
Midway concerned at Xbox 360 Euro "lagging"

Midway's VP of International, Martin Spiess, has told GamesIndustry.biz that he finds the Xbox 360's performance in some countries in Europe "concerning", noting that it is "lagging behind" the other consoles.

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Jamie Foxx5800d ago (Edited 5800d ago )

about their own performance as a game developer,seriously what was the last game they made that made you go wow? unreal 3,stranglehold?pfft

vhero5800d ago

mortal kombat is one of their biggest titles and this could effect an eu release which is bad for 360 owners as not all games are region free

Anton Chigurh5799d ago (Edited 5799d ago )

all the games who were published by Midway are region free

more info

KingME5799d ago

Why wouldn't they release it in Europe if they have already built the IP for the us market. Most of the work would have already been done. So the way I see it is they would loose money if they made a mortal combat game and decided not to release it in europe.

sonarus5799d ago

360 is 100 pounds cheaper than PS3 for the 60GB model. Thats about 200 dollars. When the price dropped everyone was screamaing 360 is going for PS3 throat. At least this proves that the cheapest console is not all that matters

Ngai5799d ago

UT3 is some big ass crap.

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hot_gamer_girl_15799d ago

in order to be successful in any line of business you must produce great quality products continuously..

your right jamie foxx when was the last great quality game they produced? i'd like to know..lol

juuken5799d ago

Yep, there is a need to be concerned.
Microsoft better wake up and smell the coffee because the U.S doesn't equal the world. It takes worldwide sales to be the king of the mountain.

morganfell5799d ago

Correct juuken. With Europe being the largest territory it is important. But now the US is beginning to follow suit with what the rest of the world has been doing for a while. Buying PS3s at a much faster rate than 360s.

juuken5799d ago


Oh Microsoft...how you've gone so wrong. *shakes head*

Anton Chigurh5799d ago (Edited 5799d ago )

not to mention the popularity of PS or sony brand

testerg355799d ago

I think MS has done what needs to be done. They've lowered the price several times, secured some exclusives, and heavy advertising. I believe there is just a lot of hate for the Microsoft brand.

juuken5799d ago

But tester, that pricecut is not enough. The 360 needs to have more variety and appeal even more to the casual audience. If you don't have that, then priceuts do not work.

That's the way I see it.

Pain5799d ago

The US is 'Not' the center of the universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????? ????


TheMART5799d ago

@ Juuken

Girl, you got your mind twisted


You mean the fact that the PS3 is the shooter controller nowadays?
It has allmost no (J)RPG's, it has allmost no exclusive racers (no a demo like GT5P isn't a full game)...

Yes LBP is variaty, but furthermore the 360 has more variaty then the PS3 has in about every genre possible.

Your comments suck donkey balls in general though

juuken5799d ago (Edited 5799d ago )

Mart, Mart, Mart. *shakes head*

"Girl, you got your mind twisted"



Mart, why can't you spell the simplest words? My God, it's variety. VARIETY. V-A-R-I-E-T-Y.

Didn't you learn basic grammar in school?

"You mean the fact that the PS3 is the shooter controller nowadays?"

Uh...Little Big Planet is not a shooter. Fat Princess is not a shooter. Valkyria Chronicles is not a shooter. INfamous is not a shooter. Heavy Rain is not a shooter. Eyepet is not a shooter. FFXIII Versus is not a shooter. White Knight Chronicles is not a shooter. Mart...I'm sorry but they're not shooters.

"It has allmost no (J)RPG's, it has allmost no exclusive racers (no a demo like GT5P isn't a full game)..."

Plain gibberish on your part.

1. White Knight Chronicles
2. Final Fantasy Versus XIII
3. FFXIII (exclusive in Japan)
4. Valkyria Chronicles
5. Last Remnant (timed)
6. Eternal Sonata (multiplatform)
7. Star Ocean (it's timed)

Those are not rpg's?

Most of the 360's rpg's are mediocre at best except for Tales of Vesperia.

And what the hell is wrong with you and GT5Prologue?

Do you have some kind of an obsession with it?

Name exclusive racers on the 360.

The only one I can think is Forza.

Gran Turismo has always been the best racing simulation on the Playstation 1, 2, and now 3. Just because GT5Prologue isn't the full game, doesn't mean it isn't a game. How is it that they're always updating something if it's not a game?

"Yes LBP is variaty, but furthermore the 360 has more variaty then the PS3 has in about every genre possible."

