
Michael Pachter: PS4 Pro’s Price Puts Microsoft In A Hole With The Scorpio

The PS4 Pro reveal is generally considered to have not gone down well, with the console's disappointing specs and functionality, and with its poor on stage demonstration, having been considered to be a bit of a letdown by most fans.

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Neonridr2788d ago (Edited 2788d ago )

well if the Pro is $349 by next year, than a $399 price point by MS for the Scorpio is fair assuming they bring more tech to the table.

gameseveryday2788d ago

It will be interesting to see how much MS will charge for Scorpio. According to my knowledge and please correct me if am wrong on this, no console has sold well if it has be priced at $499. The Scorpio needs to be launched at $399 if MS has any chance of outselling the Pro.

XXanderXX2788d ago

Didn't PS3 sale for 600.00 dollars

Kribwalker2788d ago

@xxander the PS3 floundered at $600, it started selling well when it dropped the 40gb $399 model

2pacalypsenow2788d ago


it actually sold ok for being $600, it had over 3 million sold in just 3 months after launch but it didn't really take off until the price drops in 2007

XStation4pio_Pro2788d ago (Edited 2788d ago )

sorry. i disagree. i would pay more for a more powerful console. i was already expecting to pay $500+ for Scorpio. I pre-ordered the PS4 Pro as well already and to be honest - i would have paid more for the Pro to have it be better than it is because I'm a bit underwhelmed after its announcement. I still ordered it because its going to be the best Playstation but I feel Scorpio will ultimately be the superior console hardware that I want (unless sony comes out with say ps4 ultimate... who knows).

I think if Sony and MS are going to have tiered consoles then they should let the high-end ones be a bit more pricey. Theres still a lower cost option for those that don't want to pay or don't need the upgrades. A lot of people either say the PS4 Pro isn't necessary or it isn't powerful enough to do what people expect from it - so just make it more powerful and charge more for it. The people that want the upgrades will pay for it. Its certainly better than wanting the best console and still compromising to make cost priority when there are less expensive options to choose.

badz1492788d ago

I think the Pro's 399 was a bit too low for MS's liking. most of us were expecting 459 to 499 too before the reveal.

Sony, again, dropped a megaton 399 in MS's face! they can easily dropped it even further when the Scorpio comes and it will be an even harder sell for MS!

no UHD drive is what it takes to reach it but Sony surely is not gonna give MS the room for breathing. price is a huge factor. Sony sees UHD drive as a non-crucial part of the equation and gamble without it.

I hope the Pro does well and continues the PS4 tradition of owning the Xbone in sales so these moviephiles that suddenly appeared after the S can shut the F up about UHD BD already! Sony already shut them up with their free HDR updates!

darthv722788d ago

$499 is not a bad price. Hell I was used to paying more for the 3do and neo geo but those were different times back then. The PS3 at $499 was the 20gb model without wifi or the media reader like the $100 more 60gb had. If the 60gb had been $499 and the 20gb been $399 before they made the revisions then things probably would have been much different for the PS3 launch.

Wallstreet372788d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

Ps3 was 600 plus and outsold xbox360 world wide almost every month once it was released. Difference is Microsoft isn't Sony and don't have that type of pull.

I agree though Sony has put Microsoft in a bind, being that pro is 399 at launch and could be 350 by next year Microsoft has to try to come as low as possible if not they won't survive. Fanboys saying Microsoft put Sony in a corner with Scorpio announcement of a system two years away lol other way around. Sony has kept to their plans and pro is selling in the top on Amazon lists so I'm sure it'll sell well.


You have no idea what your talking about lol

nix2788d ago (Edited 2788d ago )

People need to remember that PS3 came out with 600 n 500 tag but it sold well because it's PlayStation brand. It sold well throughout its life as the price came down and even beat 360 who had a year and more than 8 millions headstart. PS4 is around 20 millions ahead this time and both Xbox 1 n PS4 came out around the same time. Imagine how lucky MS was because PS3 was delayed. A year or two into Scorpio's life ps5 announcement will happen.

