
Goodbye Killzone: Horizon Zero Dawn And Guerrilla's New Frontier - Gameinformer

In our exclusive video interview, Guerrilla's Hermen Hulst weighs in on the studio's bold transition away from Killzone.

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PhoenixUp2869d ago

Good thing Sony doesn't tend to keep many of its first party studios locked to franchises like a certain other competitor

UCForce2869d ago

It is great time for GG doing something different.

rainslacker2868d ago

And so far I'm glad they were given the freedom to do so. Horizon is shaping up to be a great IP and I can't wait to play it.

Rimeskeem2869d ago (Edited 2869d ago )

It really is great that Sony gives their first party devs soo much freedom.

Aloy-Boyfriend2868d ago

I like that too, but maybe too much of that is the reason for many delays... Sony should have a serious talk with them in that regard

mike32UK2868d ago

@XiKurapikaKurta art cannot be rushed.

_-EDMIX-_2868d ago

@Xik- For someone to like Single player so much, you should be pretty damn happy those games are launching in the best condition they can.

Sorry folks. We can't get mad at EA for rushed games, then get mad at EA for starting to delay games. Maybe, just maybe...delaying games makes sense for quality. To get mad at Sony which has a strong history of releasing solid titles based on delays is beyond me. I'd rather they have a history of delaying great games, then rushing broken games.

I don't think Sony giving them creative freedom has anything to do with delays. You think that is the reason why EA is now delaying games? So just release games on an ironclad release date come hell or high water?

How did that work out for BF4? Its an amazing game, easily one of the best FPS titles this gen, but even as a fan that bought it at LAUNCH, it needed a delay. Even if it was just for 2 months or so, as that game launched on PS4 and XONE's launch with crashes, freezes, a lot of stuff that isn't really normal for a DICE game, why? OH because they wanted to hit that PS4 and XONE launch date.....

THIS is what we want in gaming? Consider what I"m saying, even EA, THE DEVIL OF THE INDUSTRY is taking a stance on delaying their titles to not have them come out broken. I"m pretty sure EA is not giving their teams as much freedom either compared to a publisher like Sony that can afford to make small risk.

JackBNimble2868d ago

Who says Sony didn't want GG to try something new and different ?

2868d ago
2868d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2868d ago
ninsigma2869d ago

Come on man. No need for that.

I agree it's awesome that Sony let them change course to create something new. Super hyped for this one.

2868d ago
KiwiViper852868d ago (Edited 2868d ago )

It comes down to making money at the end of the day. Killzone is getting tired.

Kryptix2868d ago (Edited 2868d ago )


Forza, Halo, Gears is getting tiring, (Gears, not as much as the others) but...you know. Funny part is that those developers associated with those franchises never did anything outside those names.

Not like Sony didn't let Naughty Dog risk it with The Last of Us when Uncharted was popping.
Letting Sony Bend do Days Gone, another survival horror game that will be in the same genre as TLoU.
Santa Monica do Journey, Fat Princess when God of War is a top franchise
Media Molecule skipping out on LBP 3 to work on the way smaller IP Tearaway, then Dreams.
There's more to that...

MS had it's small share of giving developers freedom, but Sony does it more often, regardless if the franchises they stopped working on are popular or not. Killzone did sell millions. Sure, it's about the money, no ****, but I believe Sony is intelligently giving developers freedom to find the next Uncharted, the next God of War, Gran Turismo. If you don't get me, then I already know why.

NotanotherReboot2869d ago

Because those franchises are successful, unlike Killzone.

Skankinruby2869d ago (Edited 2869d ago )

Every killzone sold over 2 million accept the very first one, try again kid

Dark_Knightmare22869d ago

Lol are you serious and misinformed or just trying to troll. The kill zone series has sold extremely well and scored very well on meta critic with kill zone 2 holding the highest in the series with a I think 91 and is considered one of the great fps games.

