
Would the NX Work as a ‘GameCube 2.0’?

— Nintendo Enthusiast:

September 14th, 2016 marked the 15th anniversary of the Nintendo GameCube. The console was the lowest-selling system of the 6th generation (minus the SEGA Dreamcast), but it still managed to build a solid library of hit games and is fondly remembered by gamers all over the world. But, there’s one standout quality of the system — it was the last time Nintendo pushed the envelope with power. Many gamers and analysts wish that Nintendo would return to this way of creating systems, instead of continuing to take the unique approach that it’s been doing for the past two generations. If the NX does happen to turn out to be like the GameCube in this regard, could it work?

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PhoenixUp2870d ago

Even if it did, Nintendo would still struggle with sales. NX would have an even tougher time trying to succeed now that the PlayStation brand is bigger and Xbox has become a more established brand.

xMANB3ARP1G2870d ago (Edited 2870d ago )

By what logic. It absolutely did that's why the wii sold amazing short term but within a few years they were hard to give away. The wii had some solid games for a little bit like I still love no more heroes and the conduit but 3rd party support or lack of killed it and wii u (just to clarify quality 3rd party support. The wiis 3rd party support was like old school atari no quality but games were coming out)

PhoenixUp2870d ago

Wii was a blue ocean product. Nintendo has proven various time in that they have issues competing in the console space with a red ocean product

PhoenixUp2870d ago (Edited 2870d ago )

It's term for a business strategy. You should read up on it to have full understanding of the concept.



Wii was a blue ocean product because rather than releasing a more technologically advanced video game console with more features as in previous generations to better compete with 360 & PS3, Nintendo released a console with innovative controls made to attract populations that are typically excluded from the target demographic for video games, such as the elderly.

Segata2870d ago

That's a dark red ocean my friend. DS and Wii exploded because the waters were blue. NX needs to target blue waters again.

AKR2870d ago

The problem with that is the 'blue water' market has gone over to mobile devices. It's safe to say that the huge casual market that ate up the Wii and DS is gone. There's still a few remaining, but that kind of size will likely never be seen again on consoles.

Segata2870d ago

Yeah which is why Mario Run and Pokemon Go exists. Get casual players attached to Nintendo IP's and lure them to the 3DS and NX with a fuller richer experience. It's working as well as because of Pokemon Go 3DS Pokemon sales shot sky high. So the plan is release the casual games on mobile and lure them to the bigger fish on NX/3DS. With DS and Wii they tried to do both on the same system. Now they don't have to.

Zjet2870d ago

I've been saying they should call it the Nintendo Gamesphere, just to be awesome.

Segata2870d ago

Sphere isn't the most portable.

filchron2870d ago

It aint gonna be portable maing. Theres no way they would cannibalize their handheld market, especially now when it sells gangbusters in comparison to its console market.

filchron2870d ago

Or... and hear me out: The N64000H3D

strayanalog2870d ago

If Nintendo managed to balance the specs, nothing insane or anything, but a good boost for both developer and customer, and have a good innovation then they have a great shot of regaining some fanbase with the NX for Gen 9.
Not counting 3rd party support, of course, but if the specs were good there may be no reason not to port, which could help Nintendo's relationship with other parties who ran away over the Wii eras.
Then hypothetically with that new ground maybe Gen 10 will truly be a console war the likes of which no one has seen.

wonderfulmonkeyman2870d ago (Edited 2870d ago )

It would be a very tough sell if all it did was exactly what the others do and nothing more.
Why pay a second time for a console that is literally the same as what you already have outside of Mario? That's what outsiders will think, and it's a thought that Nintendo would do well to dispel before it has a chance to form.

On the flip side, however, going full stand-out would also be a tough sell to the core crowd, as the Wii proved, and since the Blue Ocean moved on, they can't be the console's focus, either.

What Nintendo needs to do is to make it just traditional enough for change-sensitive traditional gamers to like it, while still having a hook to it that won't be discriminated against, like the whole share button thing, or a way of playing both home and handheld games on the TV, or something else that gamers will find useful.

