
PlayStation 4 price drop – available for £149 | Console Deals

The original PlayStation 4 has received a substantial price drop today - available for £149.99 - making it the cheapest current generation console ever.

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corroios2818d ago

Damn, that price is just crazy!!!

Angeljuice2817d ago (Edited 2817d ago )

£149 = €173 = $193 (today's exchange rate).

I know loads of people who would be interested.

freshslicepizza2817d ago

good price, trade ins will be quite low now.

2817d ago Replies(2)
C-H-E-F2816d ago

That's insane, well i'm glad I was able to sell my PS4 for 300$ yesterday on ebay. Can't wait for the pro to drop, I figured the closer we get to the launch the faster the console would depreciate so, I will be playing my wifes ps4 (mafia 3/ bf1) until my ps4 pro is safely in my home again.

However, if you don't have a PS4, it's probably cheaper to buy it from here and then ship it to the states. I say do what you have to do to game on. I know my vita will be getting alot more attention and my PS3 until mafia 3 and bf1 is released.

2817d ago
GoldPunch-TR2817d ago

Do not buy. Save your money for PS4 PRO.

Movefasta19932817d ago (Edited 2817d ago )

I brought it from Amazon150 with Fifa , I'll use it for a month and then return it and upgrade to the pro. And anyways you can sell Fifa 17 for like 30 so that deal becomes even more ridiculous

Igihara2817d ago (Edited 2817d ago )

You get the same games. This price is really good if you want to spend the extra £250 on games or something else.

raWfodog2817d ago

Sometimes the price is right for some people regardless of a more powerful console coming out later, especially if you don't have a 4KTV/Monitor to take advantage of the upgraded graphics. Parents rejoice!!

2817d ago
2817d ago
_-EDMIX-_2817d ago

Nothing wrong with the PlayStation Pro but I would advise any user that is seeking to actually purchase PlayStation 4 for the first time to save that extra money to actually buy games you have to understand that this demographic is not on the bleeding edge they probably don't care about those upgraded features.

Just saying what is the pro features to a gamer that didn't even play The Originals? Who is upgrading to a pro who never had a PlayStation 4 but also has a 4K TV? Not saying that somebody can't be that way but I find it unlikely that they're upgrading so all the latest and greatest yet missed out on PlayStation 4.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2817d ago
Genuine-User2817d ago

That is such a fantastic price. It's going to sell out almost everywhere.

Razrye22817d ago

Looks like it has sold out everywhere.

Genuine-User2817d ago

You might be right. I just checked Argos and they're completely sold out.

SegaGamer2817d ago

Yeah it's a bummer. I was just about to buy it and i can't find it anywhere anymore. It's great because i could sell the games and get a brand new console for well under £100.

2817d ago
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Artpulse review for PlayStation 4 - Demon Gaming

Karl writes: - You’re placed in an out-of-this-world environment (there’s a small selection to choose from) and after a quick tutorial of which buttons do what, you’re free to play! Using the motion controllers to combine a variety of shapes and colors (and a bit of freehand painting) you’ll produce beats, synths and…other musical sounds (I’m not an EDM expert so you’ll have to forgive my ignorance on the subject) which will create and elevate the chosen track (again not a huge selection but enough to showcase ArtPulse).

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Himno review for PlayStation 4 - Demon Gaming

Josh writes: - I am going to cut through all the formalities I normally give my reviews with Himno. Normally I try to go into ever Indie title I play with an open mind, and that was no different with Himno. The game boasts “a non-violent, no death platformer.” That may be true that you do not fight off zombies or orcs. However, the bit about not dying is a load of crap as you will constantly fall into the water as you have no clue where you are going half the time.

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Nacho_Z1739d ago

The animation is nice and it looks like it controls well but they seem to have forgotten to make it a game.


Mekabolt review for PlayStation 4 - Demon Gaming

Lyam writes: - Mekabolt is very simple in concept. Your gun itself is the mekabolt and shooting enemies allows you to manipulate them in a way to continue on in the stage. For instance, one enemy walks on a platform and by shooting it, you can use it to access higher heights. Another is a flying one that when shot, it falls to the ground briefly, letting the player have a moment to jump atop of it and ride upwards. Figuring out the patterns of the enemies and what their benefits are is the key to success in finishing stages. There’s not much difficulty since each time a new concept such as a new enemy appears, the next few stages are simplified to learn the benefits of that enemy.

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