UCForce2868d ago (Edited 2868d ago )

You're being sketchy. Killzone is great franchise. I think you never played those games. Even it better that GG have their sister studio GC who made an excellent Killzone Mercenaries on Vita. So yeah, GG is evolving in big way.

Edit : If you played it and didn't know what is it, I suggest you need to respect it, Frinker. For years, I learned my life to have respect and honor. If you didn't like it, then you should respect it why is successful and people love it.

NotanotherReboot2868d ago (Edited 2868d ago )

@UCForce. I played the original KZ on ps2 10 years ago and have had every game, bar the psp title, since. I don't understand how me stating the franchise isn't successful suggests I haven't played them. Tell me, how did you come up with that notion?

_-EDMIX-_2868d ago

I like how COD is now the marker for successful or not.....

Did it sell 25 million, oh its not "successful" lol

2868d ago
UCForce2868d ago (Edited 2868d ago )

Let me tell you this, you don't have the knowledge to understand why people love Killzone franchise. You played it without understanding the successful of the game. I played all Killzone games with knowledge and understanding why is successful In the first place.

trooper_2863d ago

Maybe try looking up Killzone sales before you speak.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2863d ago
ssj272869d ago

That could be a good thing sure but also a bad thing. Look at Drive club, MAG (making socom more like another game "cod") instead of keep doing what it work's. Some ips sure can use a change same goes for some studios (GG had no more meaningful ideas for KIllzone i guess) so Horizon fit them perfectly and they did it good. Santa Monica if I'm not mistaken tried something similar but failed and their game got canceled and had to settle for doing a new gow.

My point is Zipper should have had focus on making Socom how it was meant to be the classics but with next gen technology not a cod alike copy.

Something i see we ps4 fan making fun of Microsoft is them making the same ips over and over but who wouldn't want they favorite game to stay close to it roots and come out often. I will love to see a killzone every 2/3 year's and to be more like Killzone 2. Or a new socom. Etc etc

yomfweeee2869d ago

DriveClub is arguably the best racers this gen. Not a good example.

ssj272869d ago (Edited 2868d ago )

@ Yom drive club killed the studio was shutdown . Sure you and few other's liked the game but jumping into a new ip kill them. Motorn storm 3 was already way too much change from the original. All they had to do a motorn storn more like the first one and theu would have hit the target sold great and keep in business

@xi A new uncharted just came out, (I haven even got it jet, will soon.. what you mean put in rest?
smart is what they are doing with GG and Nauth dogs.. they have a loved IP, have show they can do great things and sony have extended they studio by adding a "b" team to them so they can handle more games.


Aloy-Boyfriend2869d ago (Edited 2868d ago )

Making the same IPs also may kill a studio, eventually. Sales keep decresing with every mario and Pokemon installment for example... COD and Forza are also decreasing in sales, while other devs keep pushing new ideas, concepts, and wowing gamers

And there's the game fatigue too. I do like some stablished IPs and I wouldn't like them to stop, but it it isn't until a developer takes the risk and put the IP to rest that I realize how fatigued I was, which is why I praise ND for their decision to put Uncharted to rest and do something else.

Some studios may be unlucky to not succedd and in the worst case have the studio shut down, but at least they tried. It seems the closure was gonna be Evolution's fate even if they had made another motostorm... Driveclub was a success and DC VR may be succesful too, maybe enough to keep the studio afloat for a next project.

2868d ago
2868d ago
Kaneki-Ken2868d ago

Newer Killzone will be made by GG sister studio named Cambridge Studio who made Killzone Mercenary PSVITA (in my opinion is the best handheld shooter ever to be made) . The multiplayer and campaign for Mercenary was great and I believe Cambridge Studio will be able to handle Killzone just fined without GG been involved so GG could focus completely on their new Ip.

jukins2868d ago

Just commenting on the Santa Monica game failing and being cancelled. What really happened was the game was too similar to destiny and wouldn't have been out till awhile after destiny launched so they canned it because destiny turned out to be successful to put it lightly

_-EDMIX-_2868d ago

@TheInfected- Whats to forgive? I buy many Sony products bud, but Sony is not my friend ...Sony is merely a company I buy stuff from.