As for the games, well MS will be mostly depending on 3rd party games with better graphics with Scorpio just like during 360 days.

Eonjay2787d ago

In your honest opinion, what makes you think that the Pro was not well received by fans? That it was immediately attacked by opposition and their bloggers? How do you know this? And how do you define fans? We know you aren't a fan. To me it seems like you are trying to create an air of resentment where none exists. I have heard a lot of positive reactions from fans. And most professional publications seem to agree.

ZeroX98762787d ago

Price didn't stop some to buy the PS3 with it's ridiculous launch price.

When your product is good, it won't make a difference if it's a bit more powerful or not than the competition. PS1 VS N64, PS2 VS Xbox VS Gamecube, 3rd party games on PS3 VS 360. Each of those generation, Sony proved they could deliver a great product.

The PS3 since release has 1 whole year behind the 360, PLUS had an insane launch price and it still managed to overpass it in the long run. So if MS deliver a great product, it's going to be selling like previous generations did.

NewMonday2787d ago


even $500 for Scorpio is optimistic and only if Microsoft want to take a loss.

- the lower GPU prices this year come frome the die shrink, Scorp will still use the same 14nm proccess, so the bigger Scorp GPU will still be more expensive than the 4Pro GPU next year.
- the RAM is more expensive on Scorpio
- the CPU will be more expensive
- the UHD BR player is more expensive
- all of these components will generate more heat so will need a bigger case and more expensive cooling.

XanderZane2787d ago

Anything $400-$500 I would definitely pay for the Scorpio. It'll probably be almost twice the power of the PS4 Pro, so it will be well worth it. Like the original XBox One, the PS3 was weaker then the XBox 360 when it launched and cost $100 more. This gen, it's just the opposite. For now anyways. I wouldn't get the PS4 Pro until 2 things happen. 1. I get a UHD 4K TV with HDR10 support. 2. Sony releases the PSVR with a bunch of games.

Shubhendu_Singh2787d ago

Xbox Scorpio will reportedly have Zen architecture and new Polaris - or - New Vega line cards.

Now you don't have to be a genius to know that such fast adaption of a new technology generally comes with higher price in its first year,...especially when your console is promising native 4K resolution with more than 6Teraflops.

I will be really surprised if Xbox Scorpio comes out for anything less than 449$. Or they would be taking much muuch less profit selling them at 400$.

Not to mention the price will be jacked further because Xbox Scorpio WILL come with a blu ray drive.

kraenk122787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

MS is never going to best Sony at their own game, sorry.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2787d ago

I'm going to have to agree with Pachter for the second time ever. There's going to be a twelve month gap and Sony's hardware lead and library of exclusive games is going to continue to grow, while Xbox One S sales slow and stagnate while some wait for the Scorpio. Microsoft made a strategic error announcing the Scorpio this early.

Spenok2787d ago

Considering the target specs for the Scorpio, keep dreaming on seeing it anywhere near the $400 price point. MS has even said the console is considered a premium one, which means it will be on the more pricey side. If you do the research on the tech they're wanting to put into it, it could EASILY cost $1000 or more. Although MS wouldn't be that naive and short sided, so they will definitely eat some of the cost to help it sell better. However it will still be at LEAST $600. I honestly expect more.

babadivad2787d ago


No, it didn't "sell" at 600 dollars. It "sold" once the price dropped.

Godmars2902787d ago

As the XB1.5 its going to be at a disadvantage priced above $400 if only because the competition will be that price.

More to the point if MS can't justify it's existence with titles that are playable on the XB1. Nevermind their poor support in general.

andibandit2787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

For the ones arguing the PS3's case:

PS2 has stopped production and final sales stopped at 155 million.
PS3 may still be in production and total sales are somewhere between 80-90m, but lets just say they reach 100m by the time they stop production.

