
Top 10 Download Only Hidden Gems on PlayStation 3 - Reasons to dust off your console

A.J. says: "As Sony's first system capable of downloading games, the PlayStation 3 sure had a phenomenal library. Here, I count down ten buried treasures that you may not have heard of but are worth playing before you put your PS3 on Craigslist."

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crazyaejay2871d ago

I remember Puzzlegeddon! Played that game for hours. Love it.

PhoenixUp2871d ago

These really are hidden. I've never heard of any of them


PlayStation Plus Hidden Gem: Rocket Knight

“As a reimagining of a classic 2D platformer, Rocket Knight remains one of my favourite modern examples of the genre so let's see why.” - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums.

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15 Sega Genesis Games that Hold Up Today

The Sega Genesis is a tad underappreciated. This site has already posted about how this console was great for the RPG genre despite the SNES getting more glory. However, that was not the only genre that flourished on the Genesis/Mega Drive.

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Jiub962d ago

Shining Force is on my long list of game series should be revived. Same with console Phantasy Star

Fonsecap962d ago

Shining Force 1, 2 and 3 were awesome, the third one can only be played with emulation along with the translation project because of Episode 2 and 3 that were only released in JP. But I agree, I don't know why SEGA don't revive this franchise, tactics games are very well accepted these days.

Jiub962d ago

I didn't know that about the third one. After the success of the last Fire Emblem, I can't imagine why we don't get more tactics RPGs out there. I'd even take a tactics ogre at this point

961d ago
gold_drake961d ago

i love shining force. i need a bundle with all the games in it.

but the mobile game is coming soon anyways :)

Petebloodyonion962d ago

I'm sorry but I feel the list has been made by a person checking his own backlog catalog.
Mortal Kombat 2? missing half of the sounds and animation from the arcade.
And can we say Super dark soul difficulty when we say Earthworm Jim 2

Here's my pick for still holding up and fun

- Shinobi Shadow Dancer, not too tough nor too easy with a good arcade challenge 1 hour long to complete.
- Gunstar Heroes
- Nhl 94
- Thunder Force 3

Shuckylad961d ago

The 16 bit era in general has aged better than any pre hd generation imo.

Fist4achin961d ago

Great lost with lots of memories. A reboot of the Shadowrun game and Shining Force would keep me entertained and busy for a long time.

gold_drake961d ago

-Sonic 2, 3 and knuckles, pinball
-that one x-men game i always forget its name
-that one fighting game that has different characters (a fishmen, an assassin lady, a private detective from the 70s etc)
-shining force 2
-dynamite heady (probably the best looking genesis game, imo)
-wonderboy in monster world

those are the ones that come to mind ha.

Yui_Suzumiya961d ago

Sega CD version is so much better though.. I had both versions back in the 90's

gold_drake960d ago

oh yeh, thats the name. i always forget it haha.

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iplay1up21001d ago

What does Jesus have to do with this?

Rimeskeem1001d ago

He ain’t saving this, that’s for sure

TheSaint1000d ago

Jesus is full of crap just like this months free games.

EvertonFC1001d ago

They may aswel not even bother with gold although moving out is fun

jznrpg1001d ago

This definitely will get me to purchase an Xbox and games with mold .

Lightning771001d ago

Well, you should get an Xbox to play games despite a terrible GWG. GWG isn't a selling point to many.

Mr Logic1001d ago

Neither is owning an Xbox.

ActualWhiteMan1001d ago

@ Mr. Logic

Seems you are what you lack.

Spenok1000d ago

This got a real LoL out of me. Well done xD

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