They are a business and still need to behave as such. Driveclub didn't move the units they wanted, it was delayed many times. The team not being able to do what they intended at release cost Sony money. Yes, its a fun game, many like it.....I mean that doesn't pay the bills though lol. It sucks, but its also business. I detach how I personally feel with such situations as the concepts can't mix. I'm pretty sure you are not buying bad games from teams that you morally like.

@Kan- Agreed, its what I believe is going to happen too.

rainslacker2868d ago (Edited 2868d ago )

The point is is that Sony does try to bring new things. They don't always succeed, but if you don't try, you don't get anything new. If you keep devs working on the same thing, they get bored with it, and if you have really good development teams, you don't want them to get bored. That's when talent starts leaving, because they want to work on new ideas. That's when ideas start to stagnate, and not grow. Just look at COD or it's ilk. Good games, but at some point, a lot of the original talent that made it special just left, and without that drive to make it something special and successful, it gets tiresome, both for the fan base, and the devs themselves.

While I would love for some of Sony's more popular staples to see more releases because they are enjoyable and great, I still like to see what else they can create.

I hadn't heard about a SSM game being canceled. Where did you hear that? As far as GOW goes, I like they were able to take it in a new direction. I always enjoyed the series just for playing, but the stories were always pedestrian and shallow, so I'm keenly interested in how they re-imagine the series into something more robust. If they are successful, then maybe they can spread their wings on other franchises.

My view on studios or publishers trying new things is that they have to take risks. What's successful today may not be successful in the future, and if you don't consistently keep fresh and new IPs and ideas coming, you can't keep striking gold. There are many franchises now where fatigue is setting in with the players. Those games still sell well on their name, but eventually they won't be worth making anymore. The more you put out new things, the more chance you have a big hit, which gives more freedom to keep more franchises alive longer, because you can rotate more than a few staple franchises to try and remain relevant. Maybe only 1 in 10 franchises will hit it big. Even Naughty Dog took a risk with TLOU, because it could have flopped hard, making it an irrelevant franchise. Same is true with UC. But they made them, and now Sony has two very strong IP's under it's belt....but with UC, even ND is ready to move on.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2868d ago
2868d ago
MasterCornholio2868d ago (Edited 2868d ago )

I'm impressed that Guerilla Games used to make only futuristic military FPs and then suddenly they are producing an open world RPG like Horizon Zero Dawn.

I guess the developers were a bit tired of Killzone and really wanted to make something different.


I don't believe they got rid of Killzone. Since GC has some experience with VR (Rigs) I can imagine a VR game based off the Killzone franchise.

UCForce2868d ago

I think so. But I think GC will handle Killzone franchise. It's their sister studio.

2868d ago Replies(1)
jojo3192868d ago

Completely irrelevant to the article, and a perfect example of what's wrong with N4G.

2868d ago Replies(1)
Muzikguy2868d ago (Edited 2868d ago )

Hooray for creative freedom!!

True that unlike other competitors Sony allows this to happen. It's ok if other companies want to keep stuck on the same franchises though because IMO it makes Sony's machines look that much more appealing

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2863d ago
-Foxtrot2869d ago

If it's successful I do hope GG will tackle a new IP next and with another new genre. Then they can keep swapping between them since I feel the reason Killzone got a bit tiring after a while is because it was one after another.

Maybe a survival horror game.

dolphin222869d ago

They could perhaps do a sequel to that rather top notch game they did that had some horror elements Shellshock Nam 67, but as you say a fresh ip would be welcome.

ssj272869d ago (Edited 2869d ago )

GG could easily make a legit Socom "confrontation 2.0"
They have work on 3rd person shooter (nam67') competitive team work online shooter(kz)
I rather them do Killzone 4 more like 2 sony GG cambrige are free now (hopefully they dont do another vr silly game what a waste of talent) they can do a new Killzone and a new socom online only game should make thing's easier. Socom history mode needs to die. What will the main Killzone team do next? Hopefully not a sequel but most likely they will sadly i see horizon been the new uncharted . . Hopefully socom confrontation 2 and a horizon sequel after that.