Heres the point:
If your newest iteration of your flagship product sells 50% less than it's predecessor, YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING WRONG

Dosn't matter if your competition is doing shitty, you're basically saying
"hey atleast we are better than sh*t"

Perjoss2787d ago

With the specs MS are talking about they will have to sell at a loss to compete, unless they are happy with selling an expensive console that has a small install base.

blitz06232787d ago

Given the specs of the Scorpio, $399 is a longshot and if they do decide to sell it at that price point they will be selling it at a loss despite it being 1 year later. IMO Sony is already pushing it at $399.99 for the PS4 Pro given its specs. Scorpio should be able to run most current gen games at native 4k/30 and even 4k/60 on some others. $399.99 would be a great price for it, but I expect it to be AT LEAST $449.99. I think the most realistic price is $499.99 but you never know what 12 months can do

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 2787d ago
Thatguy-3102788d ago

Haha if the Xbox one launched at 500$ what makes you think the Scorpio which is a lot more powerful will launch at a cheaper price? Keep in mind that this machine also has to do 4k with no compromises so a 400$ price tag is out the wimdow.

Neonridr2788d ago

tech prices have fallen since the XB1 launched. It's like how is the Pro which has a GPU that is over double as powerful cost as much as the launch PS4?

Thatguy-3102788d ago

Again the console has been said to do 4k native uncompromise. No way will it launch at 400$

darthv722788d ago (Edited 2788d ago )

well let's put it this way. Seeing as the Pro is launching at the same $399 price the initial PS4 did 3 years ago... the Scorpio should not be any more than what the initial XB1 did as well. Meaning the price could be the same $499.

@oreo, it may be wishful thinking but it's not unheard of. MS makes their $$ from software. Hardware is generally (not always) sold at a loss. Just have to wait and see.

DeadlyOreo2788d ago (Edited 2788d ago )

Lol. I genuinely can't believe people think that Scorpio is going to release at less than $500. How on earth is Microsoft going to make any profit when it's rumoured capabilities would likely cost far more than $500?

Sony has the clear advantage here with their affordable price, Xbox One Scorpio will be just an option for the hardcore.

Lmao at the disagrees, Xbox fanboys with their wishful thinking.

CryofSilence2787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

There is no way either the PS4 Pro or Scorpio will do uncompromising 4k gaming. Even the GTX 1080 can't do uncompromising 4k gaming, a $750 GPU. Both will likely upscale or drop detail/frames.

I expect Scorpio to launch between $450 and $500.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

I can't believe some people actually believe that Microsoft is going to sell this 4k gaming machine for less than $500. They'll be lucky if the games don't end up being upscaled just to keep the price down.

Kyizen2787d ago

If it launches at $499 it is doa. UHD bluray players will be cheap and the PC videocards that do 8 tflops now will be even cheaper. So a killer exclusive would be the only reason id be interested in it.

FamilyGuy2787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

With all the crap they're talking about native 4k it better not have any upscaled games either.

Comparing the price to lauch X1 is incorrect logic though, it had Kinect 2.0 forced in that box raising cost. I think the Scorpio will be $500-$549

Soulrakk2787d ago

Tech pricing is down and it's a year out. $399 isn't that far fetched to be honest. Besides, if anyone can take a hit, It's Microsoft.

GamingSinceThe80s2787d ago

The $499 price was due to forcing Kinect on us,a useless,expensive,piece of tech,I still have mine just to remind me not to be an early adopter aka "Sucker" next time around.

Captain_Tom2787d ago

I can build a PC as strong as the Scorpio specs RIGHT NOW for ~$500.

