
DriveClub Dev Says People Are Underestimating The Power of PS4 Pro,Shares Details About DriveClub VR

Also defends against claims that DriveClub VR is a cash grab.

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TheColbertinator2919d ago

Rushy33 is working overtime on dishing out the corrections on these haters. I wish them well with Codemasters.

itsmebryan2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

What haters? The game was delayed over a year and was released broken or did I miss something? It was hyped as a For a killer and didn't come close. That's not hate, it's just facts.

Silly gameAr2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Yeah, you missed a crapload of improvements apparently. I don't remember it being hyped as any kind of killer, and Forza isn't a huge franchise, so I'm not sure why it would need a "killer" in the first place.

Skillz12152919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

yea you missed a fantastic game...and its pure hate

fr0sty2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Ah, Gaming Dolt...

"The lack of 4K blu-ray is apparently an issue for some players and we have done a through (can't even spell thorough) analysis on whether Sony can add it in the future."

Translation - They ripped off what another website (e-mpire.com) reported on the day PS4 Pro was announced, which was partially sourced from info about UHD discs that has been discussed by a guy named Jeff Rigby in various forums online for several months... which required no analysis at all on their part other than a quick Google search and the will to rip off other people's material without sourcing it. Who the hell do these people think they are?

neutralgamer19922919d ago


yes sir drive club/sony did it wrong, they should be doing what ms is doing and keep releasing yearly forza games

see the different GT doesn't release every year
drive club 2 isn't happening anytime soon

launch a game than support it instead of releasing a newer one every fall

one GT game has outsold forza series and that's all that's needed to be said

and BTW many many AAA titles have launched with online issues so stop accusing drive club to be the only one. have you forgotten about battlefield 4. from day one drive club single player content worked but it's online needed some work and it was fixed

and let's not even get started on all the free after launch dlc which ms knows nothing about since forza season passes cost almost as much as a new game

blackblades2919d ago

Somebody tried to make a point here but ended up being pointed to the ground.

TheColbertinator2919d ago


You clearly lack any proper or updated information on the subject.

donthate2919d ago


What support for DriveClub?

With the horrible launch and missing content, it's amazing you got that in the first place. Reminds me of SFV, also another game that released with a horrid launch to be fixed later masquerading as "support".

When Forza releases, I know I'm getting a full game! Because next year there is another game out, so MS better damn send out a working game and judging by critics, Forza Horizon 3 is this generations best racing game ever. I'm glad I get to enjoy it.

SniperControl2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Hey donthate

Kinda reminds me of Halo mcc and Recore...........

Berenwulf2919d ago

It was never really broken. They had problems with the servers and online play which they fixed shortly after the release. The single player was always fantastic since the beginning. They had also such a great season pass with a ton of content.

2919d ago
badz1492919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Xbox fanboys will continue to downplay Driveclub for its initial online issues but failed to recognize it was already playable online in a months time and before the end of that December, they already patched in the promised weather. All in less than 2 months after release.

And they will defend MCC no matter what although it was still broken 6 months after launch.

DC is a solid game and a fun game to play off and online. Arguably still the best looking racer out there especially on console. Fanboys will downplay it for being a closed circuit racer but hey, not everybody is a fan of an unrealistic open world racer either!

Aeery2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

You miss a lot of things and DC is still one of the best racing game of this gen (imo). Challenging, fast and awesome to watch.

freshslicepizza2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

who exactly is underestamating the power of the ps4 pro and why is a developer WHO ISN"T taking advantage of the ps4 pro for its original game talking about it?

we all know the main reason the ps4 pro exists is to help boost psvr and if they didn't have to worry about the original ps4 then the game would not have concessions like less cars and less visual effects.

Kribwalker2918d ago



It was in their add and trailer that it was a Forza killer

C-H-E-F2918d ago

That's really interesting because Driveclub outsold Horizon 2. and was the better racer IMO especially after the patches etc. were added. The funny thing about driveclub is I played it offline first then played it online. So by the time I got online they already patched it up and it was functioning. I always enjoy my games offline first because I know once I go online I will never really want to go back to enjoy the offline experience especially with racers.

XStation4pio_Pro2918d ago (Edited 2918d ago )

Driveclub might be an ok game but it's certainly not a gearhead racing fans game. It's just too shallow and forgiving. The truth hurts some of these people. They made a lot of improvements on DC (I own it and am friends with people who worked on it) but it's still more of a project Gotham racing than a forza or gran tursimo competitor. Even forza horizon (the arcade forza) is exponentially more fun with more depth while not being as technical in the driving sim so DC loses there too. It just looks cool and that's about it.