1. Spelled variety wrong again.
2. How? If the 360 has all of this variety, then how come it's being outsold by a console that's more expensive to begin with?
3. Do you have ANY idea how many 1st party studios Sony has? Do you know that there are a crapload of games that haven't been announced yet that are all 1st party games?

"Your comments suck donkey balls in general though"

And your comments are supposed to be any better? I love how you ended a sentence without a period Mart.

It shows your intelligence. :/

EDIT: (because I refuse to use another bubble on you...-__-)

"hahaha Juukie"

Ha-ha yourself. I don't even see what's so funny to begin with.

"again trying to save your sorry fat ass again"

And you know how I look in real life. :]
It's okay Mart. Whenever someone shoots down your arguments, you resort to insults.

"But why mentioning games that aren't out yet? YOU DON'T HAVE THEM"

...So what? You were assuming the PS3 has no rpg's and I shot down your argument right there.

1. White Knight Chronicles --> NOT OUT (yes, and your point being? It will be shown at Tokyo Game Show and there's a possibility we'll hear the release date)
2. Final Fantasy Versus XIII --> NOT OUT UNTILL PROBABLY 2010 (You don't know that)
3. FFXIII (exclusive in Japan) --> SAME (2009)
4. Valkyria Chronicles
5. Last Remnant (timed) --> YOU JUST ASSUME THAT and not out at least for PS3 (I didn't assume that. It is a timed exclusive because it's supposed to be developed on both systems)
6. Eternal Sonata (multiplatform)
7. Star Ocean (it's timed) --> YOU JUST ASSUME THAT and not out at leat for PS3 (I read in EGM that it will eventually come to the PS3 so it's timed.)

You fail Mart. *yawns*

"You fail. As I've proven. PS3 lacks about in every genre. Thanks for proving that."

You just hate the PS3 Mart. The PS3 has a lot of unnamed exclusives that you know nothing about. Just because those games aren't out yet doesn't mean that there's no variety.

"And by pointing out a period on writing a post on the internet shows that you have a weak post. You have to make up on your failure in the genres you're missing games now on the PS3 allmost after two years after the thing released that you are going to search for nothing."

Blah, blah, blah, blah, I FAIL AT LIFE blah, blah, blah, blah.

"You can't change the fact the PS3 has taken the place the XBOX 1 had last gen. No wide range of different games period."

Blah, blah, blah I hate the PS3 because it's beating the hell out of my Gimpedbox 360 blah, blah blah blah.

"And don't sum up another list of games that aren't out yet please. You're looking stupid. Racers on the 360, Forza 2, PGR3, PGR4 exclusive and high rated. At least more again then on the PS3."

Blah, blah, blah, blah, I can't handle the PS3's momentum blah, blah, blah, blah.

I'll name games that *are* coming out this year and are out this year.

Resistance 2
Little Big Planet
Motorstorm: Pacific
Valkyria Chronicles
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
Wipeout HD
The Last Guy
Super Stardust HD
Socom: Confrontation

...I don't wanna list anymore because I'll probably destroy you even further Mart. :o)

"WiiFit is calling Juukie"

Yet another insult. This is why people will never take your arguments seriously.

TheMART5799d ago (Edited 5799d ago )

hahaha Juukie

again trying to save your sorry fat ass again

But why mentioning games that aren't out yet? YOU DON'T HAVE THEM

1. White Knight Chronicles --> NOT OUT
2. Final Fantasy Versus XIII --> NOT OUT UNTILL PROBABLY 2010
3. FFXIII (exclusive in Japan) --> SAME
4. Valkyria Chronicles
5. Last Remnant (timed) --> YOU JUST ASSUME THAT and not out at least for PS3
6. Eternal Sonata (multiplatform)
7. Star Ocean (it's timed) --> YOU JUST ASSUME THAT and not out at leat for PS3

You fail. As I've proven. PS3 lacks about in every genre. Thanks for proving that.

And by pointing out a period on writing a post on the internet shows that you have a weak post. You have to make up on your failure in the genres you're missing games now on the PS3 allmost after two years after the thing released that you are going to search for nothing.

You can't change the fact the PS3 has taken the place the XBOX 1 had last gen. No wide range of different games period.

And don't sum up another list of games that aren't out yet please. You're looking stupid. Racers on the 360, Forza 2, PGR3, PGR4 exclusive and high rated. At least more again then on the PS3.

WiiFit is calling Juukie


hahahaha Juukie writing a book again? You fail. You refuse to use another bubble again, but still you're writing many many sentences for nothing again.