By next year $399 in a streamlined console won't be hard for them to do. The question is if they will even bother, because they seem obsessed with profit now over marketshare (Even if they are barely profiting).

neoandrew2787d ago

Well, maybe it won't be cheaper, but the parts get cheaper over time too, xone debuted in 2013, scorpio will at the end o 2017, it is 4 years, 4 years difference in price and performance.

blawren42787d ago

4k with no compromises will not likely occur this or the next generation. Devs keep putting more detail into the visuals that consistent 1080p 60fps will still be a challenge. It took how many generations to get past 480p?, and in two we are trying to get to 4k. We need to slow down and focus on the games again.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2787d ago
2pacalypsenow2788d ago

An underpowered consoles with a kinect in 2013 was $500 you think a beefy console with that much power will be $399? If they manage to do this than ill be impressed.

badz1492788d ago

it's not the problem of whether they can manage or not but rather if they are willing to or not. this is MS we are talking about, they have money to throw away.

2pacalypsenow2788d ago

They have been throwing money at Xbox one for years with none to very little profit, I dont think MS can keep doing it without the shareholders taking action.

2788d ago
nitrogav2788d ago (Edited 2788d ago )

If they bring it out at $399 I might just buy one for the hell of it. Not a chance at that price unless they subsidised it heavily!. However, if it looks like a VHS recorder from the 80's again I will definitely pass 😃

badz1492788d ago Show
zb1ftw7772787d ago

Some things are an expensive development. Kinect was most definately expensive to develop. It pushed the price up way high.

Efficiency is key.

With the scorpio requiring much less r and d and the ui and software already in place, it should be quite a bit cheaper than xb1 launch.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2787d ago
sampson31212788d ago

hahahaha! thanks i needed that joke :) the console MS promised will retail at launch no less than $499, and personally i expect it to sell for $599.

Neonridr2788d ago

ok.. well we can circle back to this next year to see how right you were. I guess you are conceding that the tech in the Scorpio will be far above what is found in the Pro?

sampson31212788d ago

Neonridr: "I guess you are conceding that the tech in the Scorpio will be far above what is found in the Pro?"

well that's a fact if it's actually made, still a yr away.

if the price of the scorpio is a "Premium price" then it will have a hard time selling.
I think sony may have just tricked MS into committing to making an expensive console when they leaked that they were making an upgraded console, pro.

go look at the pro vs pc version of Tomb Raider, not much difference, plus sony is using techniques so they can increase graphics and frame rates on the pro.
and then there's Horizon Zero Dawn ps4 pro https://www.youtube.com/wat...

$399, not bad eh?

leeeroythe3rd2787d ago

400 price will be a break even or very slight profit for scorpio. Current amd video cards show... 1 year out will be possible. Microsoft just hast a recent history of higher target prices which hasnt shown to be positive

starchild2787d ago

"go look at the pro vs pc version of Tomb Raider, not much difference"

Not much difference? Look again. The difference is obvious and significant to anybody with a working set of eyes.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2787d ago
Christopher2788d ago

It really all comes down to if MS can get that $399 price point. If they do, then I think it's a pretty even wash. PS4P (still hate that name) gets a head start and limits 'how much more powerful' the Scorpio is while the Scorpio will come out eventually, be more powerful at a similar price to PS4P now, and there's nothing Sony can do about that.

UltraNova2787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

Sony is 20 mil plus ahead , have the bigger and arguably the better game library(by far and by next year it will get bigger and better), PSVR will be in full swing and possibly discounted in a year and they will afford to drop the Pro to 350 bucks just before the Scorpio comes out.

Meanwhile, logic dictates that the closer we get to Scorpios's release the less xb1 s will be sold. Probably as soon as January owards.

Lets not forget that Scorpio could very well be MS's next gen console. How on earth will they ever compete with the PS4/Pro if they dont drop this gen?

"...and there's nothing Sony can do about that."

Actually Sony doesnt need to to anything other than drop price here and there and boom! What the hell are you smoking dude?

extermin8or2788d ago

They are unlikely to hit what they reckon it can do for that price even in a year though....

blackblades2788d ago

Either they price it at $499 or price it at a lowering price and lose profit.

TankCrossing2788d ago (Edited 2788d ago )

Crossing my fingers that Microsoft (or anyone else) go for a proper premium enthusiast product, and that wouldn't come cheap.

