
Destiny: Rise of Iron - Light Leveling Guide

Even though there are plenty of ways to progress in Destiny, progression can be fairly difficult.

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maybelovehate2814d ago (Edited 2814d ago )

At the current moment the leveling system is completely broken because of the Ghost Shell. There is no way to get a Ghost Shell better than 365 except for the Faction Packages and they are the lowest percentage drop rate so you could go all the way until Destiny 2 until you get one. Bungie has acknowledged the issue but they say a fix is still weeks away. Kind of ruining the game for me. I am at a point that I cannot decrypt any engrams or open any chests because the gear just drop at the same level or lower level than my gear. I am level 376 with a 365 Ghost Shell.

Viperoholic2814d ago

Run the raid I got a 368 from there but now I'm stuck with my ghost being a 377. Hopefully I'll get it from a weapon package or raidcome reset

pulsarinferno2813d ago

I got a 383 ghost from raid pretty easy to get a ghost or artifact if you have 3 character and can run raid.

maybelovehate2813d ago

I have done the Raid up to the Boss on two characters but no Ghost Shell. The group I play with is not high enough level for the final boss. I could lfg of course, but I don't need it that bad.

dms52232813d ago

I've gotten two from the raid.

InMyOpinion2813d ago

It's a shame they didn't do more with the ghost. I thought it would be like a personal avatar that you could customize and upgrade, maybe give features like frost or fire etc.

rezzah2813d ago

Dont give them more ideas for micro transactions.

These things can easily be in the game but they leave us with a shell.

GrimDragon2813d ago

This guide is stupid.
1: strikes drop weapons and armor at 365. Blue engrams are used for material. Legendary can drop at random levels. Exotics can drop at 1-5 points above your level. Skeleton keys drop randomly on strikes and can also give you 1-4 point items. Which means unless you farm omnigul your grind can take hours or days depending on the time your willing to give and if you have friends willing to help.

Wrath of the machine only gives items once a week. And elders as well. No matter what you grinding your ass off in hopes of better gear. For the average players it's a slow tedious mind numbing process after light 370. There's no sugar coating it. And your ghost and artifacts make the process even more frustrating.

Got to wonder what kind of ocd a player must have to be 390 and have the prime pulse rifle in just a day after launch.

Themba762813d ago

I find it amazing that people can't be this raid yet. but yet my clan 5 manned it this morning it's not a hard raid.

Viperoholic2812d ago

I never beat a raid so quick... so yes your right it's way easy


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InTheZoneAC2512d ago

Just buy the same games for the same price in their respective store. Don't need amazon


Press Start: What I want from Destiny 2

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InTheZoneAC2629d ago

posted this in a similar article not too long ago:

-dedicated servers for PVP
-weapon balance, not selective metas
-lose current sandbox testers/team
-all legendaies/exotics made useful, but obviously will have their strengths/weakeness depending on PVE or PVP and at their specific ranges. I do not want weapons that are absolute trash no matter when you use them.


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