KickSpinFilter2918d ago

Ya it released broken, but since the server update this game has been awesome, it's really a great game just a piss poor start. DriveClub VR is getting pretty good news out of people who have played it, and sweet there is a demo of it with 15 other VR games.

IamTylerDurden12918d ago

DC wasn't broken at launch, it actually performed well. However, the servers were broken at launch, big difference. I know you never played the game but do some research.

itsmebryan2918d ago (Edited 2918d ago )

Justin Beber sales a lot more than other artist does that make him the best? Sales is not the only way to judge the quality of a product. How do you compare DC a game with very little content at launch ( only 50 cars) and missing the much talked about weather conditions to Horizon 2? Horizon has hundreds of cars that can be customized and upgraded and is a open world racing game with much more content. DC would be better compared to a track racing game like Forza 5 that even though it was released a year earlier have more content , is closer to a sim racer with customizing that effect car performs and looks and runs a solid 1080P @60FPS and DC is an arcade racer that only run 30fps. I was very disappointed as were others of this so, called FORZA killer.

Also why do you feel DC is a better racer?

Saranya2918d ago

I can see PS fans spam dislike to your comment.

Wallstreet372918d ago

Stop with the hyperbolic bs. To begin with Drive Club sp was not broken so the campaign worked flawlessly. What was broken was the online and months later it was working quite well and it s an awesome game, for many the best racer this gen. It got bashed for broken online that was fixed within months yet a game like Halo that had issues in campaign and who's online was trash and didn't work for over a year got a free pass.

Didn't come close to what? Foh with that bs in most aspects such as graphics, dynamic weather/cycles it exceeded Forza so let's not take your view as gospel or facts.

Kryptix2918d ago

Why are the Xbox fanboys worrying about a game that has been fixed & had updates plus free DLC when they should worry about that broken mess Recore. I'm waiting for my Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on PC to be fixed, too.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 2918d ago
2919d ago Replies(7)
IamTylerDurden12918d ago

Driveclub as it stands today is the best racer this gen and DC VR is getting loads of praise by everyone who's played it.

porkChop2918d ago

I'm still waiting for a very important explanation. Before DriveClub released, Shuhei Yoshida said the game would not support VR because it was "too fast." Fast forward to today, and we're being told that not only will DriveClub support VR after all, we'll have to pay an extra $40 for it. Saying a game won't support something that players want, and then selling a separate version of the game that supports the feature people were asking for, is far from ok.

Ju2918d ago

It's a new game. What are you on about? Nothing in live is free. Get over it.

Red_Renegade2918d ago

drive club isn't exactly supporting vr. that's why it's a whole new game that you have to pay for. don't be one of those silly conspiracy people.

2918d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2918d ago
sampson31212919d ago

most realistic game this gen. so much so that all the forza and pc gamers could only attack the handling, which is amazing in itself. people equate open world with good racing. i like having a great race on a track more than an open world that doesn't require skill in order to race.

2919d ago Replies(4)
Blubby2919d ago

Realistic looking Ye, but playing? Hell no. Can you tune your car like every other racer? This game is a shell of a racer, even a puddle is deeper.

I prefer good gameplay over graphics all day everyday

neutralgamer19922919d ago

how could you know since you neither own a ps4 and never played drive club

nix2919d ago

youtube videos told him that. blubby is quite an expert analyst if you go by it.

Blubby2919d ago

Sadly I own a PS4, but thats okay if you wont believe me. Look at Reviews and ppl not 100% Bias. Driveclub is a Bad racing game with great graphics.

2919d ago
InMyOpinion2919d ago

I've played Driveclub a lot, and although it's an ok racer which grows on you I'd swap it for Forza any day. Especially Forza Horizon.

Blubby2918d ago


Well, thats because xboxone discs wont work with your ps4

KickSpinFilter2918d ago

And it has the gameplay, as for tuning it's not that kind of game and I love it for that it's just about racing, and tech skills. The gameplay is not just handed over to you like most race games , ya gotta earn it and once you do you just see how amazing DC is.

sampson31212918d ago (Edited 2918d ago )

"Can you tune your car like every other racer?doesn't mean it's not real. just like"

no we don't tune our cars, but neither does the guy living down the street driving his Ferrari.
it doesn't mean Driveclub physics aren't good because you can't tweak the car settings. Driveclub, more than any other racer, makes you feel the weight of each car. man, i played all these games and for the life of me i don't understand how people try to compare FH handling to Driveclubs. they say driveclub is arcade, what the hell do you think the FH series is?

most of you haven't even played it. if you have, what's your psn name?

Each car takes approximately seven months to create – from initial licensing, reference collation, CAD data processing, asset production, physics modelling, through to the final car in-game.

