
The Bunker Review – GameSpew

The Bunker from Splendy Games and Wales Interactive may well just make waves in our perception of what a video game should be.

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2924d ago Replies(1)

Can the Games Market be Dominated by the Film Industry?

Written by Alan Kerr - The continual push towards better graphics has led the game industry to a point where games are starting to look incredibly realistic. At the same time, the film industry’s ability in CGI has come just as far and it is getting harder to notice the difference.

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PhoenixUp2323d ago

Well first of all gaming does far more than just realistic graphics, it goes for all different kinds of art styles.

Second visuals aren’t everything. It’s the only interactive medium with various aspects that can’t be replicated in any other medium.

Finally the gaming industry is the fastest growing industry of all time and in recent years it’s outgrossed both the music and movie industries combined.

MorpheusX2322d ago

Can the Games Market be Dominated by the Film Industry?

There trying .

TekoIie2322d ago

Not really. The games industry is far more flexible and able to wriggle its way into people's lives be it from candy crush on the bus to Call of Duty at home.

Film has it much harder to make its way into people's lives seeing as you may have to put aside a few hours in the day to see a movie.

To me it's just one major advantage the medium has over the other from a market standpoint.


Return of the Full Motion Video Game

When you think of the full motion video game genre, there are some immediately negative associations which spring to mind.
But over the last few years, we have seen a renewed effort to reclaim the genre and act on its full potential, with titles like “Her Story,” “The Bunker,” and “The Late Shift” giving players a higher quality of interactive experience and further blurring the lines between filmmaking and game development.
To understand the future of the genre, however, you first have to look into its past.

TheCommentator2332d ago

I remember the first time I walked past a Dragon's Lair machine at the arcade and was blown away. That and Mad Dog Mc Cree. There were others, but those were the two that stood out most to me. Kind of weird that the genre is coming back at all though.

dmonee2332d ago (Edited 2332d ago )

What was that weird hologram game called? It was weird but it was FMV. I can’t remember the name of it

TheCommentator2332d ago

That one was pretty cool to see too. It was Time Traveler, published by Sega:


Moonman2332d ago

I'm definitely playing Night Trap on Switch (first time).


The Bunker Review | TheSwitchHub

Ethan writes: "Back in the '90s FMV games were all the range. It was a new and exciting form of gameplay that blew people's minds. Titles such as Ground Zero: Texas and Night Trap were at the cutting edge of technology and made you feel like you were the actor and controller of the action or horror title. Fast forward to now and we have FMV games like Her Story and Late Shift. Critically acclaimed games that threw FMVs back into the playing field.

Now we welcome The Bunker, a horror game developed by British company Splendy Games and published by Wales' own Wales Interactive. Would they prove that FMVs are back with a vengeance? Or is it just a fad that has already had its time?"

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ObviousGoldfish2344d ago

Back in the '90s FMV games were all the range.

Noone proofread this shit?