
Sonic Mania Hands on Preview | Gamerscore Whores

Armik from Gamerscore Whores writes "Sonic fans have been through tumultuous times over the last 15 years. From the dreadful Sonic the Hedgehog on Xbox 360, half-baked 3D attempts to beat Sonic Adventure and a myriad of average games, Sonic Mania looks to finally have given the game Sonic fans deserve."

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PhoenixUp2922d ago

I expected better from Dimps. At least Sonic 4: Episode II was enjoyable, but it had no business calling itself Sonic 4.

Sonic Mania is where it's at.

DivineAssault 2921d ago (Edited 2921d ago )

I am definitely buying this day 1.. This is what ive been waiting for at 15-20 years.. I wish it used 32bit sprites but ill take it just the way it is in a heartbeat.. The main 3 in old school form is how i grew up with it. I wonder why every time i see gameplay, its someone who cant play for jack lol.. The physics of old look spot on


Sonic Mania Team Celebrates 7th Anniversary With Trivia, Art And Unreleased Tracks

This week marks the seventh anniversary of Sonic Mania and although there are no announcements to go with it, the game's developer Christian Whitehead has taken to social media - sharing some trivia you might not have known about.

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gold_drake40d ago

7 years and we still have yet to see mania 2 ha

OtterX40d ago

You would have thought it would have been a no-brainer!

gold_drake40d ago

of course not, are u crazy? devs giving us what we want and like ? pfff

like, its easy money right? but. you know.

-Foxtrot39d ago

My theory is that Sonic Team were kind of annoyed how well received Mania was despite all their efforts in the past of doing a good Sonic game…it took a fan team to do it. Even the soundtrack is glorious.

So instead of doing Mania 2 they thought “nah we can do it better, let’s do Superstars…but let’s add something unnecessary like try to make it a a co-op game like the 2D Mario games since we can’t help ourselves”.

gold_drake39d ago

yeh, segas Obsession making sonic 3d is abit odd.
i didnt like superstars nearly ad mhch tbh

Chocoburger39d ago

The dev team wanted to make their own original game, and they created Penny's Big Breakaway, which seems to have garnered a fair amount of praise. I have yet to play it though.


The 7 Best Sonic the Hedgehog Games: Racing through Time

Sonic the Hedgehog has a long and turbulent history in videogames, but which are the best games featuring the blue bur?

Rebel_Scum232d ago

Generations over Mania? Please… Generations doesnt have any new ideas in the levels/bosses.

Also a top 7 of Sonic games shouldn’t have any 3D crap and contain at least one of the 8-bit titles.

Sonic CD getting snubbed is weird. Number 1 is definitely interchangable between Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

Snookies12232d ago

Nothing wrong with putting Generations over Mania. Generations had a lot more to it. Mania was just a bit too short, despite how amazing it was. They're both top-tier Sonic games though.

Profchaos232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

I don't think mania was to short given 1,2,3, knuckles were between 1 and 3 hours long.

Mania was 5 hours roughly

However i say the originals feel more repayable because they are so short

Profchaos232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

The 8 bit games were pretty bad overall do you mean the 16 bit ones

Rebel_Scum232d ago

Nope. Sonic 1 & 2 on the master system were great. Dont confuse these with the game gear versions either.

Profchaos232d ago

Top 7 for me
7 cd
6 mania
5 Frontiers
4 sonic 3
3 sonic 1
2 sonic and knuckles
1 sonic 2

persona4chie232d ago

Sometimes I feel like the Sonic Advanced games just didn’t exist with how much it’s always forgotten 😭

Chocoburger231d ago

Even as a Sonic fan, I didn't really care for those games, and getting the Chaos Emeralds were freakin' horrible. Even with an emulator and save states, I didn't have the desire to try. I also didn't like most of the levels or bosses either. Unfortunately, DiMPs aren't good at making Sonic games.


PlayStation 4 Emulator RPCSX Can Now Run Sonic Mania At 45 FPS

RPCSX, the newly announced PS4 emulator made by the wonderful people behind RPCS3, was shown running Sonic Mania at a whopping 45 FPS.

Vits411d ago

Really cool, hopefully, they can advance with this emulator pretty quickly. Their work with the RPCS3 was amazing given how notoriously hard that console architecture is.

walken7410d ago

Correction: it runs the intro screen and then turns into a green mess. Still cool progress, but who approves this garbage with click-bait titles?

Profchaos410d ago (Edited 410d ago )

Interesting watching this advance it might take a few more years but the community will be very thankful in the end after all Sony may have given us full PS4 backwards compatibility in the ps5 but they still haven't given us 60 fps patches and modes for a number of popular games like bloodborne.
I can however see Sony taking a stance against this emulator unlike rpcs3 which was emulating the PS3 as the PS3 was off store shelves and many games had no legal purchase route given psn doesn't have then entire PS3 library available. PS4 is quite different

Abear21410d ago (Edited 410d ago )

Own this from PS Plus. How ironic people spend their precious time, hours of their life they will never get back, trying to get games to run on hardware it’s not intended to when they could easily play it another way. For free no less. Every day things get more odd.