
Destiny Rise Of Iron Archon's Forge Guide

Archon's Forge is the brand new Public Event in Destiny's Rise of Iron expansion. Much like Court of Oryx players are tasked with finding items to summon powerful groups of enemies with the hopes of obtaining rare and powerful rewards. This Archon's Forge Guide covers every aspect of Archon's Forge from where to find the SIVA Offering's to tricks and tips to winning each round.

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derkasan2833d ago

Would you say it's worth it?

CaptainCamper2833d ago

It's a good challenge for the higher light level ones but the rewards are meh so far

dead_pixels2833d ago

This should he a big help - thanks!

JohnnyHurricane2833d ago

Really wish I could hold more than one.

maybelovehate2833d ago

Me too. It is a great idea but they sucked the fun out of it since no one ever has an offering.


The offerings need to drop more and losing them if you don't complete it is a joke


Amazon July Digital Game Sale: Save Up To 77% Off

Are you planning to purchase a brand new video game for your home gaming console? If yes, then do not look anymore as you have landed on the right page. In this article, not only you are going to reveal a list of lucrative gaming deals, but also “Amazon Digital Sale” will offer you great savings on your next purchase.

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InTheZoneAC2521d ago

Just buy the same games for the same price in their respective store. Don't need amazon


Press Start: What I want from Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is coming this fall. Here's what Gazette gaming columnist Jake Magee wants to see from the highly anticipated sequel.

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InTheZoneAC2638d ago

posted this in a similar article not too long ago:

-dedicated servers for PVP
-weapon balance, not selective metas
-lose current sandbox testers/team
-all legendaies/exotics made useful, but obviously will have their strengths/weakeness depending on PVE or PVP and at their specific ranges. I do not want weapons that are absolute trash no matter when you use them.


Destiny: Rise of Iron - Crota's End Deathsinger Challenge Mode Guide

There was a lot of speculation what the challenge would be. Some expected it to be winning very fast, while suspected some new mechanics.

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