due to higher frames rates on the rpcs3.

It's the toughest online shooter I've played in a long long time.


Metal Gear Survive will be the 1st Place Prize During a MGO3 Tournament and no Gamer Wants it

Metal Gear Survive will be the 1st Place prize at a Metal Gear Online 3 tournament and fans are furious.

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2496d ago Replies(2)
PhoenixUp2495d ago (Edited 2495d ago )

What more can Kojima do with this franchise when the saga is pretty much over?

The plot is pretty much wrapped up and Kojima has expressed many times he'd like to put the IP to rest. Anymore titles in the Snake saga would just turn Metal Gear into a zombie franchise..........oh wait!

-Foxtrot2496d ago (Edited 2496d ago )

It's a pre order code aswell

I mean it's bad enough it's Survive but not even a Collectors Edition of it or something

Salt in wound. They're right aswell the other prizes are better


DivineAssault 2496d ago (Edited 2496d ago )

LOL that sucks! Only Konami... and capcom ;(

GamesMaster19822496d ago

Shame i would have it but the online in mgo3 is boring as fuck.

BlaqMagiq12495d ago

Wow Konami is punishing whoever wins first place? #FucKonami