_-EDMIX-_2868d ago

I mean why would Sony ok that when they have Days Gone?

I think they do have some creative freedom, but to a degree of what Sony wants their line up to look like.

-Foxtrot2868d ago

A proper survival horror game...not a zombie open world game

More like the old RE games.

ssj272868d ago (Edited 2868d ago )

@-fox sony owns a great IP called Extermination or something like that, a game that came for the PS2 similar to resident evil but in my opinion even better. What a great IP sonys not using. What a waste. It should be remake for next gen

_-EDMIX-_2868d ago (Edited 2868d ago )

@Fox- "proper survival horror game...not a zombie open world game"

.....do you ever re-read what you post or nah? lol

Days Gone is confirmed to be a open world survival game, I'm not sure why you thought a zombie would mean it wouldn't be "survival" lol

I mean damn, did you even watch the reveal? The man was crafting things LMFAO! They said right after it was a open world survival game.



Seriously bud, you legit need to actually read up on what your talking about, as some of your post are the slowest I've read in a long time. Many times the info you are question has been revealed the day the titles have been revealed, yet we'd get some comment by you getting mad at something or question a features......that was just talked about lol

So with your logic, it can't be both? The same logic that doesn't even read? Um....sure.

-Foxtrot2868d ago (Edited 2868d ago )


Do I ever re-read what I write? Are you kidding me, considering the shit you write when you write walls of text going off topic and not even talking about what people were originally talking about lol

Get real

An open world zombie game is not the same as a survival horror game like the old RE games

Jeez man

Are you autistic or something

rainslacker2868d ago

They're not likely to green light two competing games, unless they're spaced far apart, and come in completely different styles. i think though, given the number of studios they have, that it's likely there are similar projects being prospected to Sony for approval and funding constantly.

The devs in question here are some top notch devs, and devs like that have tons of great ideas for game concepts. Sony may have a big book of projects which they can pull from if they want something specific, or something I've noticed in publisher owned studios is that the publisher will want something, and put it out to the studios to see who can come up with the best concept. Sometimes, those ideas will have to be given to another studio if the studio that came up with it is busy with something else, but often times they'll work in a consulting fashion, or depending on who came up with the idea, they can be moved to another studio for a while.

Even with creative freedom though, I'm sure Sony, as the publisher, does have a lot of input on the design of the game. One example I can think of is with Uncharted. The original concept was different than what we eventually got. But Sony wanted something to compete with Gears of War, so ND took it from a more fantastical setting, and made it more grounded, and a cover shooter element was added to the original platforming adventure genre it was supposed to be.

But in the case of UC, ND, being really good at what they do, were able to take their concept and adapt it to Sony's needs, and in doing so, I think they redefined their studio to become one that is expected to deliver the highest quality games with meaningful stories, and they seem to be pretty happy about that.

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2868d ago
Markusb332868d ago

i agree, i like it when there are 2 teams like when Naughty dog has Uncharted and Last of us both in production with 2 teams, just depends on resources really, but a smaller team could be working on ideas, assets and art to get a head start on any new directions / Ips

FinalFantasyFanatic2868d ago

Yeah, I think that sometimes, some series get way too many sequels/prequels and then the quality declines or it feels like they just kinda go in the wrong direction (Halo, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, ect...).

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2868d ago
Spectre_StatusN72869d ago

This is my most anticipated game of next year, just edging out Mass Effect Andromeda. Guerrilla Games has really outdone themselves with Horizon Zero Dawn. Everything they've shown has looked amazing, all the info that comes out gets me excited, even Colin from Kinda Funny says this game is gonna special after he played it at E3.