They would definitely lose out on sales, but they'd win my heart. And that should be their number 1 priority.

Masta Kaos2787d ago

$399...?? I wonder what you smoking...If Scorpio can be sold on that don't you think Sony would have went for the same power ?? Think!!!

2787d ago
stuna12787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

This ^^^^!

A hardware company that doesn't research hardware present and future is no hardware company! Sony knows the game. Just look at their TV's for a example. Many complain of the prices, but look at the tech in them! And yes their top model TV's are classified as some of the best on the market.

Now look at most tech in consoles that are already 2 to 3 years behind current tech plus the depreciated value that come with it, most with common sense would get this! Yet we have Microsoft talking about using tech from the same year their console is releasing in! Come on people really can't be that dense to believe Microsoft will or, is willing to sell the Scorpio for less than $500, and those poor unfortunate souls who truthfully believe there's a chance of it releasing for $399, well there's a better chance of Hell freezing over.

No one ever pays attention to the catch phrases these companies throw out there! Like "Premium", "Most powerful ever built","The best visual floating point ever"! My personal favorite.

Earlier I was in the process of commenting on two articles, and right in the act of making a comment,, not one but both of them were immediately failed.
The first one was a PlayStation article, it was about Sony having the ability to update the PS4 Pro Blu Ray drive to play 4K Blu Ray disc. Of course the usual suspects were there to voice and find any for it not to be true, but then again what leg would they have to stand on concerning the Xbox S having a 4K Blu Ray drive and the PS4 Pro not having one? It would have meant that the infamous chalkboard would have to be gotten out of storage.

The second failed article was about the Scorpio making use of the Zen chip in it architecture, which Microsoft never said it would, but somehow that rumor became a fact! Because you know who you are said so! Anyway the chip supposedly won't be out until 2018 which would or could mean 3 things!

1) It was never going to be in the Scorpio to begin with!

2) Microsoft would have to delay their launch window. Which would be very bad, or even disastrous to say the least.


3) Microsoft is going or, was going with another chip to begin with?

Either way it obvious their are already setting themselves up to be disappointed, and possibly have to flip the chalkboard over and use the other side!?


Open your eyes and realize that the tech would not have been on the market for a year, let alone 6 months! Not only that every form or bit of technology depreciates at different rates! Prime example look how long it took Sony to do a price cut! And although it could also be applied to how quick the Xbox 1 had a price drop, it has been well established that the Xbox 1 was also using older tech than Sony. Example : the different Ram
and Microsoft still sold at a higher price than Sony for what some might say was inferior tech, but Microsoft is touting to have something as extremely powerful for a console in Scorpio!!! Do you really believe they are come out practically giving it away? And it would be considered giving them away once you factor in the financial hit they would take.

Scorpio will not be less than $500, plain and simple! Premium by definition means the best, and is associated with a hefty price!

Neonridr2787d ago

It's the tech world. Open your eyes. In a year how much have prices come down?

FamilyGuy2787d ago

Scorpio is going to be $500, $549 or $599
In no world or scenario will it ever be launching at $399.

starchild2787d ago

I bet you're wrong. Scorpio will cost somewhere between $399 and $499, mark my words. We'll return to this and see who's right once they've announced the price.

XanderZane2787d ago

Patcher's been wrong before. Actually he's been wrong a lot, so most will take what he say with a grain of salt. I see gamers who don't own a PS4 at all getting the PS4 Pro. I don't see anyone buying the PS4 Slim if you already own a PS4. Hardcore gamers who own a PS4 will probably make the jump to the Pro, but casuals will be satisfied with what they got.

fllysurfer2787d ago

No way in hell is the Scorpio going to cost $399 with the announced specs… sorry but to suggest that is to be totally clueless.

starchild2787d ago

No, clueless are those who think it will launch at more than $500. Those people have zero understanding of the graphics hardware market or the workings of the videogame industry in general.