Neither completely red ocean nor blue ocean.

Nintendo needs to aim for the Green Ocean.

That sweet spot between "I already have a console like this so I won't buy an NX", and "It's not doing anything different enough from what I have to get my money" is what Nintendo needs to hit.
The Wii U came close but it sacrificed too much power to get popular third party games in the long run.
Had it done that, it could have gotten a lot closer to that sweet spot.

The NX is Nintendo's chance to take a dip into that Green Ocean full of open wallets and happy smiles.

2870d ago Replies(1)

Nintendo wants to avoid Switch 2 scalping by making enough for demand

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Number1TailzFan25d ago

Probably be using 3+ year old chips by the time it launches

Tacoboto24d ago

The 2017 Switch is based on the 2015 Tegra X1 so even if Nintendo is using technology from 2022, that alone still represents a significant improvement.

Outside_ofthe_Box24d ago

How many decades has it been since Nintendo consoles been about power?

Inverno24d ago

Should open pre-orders through the E-shop for a period before making it available through stores. And now that COVID is out the way, you can make in store preorders mandatory too. People interested wouldn't have much of an issue driving by if it meant keeping scalpers at bay for a bit.

CrimsonWing6924d ago

I mean, the problem is these a-holes have bots that eat up every sites inventory. Then they sell it on eBay for stupid prices. No matter what you try to do we’re still going to have to fight through these human pieces of sh*t to get these damn consoles at launch.

phoenixwing24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

Well I'll either see if I can get one online against bots or wait till they're saturated and buy in a brick and morter store. Waiting isn't an issue anyway I have enough games to wait out the shortage

FinalFantasyFanatic23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

I can't really understand people rushing out to buy a console at release, I'll wait a year, two years, etc... until I can walk into a store and buy one if I have to, I'm not paying scalper prices.

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Are the Console Wars Over? Welcome to the Handheld Wars.

Looks like the epic console wars might be coming to an end, and a new battlefield is heating up: the Handheld Wars. With heavy hitters like the Steam Deck, Lenovo Legion Go, and the trusty Nintendo Switch, portable gaming is taking the spotlight. These handhelds bring the power of consoles to your hands, offering a variety of gaming experiences for both casual and hardcore gamers. While PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo aren't going anywhere, the rise of handheld gaming is giving us more ways to play than ever before.

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darthv7249d ago

console wars are stupid to begin with... let alone handheld wars.

GameGeeked49d ago

Console wars, and possibly handheld wars, may seem silly, but they persist because there will always be passionate fan.

darthv7249d ago

Being passionate about the games is fine. The plastic boxes... not so much.

InUrFoxHole47d ago

Passionate is one thing. But fans went full retard

Cacabunga47d ago


You need some kind of plastic box to play them games.. and people tend to choose the best one. Console wars allows games and consoles to reach new heights.

S2Killinit47d ago

You really don't get to speak. Come on.

Ironmike47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

S2killinit u just as bad

S2Killinit47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

I’m not as relentless as some on here. In fact, I only respond in kind and I got pulled into this site after seeing how some commenters were always rushing in to be the first comment and detail conversations in favor of their box. Now that their console of choice is doing badly, they preach kumbaya. Just saying.

crazyCoconuts47d ago

Is it implied that "console wars" refers to the fans warring vs. the war the platform holders are constantly in?
Obviously the platform holders have been at war and will be as long as they have to compete for our dollars.

ravens5247d ago

They're fine, as long as you know this isn't REAL. I can say how much distaste I have for MS but still have a best friend that only games on Xbox. Its not that serious .

Charlieboy33347d ago (Edited 47d ago )

Darth, do you not have preferences for certain things in life ? You know like a certain brand of phone, car, clothing, restaurant, etc.

Or are you one of those boring limp people that like to sit on the fence with everything because the 'conflict' is too much for you to handle?