I ask you games you can play now as I pointed out above and you keep repeating on those RPG's. They are out on the 360, they aren't out on the PS3. Simple as that.

You're stupid. Just plain stupid. The PS3 at this moment is lacking in multiple genres. The 360 has a better line up, more genres covered. You can talk about 2010, but a new gamer looks at now. The 360 is the better choice then the PS3 that switched places with the XBOX 1 last gen.

Dyingduck5799d ago

Lost Flop
Flop Dragon
Tales of Flop
Too Flop AKA “2”
Infinite Flop

If you did, shame on you

And whoever died 2 Flop isn't a RPG obviously has not played it yet

juuken5799d ago

And Mart continues to flap in the wind.

I know Mart, the PS3 is on fire. You're jealous.
I mean, it's okay! You knew it was going to happen one way or another. The days of you attacking the PS3 are over. :]

Surrender now, and we might just spare ya.

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Anton Chigurh5799d ago (Edited 5799d ago )

why do European hates the 360 ??? it's really unfair

If you ask me I think the 360 is better than the ps3 at this time

BTW, both are great

Fishy Fingers5799d ago

Not sure how that relates to UT3.

I imagine your referring to the PS3 outselling the 360? That simply means that the PS3 is preferred, it doesn't mean anybody "hates" the 360.

DarK-SilV5799d ago

Then let me ask again, why European and Japanese hate X360??I guess everybody know the answer, it's not only about hate, it about value

KingME5799d ago

I don't really think that europe "hates" the 360, I believe that they are a bit cautious about some of the RROD issues. Which in itself is Microsoft's fault. I think when Europe's confidence in the 360 is restored the 360 will be fine.

However if MS blows it again with the NEW system revision, it's a wrap!

sak5005799d ago

I believe ps3 sells there more cuz of Bluray. Europeans like to watch HD movies.

Jamie Foxx5799d ago (Edited 5799d ago )

i disagree with you

have you not read game forums or the one you post on for that matter?

people have their preferences and there are people who hate the 360 with a passion and there are those that hate the ps3 with a passion,and there are gamers who just appreciate games no matter the hardware

its that simple

VF34EJ255799d ago

Let's go both ways shall we?

If you're going to ask why does Europe hate the 360. Then ask why does the U.S. hate the PS3?

Fishy Fingers5799d ago (Edited 5799d ago )


What is written on gaming forums is hardly what Id consider to be the opinion of the masses. Believe it or not to the majority of people they're just games consoles (or toys). Not everyone looks at them as the face of some "evil cooperation".

Id even go as far as to say I think the majority of what people write on gaming forums doesnt even represent their opinions in the real world (ie fanboys).

DaffyD5799d ago (Edited 5799d ago )

Europe doesn't hate XO. RRoD and noisiness is one part of problem and Blu-Ray is big plus for Sony, but also major difference is what you get with XO in Europe.

Most part of Europe you can't get any video service with Live and we can only dream services like Netflix trough Live. Still Live price in US$ is much higher here than in US.

Also we love casual games and there isn't any great one in XO. Scene It did try copy Sony's Buzz, but it did do EVERYTHING wrong. Casual games should be possible to play not only with your friends, but also with your family. There wasn't any localization of Scene It in most part of Europe and questions were about movies and TV-series, which NOBODY have EVER heard this side of Atlantic ocean. Also MS haven't done any localization for Viva Pinãta or any other "also for kids" game. Sony did localize even Heavenly Sword and they make own versions of Buzz and Singstar for most of European countries (no wonder those are one of best selling items of Sony in Europe).

Also there is more life in Elvis than MS PR people in Europe. I can see PS3 commercials in every game magazine and two or three times a day in TV. After Halo 3 campaign there haven't been any campaign for XBox 360. Most of "casual" consumers in North Europe probably doesn't even know there is any other consoles in market that PS2, PS3 and Wii.

About 6 months ago MS did say that now one they main focus is to concentrate to win European consumers to their side and first what they did do, was to skip only BIG European games convention in Leipzig, where most of European resellers decide what to buy for Christmas.

MS is releasing new features for Live and XO in US all the time, but we haven't get even those old features for Live, even we pay more on XO and Live, so more proper question is what Europeans have done to get MS hate over us?

I Make Stuff Up5799d ago

So, Sony was right then? Excellent.