51 DRIVECLUB DETAILS THAT MIGHT BLOW YOUR MIND: https://blog.eu.playstation...

XanderZane2918d ago Show
Kombatologist2918d ago

"Driveclub, more than any other racer, makes you feel the weight of each car."

I'm a huge racing fan (both arcade and sim), and Driveclub has some of the worst gameplay I've ever experienced in an arcade racer. It feels like you're driving a brick. When it comes to car physics, some of the best I've seen has come from the likes of Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec and FlatOut 2. I can actually feel my tires in those games, if that makes any sense. I will say that Driveclub is still the best-looking racer, though, hands down.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2918d ago
itsmebryan2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Isn't handling the most important thing in a racing game?

UltraNova2919d ago

So Forza Horizon is a bad franchice because the handling is unrealistic aka arcady?

Dat logic...

Red_Renegade2919d ago

driveclub handles very well, so nothing to worry about.

DJustinUNCHAIND2919d ago

Just stop. The handling is the most important part.

Evolution got so caught up in making the raindrops that they forgot to make a game that was fun to play.

rezzah2919d ago

I think you got so caught up in the rain drops that you forgot how to learn to play.

sampson31212918d ago

please tell me your psn name, let's see how often you played Driveclub.

madforaday2918d ago

I am not a big fan of racing games at all, I got GT 5 since I heard good things about it but I couldn't get into it because of the customizations in the game. I had no idea what I was doing and I wasn't winning, so I couldn't buy more parts or whatever to do better. I also was horrible at it either.

I stopped playing it and never got into another racer until Driveclub came out. I was hesitant, but I read a lot about it, and loved how there was tons of tuning in the game because I did not want to deal with that. I want to race not to tune up a car for hours to make it perfect for one race. I liked how DC was advertised as a sim/arcade racer. I did pick it up, and I only played SP, I know MP had issues but that isn't the point.

I was awful at this racer too, especially when I got into some of the faster cars. I had a hard time with drifting and turning sharp corners when I had a car that wasn't great at drifting. Since, I didn't have to do stupid tune ups with my car I kept on racing to get better. I couldn't tell you how many times I redid the same event to get 1st or even 2nd..

Eventually, I got better, making each turn felt soo goood! I felt like I earned my 1st places and even my 2nd places because I know I raced well. I played many racing games in general, and if you mess up you could EASILY get back into the race and finish. In Driveclub that isn't the case, if you mess you are going to need to race superb to get back in it. That is the game punishing me for messing up, similar in Dark Souls which I loved.

Motorstorm Pacific Rift is still probably my favorite racing game of all time then probably Rush 2049, and what all those games have in common is you have to be good if you want to come in 1st. I don't want to play a racing game that is trying to make me come in 1st, I want to be the one in control, I do not want my hand held.

On that note, Horizon 3 looks amazing and I like the openness of it. I never got into an open world racer besides with Paradise which I didn't but my brother loved it. I been watching videos like crazy about Horizon 3, and I wouldn't put Horizon and DC in the same category. I have no problem having two amazing racers in this generation!

2600Thunder2919d ago

I am primarily a PC gamer and love the game and my PS4 exclusives, so don't be like the haters and throw those of us who play and love many platforms under one tent together because of a few vocal, unworldly, and uneducated nutbags.

Lamboomington2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

"most realistic game this gen. so much so that all the forza and pc gamers could only attack the handling"
good, I see you want to turn this also into a silly fanboy war. Good job, keep it up.

sampson31212918d ago

If someone attacks a game they've never played, what would you call it?
the game came out around the same time as fh2, almost every article the xbox fanboys were there in force to protect fh2. so [please take your head out of the sand.

the biggest argument as to why it wasn't a good racer was "it's not even an open world game" like a racing game has to be an open world game in order to be good. IT'S RACING! lol

trainsgofast2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

I know you guys love DC and it's not a bad game but lets just call it like it is a OutRun arcade game....................
FH3 is 100 times better than DC in all points. Why drive down a block when you can drive around the world?

sampson31212918d ago

you wouldn't be able to race a hyper car in driveclub. you would swerve this way and that way, then you would complain that "the handling sucks!" like others that didn't take the time to actually learn how each car drives.
fh is a hop in the car and go racer "arcade" and driveclub isn't.

i remember hearing people saying " the tires are too sticky" lol, you mean the cars have weight and you need to learn to drive.

XanderZane2918d ago Show
EddieNX 2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

yh forza 6 destroys it tho, driveclub is irrelevant, nobody wants to play the second or third best racer unless you have to. Forza horizon 3 is un realistic but its still the best open world racer perhaps ever made.