It's similar to how so many people thought the PS4 and XB1 would play most of their games at 60fps. I told people the vast majority of games would run at 30fps on both consoles and I was vociferously disagreed with and downvoted, but with time I was proven correct. And there have been many cases like this over the years. I've realized that many people simply lack the insight or understanding of the games industry to make accurate predictions.

All these $599, $699 and $799 price predictions are baseless and will be proven wrong in time.

yeahokwhatever2787d ago

it would be pretty impressive for MS to take that big of a hit on scorpio to compete.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI2787d ago

Unless MS is planning on eating over $100 a console, I don't see how $399 price point is feasible for the given scorpio specs. Or if the cpu is the exact same as before.

leeeroythe3rd2787d ago

Rx480 is 200$ gpu that is near spec of scorpio... 400 is very doable for large run manufacturing and still have profit. Especially 1 year from now. Total cost will be in 300 to 350 range max by release. Fanboys dont want to pay attention to real numbers and markets of scale... good luck with you beoken dreams of japanese ruled gaming world

iTechHeads2787d ago

Scorpio will be $499 at the least, assuming it actually releases by the end of next year.

Currently the 1TB Xbox One S is $349. Do you really think you're getting a 6TF console for only $50 more? Don't be delusional.

shiva12787d ago

But would 1tb x1s cost the same after one year? Could it fall $50 or more by then. What would the cost of same UHD be after one year? Same or doubled or 50%discounted? Its the same player nothing changed and as it was sold only through microsoft, could microsoft get it for an even cheaper price. Ddr5 ram may be first to microsoft but it came on a console in 2013 would it still cost the same next year?

Let say: When i am buying 1gb ddr5 it could cost $1, but would it cost $12 for 12 gb? Wont it come for a lil cheaper price and because im buying it in bulk it could come for even cheaper price. What about the same thing after 4yrs. It just comes in different shape/size. It will cost more if next year they discontinued the standard ddr5 with much higher frequency ddr5. That could pose problem for microsoft.

Ps4 pro lower price at $399 with same ram, disc drive, powersupply, software but with different cpu/gpu and circuit board is costing the same as PS4 after 3yrs.

Babadook72787d ago

$299 vs $499 would be believable.

ITPython2787d ago

Unless MS wants to lose money on each sale, no way a 6+TF machine with a UHD drive is selling any less than $550 or $600.

SmielmaN2787d ago

Accidentally disagreed. I agree

Aenea2787d ago

If they can manage it for that price. Maybe they are willing to take a hit on the console for a year or two tho.

ITPython2786d ago

Doubt it, that's just not how MS works. Sony have usually always been the ones to take a hit financially because they were looking at the bigger picture and knew it would benefit them in the end. MS hasn't done this once with any part of their Xbox franchise that I am aware of.

mark3214uk2787d ago

to achieve the specs they have quoted they will have to put decent hardware in and that will cost $$$

so i cant see Scorpio closing any gap between the ps4 and them, esp as ps4 will be 40m+ ahead by then

Captain_Tom2787d ago

Next year PS4 Pro will drop to $299 right before the X2 launches. I am not sure what they will price the X2 at, but it will likely be $399 - $449. Imo the price increase and lack of games will make it DOA.

S2Killinit2787d ago

I love how they say Pro's specs are a let down. The only reason for it to be a "let down" is by comparing it to the claimed specs of a console that is not in existance yet.

Whats more the PS4Pro is actually a bigger graphical leap compared to consoles of in existence than the scorpio will be when it releases. So wouldnt the smaller graphical increase in the scorpio be a bigger "let down"?

blawren42787d ago

This is why we simply shouldn't try to make consoles into PCs. Console buyers just aren't willing to pay for performance.


No way scorpio will cost less than 499.