There is fuckall wrong with having a console war....it keeps things fun and interesting. Well unless you're a supporter of Xbox that is.

Most of the intelligent self respecting Xbox supporters have jumped ship and all that's left now are the mouth breathing knuckle draggers.

Ironmike47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

So u resort to insults to win argument, u already lost bro .

Charlieboy33347d ago

@ Ironmike Whatever you say sunshine.....yawn

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 47d ago
Knightofelemia49d ago

Console wars were great when it was SNES vs Genesis. Was always a great topic in the school yard. You got the Genesis port the friend got the SNES port. Always fun to compare who was better. I always looked forward after the school week and rent a game for the SNES. Now the console wars are pretty much done and over with PS3 vs XB360 was pretty much the last of the console wars. Anything after that is pretty much one sided with almost everybody going PS4 and PS5. To me the console wars started to drop after the PS3 and XB360 ran their course. Be interesting to see the handheld wars I am in the market for a new handheld system.

GameGeeked49d ago

The SNES vs Genesis days were definitely memorable. I was lucky to have both consoles :) It's interesting to see how the focus is shifting now. Handheld wars could bring back some of that excitement. Which handheld system are you considering?

anast47d ago

I was on the Genesis side. We see how well that went.

RaiderNation47d ago

I had both but I preferred the Genesis for the sports games and I liked Sega's 6 button controller better for fighting games. That D pad was a godsend to pull off Street Fighter moves!

RaiderNation47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

The "golden age" of gaming to me was between 1995 and 2000 when it was a 3 horse race between Sony, Nintendo, and Sega. For me, there WAS no console war because I genuinely loved all 3 platforms, with each bringing something unique to the table. I miss that era.

anast47d ago

I switched to Sony day 1.

PhillyDonJawn47d ago

Anast, no one would've ever thought that about you. Totally surprising news/s

Fist4achin47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

Mortal Kombat was superior on the genesis!

FinalFantasyFanatic46d ago

It also helps that back then, they used very different hardware, today's consoles have very similar internals to each other, especially modern Playstations and Xboxes.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 46d ago
fsfsxii47d ago

Handheld wars aka which system is gimped more and destroys your hands faster.

anast47d ago

I would say with the defeat of Xbox and Nintendo being it's own thing in family friendly handheld gaming, the console wars are over. For those of us that enjoy that kind of entertainment and are aware of this aspect, it was fun while it lasted.

There is no handheld war Nintendo owns the handheld landscape.

-Foxtrot47d ago

" There is no handheld war Nintendo owns the handheld landscape "

If the Xbox handheld is true I won't how it will do against Nintendo, even Sony couldn't keep up and the PSP was fantastic

RaiderNation47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

The Steamdeck has currently sold around 3 million worldwide. A handheld Xbox would be lucky to double that. As others have suggested, there IS no handheld war. Nintendo owns it.

Ironmike47d ago

The defeat of xbox my god u for real it's a console u talking g like its real war the defeat that's saddest statement I read in here

anast47d ago

"that's saddest statement I read in here"

Your not very self aware. I get it.

The Wood47d ago

The xbox as a console is a shadow of what it was during the 360 era. IF the term war offends you then I guess that you lean towards the green brand.. Just a guess mind you.. Regardless, the brand has been mismanaged for way too long and that's a key factor as to why the gappage as increased yoy between it and its closest rival.

DarXyde47d ago

In a handheld war, Nintendo cannot be beaten.

PSP was a surprisingly robust effort, and it came the closest... While doing half as well as the DS.

badz14947d ago

closest? By any metric imaginable, it was not even close. it's easy to assume the that the PSP might as well be considered a success but it sold over 80mil vs over 150mil by the DS. It was not until the failure of Wii U, Xbone and Vita did people finally realize how well the PSP actually did. before all those, it was generally called a failure by many, considering how badly the DS crushed it in sales.

NotoriousWhiz47d ago

If the PSP's 80 million isn't a success, then what is the 3DS' 75 million?

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