
Hikari-Chan Looks Super-Cute in 22 Minutes of New Summer Lesson Gameplay on PlayStation VR

Today Summer Lesson Director Ayaka Tamaki introduced roughly 22 minutes of gameplay during a livestream on Nico Nico hosted by the Japanese magazine Weekly Famitsu.

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Summer Lesson 3-in-1 Pack for PlayStation VR Gets First Trailer Starring all Three VR Waifus

Summer Lesson: Hikari, Alison, Chisato 3 in 1 Basic Game Pack brings your three favorite VR waifus together on one physical box, for Japan only.

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Summer Lesson 3-in-1 Pack Announced, Brings PlayStation VR Waifu Overdose

Summer Lesson is getting the bundle treatment with a 3-in-1 physical release in Japan, but it comes without the additional DLC.

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New Japanese PlayStation VR Trailer Showcases Winter Releases

Get the lowdown on the Japanese PlayStation VR line-up in a new trailer.

ApocalypseShadow2518d ago

A lot of potentially good content for PSVR incoming.

Keep bringing it. Hopefully Paris game week has even more games and surprises.

1Victor2517d ago

ZOE Anubis run ,RE7 another hero and the squad game with the vr gun are what I’ll be waiting for U.S release

JuJuRMJ2517d ago

I'm so hyped for more and more games in VR. The immersion and experience has trumped traditional gaming so soon in VRs infancy for me, and I've been gaming for 30 years. The games and the gameplay will grow, and very fast as all the thrills, excitement, etc. a gamer feels is multiplied in VR.

Iv'e been saying it as a youngster with console gaming..."Cain't wait to see how gaming is in 3,5,10 years". Them words have never been so relevant when applied to VR