
Representative ensures that Nintendo is not ready to talk about NX

Over a year ago, Nintendo announced that it was working on a new console called NX and, so far, official information about it is very scarce. However, the company believes it is too early to discuss about this issue. At least, this was stated by a representative in a recent talk with GameSkinny.

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PhoenixUp2920d ago (Edited 2920d ago )

The console is 6 months away from release and Nintendo still thinks it's too early to officially unveil the console? Wow...just wow. Words cannot describe how absurd that line of thinking is.

Also, way to make one part of article the main title. That's a bit misleading wouldn't you say, especially when the headline isn't even the main topic being discussed in the article.

2920d ago
Erik73572920d ago (Edited 2920d ago )

Maybe they want their competitors to see their console as late as possible? Revealing it early does not mean it will be good, remember the wiiu was revealed a year + in advance, revealed much earlier than ps4/xbox one, and it sucked....

Now you could say sony/microsoft revealed their console 6 months away but then again their consoles were coming out in the fall.....NX is coming OUT THIS SPRING....so I doubt Nintendo cares to tell consumers 6 months in advance to be prepared to buy a new 300-400 dollar console when they are merely just focused on keeping a lid on their ideas as much as possible and having a strong first party line up for launch and preparing for next years fall to get high sales...spring isn't high in sales numbers so thats why they aren't to worried about revealing the console right before it comes out.I personally think they will reveal it right around christmas or soon after the launch of their new mini console. I also think they will have HIGH QUALITY first party games to show on it WHEN THEY REVEAL it....something BOTH PS4 AND XBOX ONE REVEAL LACKED.

At the reveal you will see luigi's mansion 3 gameplay, ubisoft's Beyond evil exclusivity announcement, zelda NX gameplay, and a metroid game for NX announcement.

Watch all that happen.

UltraNova2920d ago

Dude neither MS nor Sony would evet go for the console/handheld combo nor will they ever release a family/kids oriented console that is significantly underpowered at a reduced price.

So why are they worried? They are killing all hype surrounding the NX because their refusal to reveal the console 6 months before release is alarming to say the least since it raises the question - are they not confident of what they have created?

Nyxus2920d ago

Yeah, it's getting ridiculous now.

rainslacker2918d ago

I dunno, with PS4P looming release, they may wish to just let that initial hype pass before revealing it. Granted, I don't know what kind of high profile trade shows they can have between any potential announcement conference, and the actual intended release date to really get the word out that the system exists, or what it is, which means they will have to spend quite a bit in marketing to see strong sales early on.

It's possible they want a modest release, and then will ramp things up throughout the year for the holiday season next year when they will have more games ready for it.

It's been a strange build up for a console. They announced it was a thing more than a year before release, but keep everyone in the dark. Maybe they are hoping hype builds to exceptional levels so it'll be easier to sell(like Apple does), but that obviously isn't happening. For the most part, they have been left out of the generational discussion, and are barely a footnote on the mid-gen upgrade discussions....which to me, isn't a good place to be in.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2918d ago
curtis922919d ago

Sounds like Nintendo aren't sure about their own system. If recent rumors are true and the system is barely on par with a PS4 (slightly less) then they're going to be having the exact same issues they've been having since the Wii. No gimmicks are going to help a severely underpowered system. Why won't they learn?

WickedLester2919d ago

I hope it fails, honestly. Maybe that will force Nintendo to do what it should have done a long time ago, which is become a publisher and put their games on other platforms. Their is a culture problem with Nintendo. They operate in a vacuum and seemingly choose to ignore their competition and, more importantly, their fans. They repeatedly refuse to give gamers what they want and instead try telling us what we SHOULD want. There's a reason why their audience has been steadily shrinking over the last few years.

rjason122917d ago

Well obviously, he was just stating that he will not talk about it, because Nintendo is the one who has to reveal everything. Not some random representative. You guys are looking to far into this, they likely have an official date picked to reveal everything.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2917d ago

Yeah right.......
Nintendo didn't say that so why so I believe you.


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