Forza 6 is more realistic than driveclub and has better gameplay.

Wallstreet372918d ago

Go grab #eggies bolas and wait for your mediocre NX lol big boys are talking here about adult gaming, not fourty year old regurgitated IPS.

Nobody wants to play the third or fourth best console unless you have to lol hypocrite Nintendo defender. I noticed anything Sony you love to bash because your so disappointed in your console lol

2919d ago Replies(2)
KickSpinFilter2918d ago

Ya blows my mind if I want open world racing I'll go to GTA or Watchdogs, they did far more interesting and ya can kill people. :}

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2918d ago
crazychris41242919d ago

Is the game getting a Pro patch?? Would be great to have 60 fps and HDR

Blubby2919d ago

Devs said no, why would they? The studio got closed

Lilrizky2919d ago

Yeah the devs are closed. Yet here we are with driveclub VR releasing in October.

Regardless you don't need the original creators to patch in HDR lol and patch it to support ps4pro

What a shallow minded thought lol. Not saying it will happen but if sony wanted it to happen... it'll happen

XanderZane2918d ago Show
porkChop2918d ago

The studio isn't actually closed. Sony announced they were closing the studio, but Codemasters took ownership of them and are allowing them to continue as a separate team.

S2Killinit2919d ago

drive club VR here I come. man, its exciting times for gamers.

Bolts2919d ago

Show me 1080p 60 FPS. Then we can talk about power.

mogwaii2919d ago

Thats exactly what i want and expect if im buying a whole new more powerful system, its a minimum required for an upgrade and as yet none of the games coming to pro have it.

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How Real-World Events Shaped the Story and Content of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

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Palworld maker vows to fight Nintendo lawsuit on behalf of fans and indie developers

Palworld developer Pocketpair has responded to this morning's dramatic decision by Nintendo to file a patent infringement.

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GotGame8183d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Palworld is better, but Nintendo has$$$$ They can fight it all they want, but will absolutely lose. It is a blatant Pokemon rip off. I do wish them luck though.

RedDevils2d ago

Go check Dragon Quest you would know where Pokemon got their ideas from.

MeteorPanda2d ago

The character design is NOT the issue here. Pokemon patented bullsht. You can patent "Throwing an item to capture a virtual character and another action to release an item that releases a combat character onto virtual world" but my god that is vague as fuck and shouldnt hold in any court...and the kicker? it was patented AFTER palworld was made.

If this lawsuit goes through that is literally going to work on every single monster capture game,

Lionsguard2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Like the other guy said, this has nothing to do with any of the designs. This is Nintendo patent trolling. It's like Rockstar suing another game if they have a guy opening the car door and yanking them out to steal the car because that's why you do in GTA so therefore that game is infringing on GTA's "patent". And that's the reason why Pocketpair is fighting this because if they lose this opens the doors to MORE lawsuits of this kind.

Profchaos2d ago

Weren't the wire models used in palworld ripped out of Pokemon in the end?

porkChop2d ago

No they weren't. That was proven false. And, again since people don't seem to understand, this is not a copyright lawsuit or about stolen content/assets/designs/etc. It's a patent lawsuit. So far all the possible patents I've seen were filed by Nintendo 4 months *after* Palworld released.

Profchaos2d ago

Then I have no clue what this is about specifically

--Onilink--2d ago

The catching mechanic patent was filed even before Arceus was released, I dont know which ones you have been watching because all the ones I’ve seen were before Palword came out
(Though not all have been approved in the US yet, just in Japan)

porkChop2d ago

The patent for the catching mechanic was filed July 2024 and granted August 2024. It was filed on top of a separate, "parent" patent that had been filed in 2021. Nintendo filed new patents and had them expedited just so they could sue Pocket Pair/Palworld.

MeteorPanda2d ago

it's so dumb. if that patent holds any water in court - any monster capture game is done and gone. cnts.

NotoriousWhiz1d 18h ago (Edited 1d 18h ago )

Source that says it was filed in July? I couldn't find it. And everything I can find states that it typically takes around a year or more for patents to be approved.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 18h ago
jznrpg2d ago

On behalf of their money seems like the biggest reason

Kneetos2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

People want Nintendo to lose as a big middle finger to the company, but if Nintendo wins then they set a precedent for others to follow which could be bad for Nintendo themselves if they end up infringing on a patent owned by someone else

The one I'm reminded of is, a few years ago Sony patented something to do with AI controlling a characters moments in a game to "help get past difficult or grindy parts" of a game

Mario kart 8 deluxe had a the auto acceleration and auto steering technology implemented, so potentially if that came back for mario kart 9 could possibly open the door for Sony to sue them if it's close enough

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