2787d ago
RomanPSX2787d ago

The scorpio will realease at 499. Same price as the xbox one. Thats why they are waiting a year for the tech to be more affordable

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 2786d ago
OB1Biker2788d ago

Read this first paragraph with Palpatine's voice haha

TheCommentator2788d ago

Pachter endorses the Pro? It's official then, the Pro is doomed. Pachter is never right about anything, lol!

extermin8or2788d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

Whilst he annoys me, he is actually right about alot. Sometimes he gets it wrong but usually the stuff he gets wrong is so out there it's like "wtf is wrong with you" as soon as you hear it. "that's clearly not correct" this isn't one such statement lol

@the commentator: he is more wrong that right but he's often halfway there or close to the mark he's usually close when it comes to sales related stuff once we know prices etc. Like he was right about digital making up about 25% of sales. He was wrong about when ps4 pro would release abd how much it'd cost. Sony are in a strong position -come next year they can cut the price of both ps4's 50-100 dollars and be sitting pretty with a big install Base and their first party exclusives only available on their console. Microsoft.... Well why buy and xbox Scorpio if you can get a pc and still play the exclusives??

TheCommentator2788d ago

I actually don't think the Pro is doomed, it's just not everything some of us were expecting, and I think usually Sony does a better job than they did with the Pro reveal.

I disagree with you regarding Pachters abilities when it comes to video game predictions though. I think he's more wrong than right.

boing12788d ago

He nailed it this time though.

Christopher2787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

Pretty much my first thought.

Edit: And that thought is full of snark, which I think most people are doing as well hearing this from Pachter. The guy is known for two things: making really bad predictions and making predictions that everyone already knows will come to pass.

TheCommentator2787d ago

Yeah, it was definitely intended to be more of a dig on Pachter in this instance. Sony will be fine, in spite of all the negativity they've been recieving around here and on the web. I know I'm guilty of some of the negativity, but I honestly don't feel that the Pro is doing enough to make a big difference. I'm more interested to see if some of the PS4 games will opt for better quality at 1080p, rather than pseudo 4K, before drawing any meaningful conclusions about the subject though. Potential PSVR enhancements also pique my interest.

Tussin1872788d ago (Edited 2788d ago )

Just reading the description on this page makes me cringe. Disappointing specs and functionality. What the hell did people expect this system to do especially when its coming out this year at $400? Does it not play games? Connect to the Internet? The power button doesn't work? I'm so confused. And no I'm not going to read the article and give this site clicks. I already know the reasons because this is the 857th article saying the same sh!t.

Many people must be disappointed especially the ones on Amazon and various other outlets. /s

extermin8or2788d ago

Really I'm not disappointed. Few months back everyone was slating the whole premise for they believed making their ps4 obsolete and making them upgrade. Sony haven't done that. They've given an option of slightly better graphics/performance but essentially we haven't jumped a generation. If we had they mightier even sold it breaking even/at a slight loss for the first 6months-a year because it future proofs it slightly and makes that initial userbase you must build easier to acquire. This isn't a new generation so that's not what was going to happen.

Tru_Ray2787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

The lack of UHD Blu Ray drive is pretty disappointing. I personally enjoy watching movies as much as playing video games. I thought that the UHD Blu Ray drive would be a given in the PSPro.

Since I am PS/PC gamer, I now have to consider shelling out $300 plus dollars for a UHD Blu Ray player. It would have been nice to have this feature included with the Pro

With that being said, I still have a PSPro on pre-order because my PS games actually look slightly inferior on my 4K display than they did on my 1080p display. Also, I have the PSVR on pre-order as well, so I am looking forward to having the best possible experience on this peripheral.

I am not thrilled about having to fork out an additional $400 for a "mid-gen upgrade", but nobody is forcing me to do so I can't really complain.


DarXyde2787d ago

Agreed entirely. At first, I didn't quite understand Sony's approach with Pro. Then you realize that Sony is really trying to stay within the realm of this generation. Truthfully, Sony isn't pressuring anyone to upgrade and I like that. Since all PS4's are HDR-capable now, the difference is power and exclusively that. It took me a while to really understand Sony's choice, but it's actually a pretty good one.