I see you got a load of disagrees for your post above.
I believe you are 100% correct. Fanboys here (and other sites) tend to get so caught up in their little crusades that they start believing everyone else is either on the side of "good" or the side of "evil". What they lose sight of is that the general public is on their own side; choosing what they want and not caring as much about the companies behind the products.
Bubbles for you.

MJY2K5799d ago

It's because the 360 is a very American console the games don't appeal to us.

If you take a look at my games collection I have games like Buzz and Ratchet through to GTA and MGS. It's the same for my friend's with FIFA/PES, Eye of Judgement (in one case :S lol) and Singstar thrown in.

The PS1 and 2 had a broad spectrum of games and the PS3 is carrying on with that tradition.

It's also probably a question of value as someone else mentioned above, the PS3 is excellent value for money and we see that too.

And another thing about value, PSN is free. Live is supposedly a better service but at the end of the day you're doing the exact same thing, playing online.

mighty_douche5799d ago

LOL... If you genuinely hold hate for a lump of plastic, silicone and metal you need to step back and look at yourself.

PirateThom5799d ago


PC gaming is still really big in Europe, most people can play XBox 360 games on their PC, while most PS3 games can't be played on PC, so they get the options that gives them the most games.

Microsoft canabalised their own market, it's why they won't admit to Gears of War 2 PC.

kingme715799d ago

Mighty D.

I know a number of women that contain those materials :)

mighty_douche5799d ago

Something tells me it's not "hate" that they make you feel though ;)

Lucreto5799d ago

People are forgetting that Microsoft has a poor image in Europe due to its anti-competitive practices.

Ju5799d ago

@DaffyD. I think you made a good statement. I lived in Europe for more then 30 years. Moved to the US a couple of years ago. So I can see both sides. Both sides work fundamentally different in some aspects. What you describe I would simply qualify as arrogance on MS's side. But maybe that's not intentionally. That's just how things work in the US. Not to say, they are arrogant here. It might appear that way, though. Europe is very diverse compared to the US in regards to cultures etc. If the company (e.g. MS) does not have a local representation which understand that each and every country, no matter what size has its own needs, it will be very hard to win that market. On the balance sheet, this might be a lot of small market, simply because Europe consist of a lot small countries. All of them need individual treatment. While on the US side, you can basically manage the whole north american market through out one distributor, or at least your more flexible. No language barriers, merger local territories, etc. In Europe its even hard to server the Austrian/Swiss market from Germany, even thought they all talk the same language. And, well, MS track record doesn't make it easier for them either. Quiet the opposite in the states. MS is a local hero here. And, for Europe, all three, MS, Sony and Nintendo are kind of equal. All are non European companies. So, no need to prefer one over the other. Sony might be a well recognized brand for high quality consumer electronic goods, and thus also known to non gamers. And another thing I have experienced, money plays a way bigger role here in the States then in Europe, where I think quality always prevails over cheap price. People build houses of stone there, not wood, like here, e.g.

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Someone made an unofficial fan Unreal Engine Donkey Kong Country game & is available for download

A Tribute To Donkey Kong features 12 levels, 200+ 3D models, 20+ characters with 120+ animations, 1000+ new game assets, 400+ textures, 30+ particles effects and over 3000 lines of code.

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getbacktogaming2348d ago (Edited 2348d ago )

Isn't this old news!? As cool as this is it has been released since 2014.


Rated-R: Angels Fall First interview

This time they are interviewing one of the guys behind the 1st person shooter, Angels Fall First.
Also, Overload Kickstarter success, Albert Einstein and Pi-day, Uranus, Space-twins and the new guy makes wookie-sounds about US politics!

* New Bammsters member: Draconusx
* Overload kickstarter hit their goal with 2 hours to spare
* Albert Einstein’s bday, and pi-day, and odd ways of writing dates
* Uranus was discovered 235 years ago, yesterday
* Scott and Mark Kelly used to see how space affects the human body
* Bamm asks about Donald Trump, and Draconusx goes wookie

Special Guest:
This week Bammsters have Josh Grafton of the game Angels Fall First, a combined-arms sci-fi wargame, talking about the current state of the game, where it all started, and where it is heading!
Angels Fall First, by Strangely Interactive, started out as a mod many, many years ago, and only later ended up being a stand-alone game. Josh tells us about the early days, about being a small but diverse team spread our geographically, and about the project going on strong through multiple iterations. We also discuss which older games served as inspiration, and might just have given away our respective ages as we discuss games from 3 decades ago.
The game is available on Steam, under the Early Access category, and by golly, it is an awesome “little” shooter.

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