If the devs pull this off Sony could have another system selling franchise. Killzone was great but I don't think it moved that many systems. Naughty Dog just ended Uncharted but they have The Last of Us still in their back pocket (Sony's biggest Ace IMO). Sony Santa Monica is bringing back God of War which to me looks like it will properly end Kratos's story and rise up a new protaganist along the way (the kid maybe?). Sucker Punch has the InFamous series which always does well. Sony Japan has Gravity Rush 2 and will hopefully (DEAR GOD I PRAY) are back in bed with From Software for either Bloodborne 2 or (IMO the better choice) Demon Souls 2. Anyway, Horizon Zero Dawn will enter into those top tier of Sony franchises and will reach higher heights than what Killlzone did.

Thatguy-3102869d ago

This will be GG The last of us in the sense that they'll strike gold in their first outing as a new IP. The hype and reception from both critics and gamers are positive. This is simply going to be the next big franchise Sony will invest in.

nitus102868d ago (Edited 2868d ago )

Definitely looking forward to getting Gravity Rush 2.

As for Bloodborne 2 I would personally like to see a new IP based on the Bloodborne style. I have just got The Old Hunters" and even at level 65 I actually got smashed in the first few minutes of playing because I was unaware of what to expect so I definitely got my money's worth. It's not just "git gud" I need to "git bttr" and those Chalice dungeons really do help. This is why I refuse to look at walkthroughs unless I am really stuck.

As for Demons Souls 2, I am two minds on this. I think the better option is new IP with a Demons Souls style although if you look at Bloodborne there are some similarities.

I do think Horizon Zero Dawn looks interesting although I really do want more information without spoilers. There is another game which sort of looks similar except there are no robotic beasts although you can "mind jack" some creatures but the name escapes me for the moment.

2868d ago
2868d ago
rainslacker2868d ago (Edited 2868d ago )

It's one of the few games which gets me more excited to play it with each subsequent reveal. The E3 demo was really awesome...outside the awkward dialogue choices....but the game play was fantastic. Was never a huge fan of KZ, but I think Horizon is going to do for GG what UC did for ND. I'm hoping that the new GeOW will do for SSM what UC did for ND as well, because I would love nothing better than to see three quality devs making games of that nature.


I have a feeling GR2 will see the series really take off. First was amazing, and despite the remaster for PS4, I think it's still a title many people haven't actually given a chance. It's kind of one of those cult hits, sort of like Valkryia Chronicles, which unfortunately I don't think is going to take off with V:AR. GR2 is getting a lot of great press, so hopefully we see more in the series, or maybe see the studio come up with something else that's new.

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LexHazard792869d ago

Just got my copy yesterday, should be a good read.

2868d ago Replies(1)
Show all comments (95)
OtterX2d ago

For me, these Mario + Rabbids games were the best thing Ubisoft has developed in recent years. I'd hate to see Ubisoft drive the series into the ground like their other properties, so I think 2 games are enough. Maybe 1 more.

Inverno2d ago

They can't ruin it because Ninty will send their ninjas to destroy all traces of it. If not for that you can bet that spinoff series would've been milked dry by now.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good luck in your future endeavors

Hotpot2d ago

Thank you for Mario + Rabbids series, I quite enjoyed it

Einhander19722d ago

Great games, I have wanted Sony to copy these games with their own mascots for years.

Michiel19891d 15h ago

not cinematic or 3rd person enough for Sony

DefaultComment2d ago

I think Nintendo has to hire this guy, I mean the fact that miuamoto himself said to him that he is impressed with this work, speaks volumes. Th possibility on having Mario on Soliani's hand could be incredible and quite possibly a new era for Mario games.

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Yea, these games didn't even feel Ubisoft at all. This felt very authentic Nintendo. This guy's direction is obviously stellar, and Ubisoft somehow managed to not kill it with microtransactions and repetitive, boring tasks.


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Chard2d ago

Missing the most important game - Rogue Leader


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Discover "Stars Reach," the new MMORPG by Raph Koster, featuring a dynamic universe, procedurally generated planets, and robust player housing and economy.

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MestreRothN4G4d ago

Raph Koster wrote the #1 most influential game design book. Nice to see a game coming from him.