
Nintendo NX Will Be Delayed; No March Release | RGT 85 Opinion

The Nintendo NX is supposed to launch in March 2017, but is the system still on schedule? RGT 85 feels the Nintendo NX will be delayed until later in 2017, and has a few reasons why. Do you think the Nintendo NX will be delayed?

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dotwithshoes2819d ago

Yeah, it's still on schedule.

pcz2819d ago

There is never a good time to release a bad product.

rjason122818d ago (Edited 2818d ago )

You know nothing about it like the rest of us.

@edmix, wasn't talking about the article, talking to pcz

freshslicepizza2818d ago

headline is garbage, it makes it act official. but nintendo does need to get its butt in gear and reveal it soon.

wonderfulmonkeyman2818d ago

Just like there's never a good time to listen to your bs hater opinion with no credible evidence.

Apex132818d ago

And it gave us you. How sweet lol

_-EDMIX-_2818d ago

@rjason and Wonder- Pretty sure folks are free to speculate.

The likeliness is those rumors and leaks are true, many of those sources have leaked other platforms, or did you think PS4 "Neo" or Pro was just a guess?

What about Scorpio?

I mean.....what about 3DS and Wii U? Either of you guys just not get that we've never really had a platform NOT get leaked?

Its not saying its true, its merely saying we are free to speculate considering the overall HUGE likeliness that this information is true.

So your solutions is to merely not talk about it? zero speculation? lol

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2818d ago
FamilyGuy2819d ago

I doubt it'll be delayed, wasn't it delayed already when it got pushed in to 2017?

ZeekQuattro2818d ago

It was. Nintendo's president said the NX was pushed back from 2016 to 2017 in order to prepare more games for it. Zelda was ported to the NX so Nintendo pushed the Wii U version back to coincide with the NX release.

Dunban672818d ago

unofficially yes- even Nintendo Mngmnt is not incompetent to INTENTIONALLY miss out on having major holiday console offerings for the holiday shopping season for essentially 2 years in a row - obviously that is what happened but no way they planned to do it that way

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2818d ago
PhoenixUp2819d ago

With each month that passes with no official word unveiling it becomes more unbelievable that they're sticking to a March release. Yeah DS, Xbox 360 & Xbox One were unveiled 6 months before they released, but at least they were unveiled before E3 so they could get the biggest coverage imaginable.

Having a Nintendo Direct isn't going to cut it. Nintendo needs to unveil this thing now so it can get more coverage at whatever subsequent conference is left this year.

blady_man2819d ago

Well the ps4 pro was reveil a couple of weeks ago and is releasing in november

DarkOcelet2819d ago

The PS4 pro is not a Next gen console tho.

We gotta see something from Ninty soon.

FamilyGuy2819d ago

That's not hardware to start a new gen, it's a current gen upgraded model.

deafdani2818d ago

If it is a hybrid, don't expect it to be more powerful than a PS4... It would probably be around the same power level as the Wii U. Which, yeah, would be very underpowered for a home console, but very powerful for a handheld.

It could still have a lot of games, if this means Nintendo will make all of their games for it instead of dividing them between a handheld and a home console like in the past. Add to that all the third party support that Ninteendo handhelds always got, and the NX could be a serious beast to contend against in terms of games, despite it being underpowered.

I suspect that is Nintendo's approach with NX.

FallenAngel19842819d ago

@ blady

Please don't tell me that you're really comparing an extension of a preexisting platform to a completely new platform

blady_man2819d ago

Well im not but people keeps saying that nx will be delayed, im sure ninty is right on track for a march release! The only thing im worry about is what the nx is, is it a hybrid? Home console? I dont mind a hybrid as long as its more powerfull than the ps4 otherwise we wont get any 3rd party again, dont get me wrong, im a ninty fan, i had all their cosoles but wii u to me was a disappoiment due to no games! I want nintendo to come up with the goods!!

Lonnie182818d ago

The Nintendo NX is just a mid console upgrade not a next gen console!

kevnb2818d ago (Edited 2818d ago )

it doesnt matter where they reveal it, every website is going to cover it and it will be everywhere on social media, this isnt the 90s.

andrewsquall2818d ago

The exact same thing can be said about the Wii U. E3 and Gamescom 2012 came and went and still no price or release date. It wasn't until Sep, only 2 months before launch, they did an information blowout.

I don't see the big deal either, the Wii U did just fin............oh crap. Wait, on top of repeating history with the Wii U so far, they wouldn't actually be so uninformed and KEEP the stupid codename of the console like they did with the Wii U too.

kevnb2818d ago

the wii u confused people, they thought it was a wii with a tablet controller or something.

deafdani2817d ago

The Wii U's codename was Project Cafe or something like that, so I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You just can't compare the handling of information between the Wii U and NX yet, because the NX hasn't been officially revealed in any way, shape or form. You have nothing to compare against.

_-EDMIX-_2818d ago

I thought it would be at TGS.

When is their whole unveil thing?

blady_man2818d ago

Nobody knows yet, but my bet is mid october through one of those nintendo direct things

_-EDMIX-_2818d ago

@blady- really? I think they might have an event, but I don't think it will be a Nintendo Direct thing. If it is......god help this company.

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81BX2819d ago

If they want to change the date the NiN mini buys them some time. I personally say if you have a product you believe in and its ready, go with it.

Dan_scruggs2819d ago

Tricky when you present your opinion as a statement.

Dunban672819d ago

imo if they don t reveal by mid Oct they will wait till after Christmas to do so- obviously at that point they will not launch in March but a few months later-

if they do reveal before mid Oct i still think they will delay the launch at least a a few weeks but not nearly as long as if they reveal after Christmas

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