Pro is designed with the PS4's parameters in mind. No extra RAM, no new UI, and the components are familiar. Because it doesn't overpower PS4 by crazy standards, it's still affordable and clearly a part of this generation. And suddenly, the power difference makes sense. If this was super powerful hardware, we'd never see developers taking full advantage of it. You'd think it'd be constrained by the PS4, but not really. Many of these principles do apply to Scorpio as well, but price remains to be seen.

But I will say that Sony would've done well by actually doing something about the CPU. It's very likely to still be a bottleneck concern.

kraenk122787d ago Show
GNCFLYER2787d ago

Yep. They made the PS4 as a games first device. And people loved them for it.

They did the same with pro when u think about it. Games first and foremost.

I think its pretty sweet deal. 399 for 4k gaming box.

shiva12787d ago

You must be really happy that finally stable 1080p 60fps is real for all games and ps4 pro nailed that target with the specs it has.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2787d ago
Mr Lahey2788d ago

"considered to be a bit of a letdown by most fans."

LOL what..?

King_Lothric2787d ago

Is gamingbolt. What did you expected?

G20WLY2787d ago

Well, it's that idiot at Gamingbolt again, isn't it? He either has no clue what people really think or (more likely) prefers to make up what he'd rather was true and then peddle it as 'news'. >_>

SmielmaN2787d ago

Ya I'm not letdown at all really. I preordered it as soon as I saw it went live on Twitter.

My holidays will be me eating lots of turkey while playing batman VR and rigs in my man cave.

As far as the UHD BR goes, while it would be nice if it had it, I haven't made the switch yet to 4K so it's no big deal to me. The TV I would want is around $5,000 here in Canada and my current TV was he Beaton the market when I purchased it. It's still awesome so I just see no reason to upgrade. Plus, my 2 year old love touching/poking the screen so I'm not jumping at the chance to give him a state of the art TV to smear peanut butter and chocolate milk on XD

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Hasbro's $1 billion bet on internal game development

Brendan writes; "Head of digital product development Dan Ayoub tells us about the toy maker's plans to get back in the game."

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Todd Howard Has No Plans to Retire, Open to Other Studios Making Fallout Games

In a recent interview, Todd Howard revealed that he has no plans to retire and reiterated Bethesda's openness to help from other studios.

DOMination-2d ago

Oh great, now we have to deal with Anasts Bethesda fetish indefinitely.

Thanks a lot, Todd

anast1d 23h ago

You're welcome for the free entertainment. Usually, it comes at a cost of $70 because of inflation.

Crows901d 23h ago

That's an inflated price...

anast1d 23h ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )


It would be if it weren't a valuable resource.

mastershredder2d ago

"with no plans to retire anytime soon" I mean this is like a common news topic involving his name. Knock it off and do some actual newsing. This is like the biggest "No Duh" article of the day, and several sites had to regurgitate it. Geez. So lame.

OtterX2d ago

"Batman. I like the idea that if I had enough money, time, and vengeance, I could become him." - Todd Howard


This is when he'll retire.

nmbr1esq2d ago

He doesn't have to retire, just the stupid outdated garbage creation engine.

Kados1d 23h ago

Netimmerse 4.0, presumably 5.0 for TES6. They should give the Fallout IP to Obsidian, and have it made in UE5.

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Embracer CEO Lars Wingefors: "I deserve a lot of criticism."

Embracer CEO demonstrates a masterclass in mental gymnastics in latest interview.
"I'm sure I deserve a lot of criticism, but I don't think my team or companies deserve all the criticism. I could take a lot of that blame myself. But ultimately I need to believe in the mission," he said.

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on_line_forever8d ago

OK give us Kingdoms of Amalur 2 with AAA budget and we will accept your excuse

kaos898d ago (Edited 8d ago )

The king of the studio asset flip scheme that failed.