
Batman, DriveClub and More Confirmed for PSVR Line-up at EGX

Attending EGX this month, 8 PSVR titles have now been confirmed.

2939d ago

Miyamoto: Nintendo Won't Be Opening Museums In Other Locations

"We have no intention of expanding" - Miyamoto

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Chocoburger19h ago

Feels like a missed opportunity, since Nintendo is loved all around the world, a museum in USA / CAN / UK / AUS / etc. would always be packed with fans.

Yi-Long1h ago

Kyoto is already overrun by tourists as it is. It would probably make sense if Japan finds a way to spread tourism out over more locations instead of just the Kansai region (Osaka, Kyoto) and Tokyo, to both alleviate the burden of tourism on those two area, while bringing more interest and thus tourism money to other areas.

Of course, that’s not something Nintendo needs to concern itself with right now, and it makes sense that they stick with 1 museum for the time-being, and in their home-city of Kyoto.

I’m also not sure how big the appeal for a Nintendo museum would be elsewhere in the world. Many tourists flock to Japan BECAUSE of the (pop-) culture, so they are interested in anime, videogames, etc. So Pokemon Centers and Nintendo Stores are very popular, always bustling with tourists who spend a lot of money there, and obviously a Nintendo museum in Kyoto then makes perfect sense.

But generally speaking, folks don’t visit a Paris or New York for it’s pop-culture, so a Nintendo museum would make less sense. Not saying a video-games museum wouldn’t/couldn’t work, I believe it could, but I think in the west it would make more sense to open a museum with a broader spectrum of videogame-exhibits, so not ‘just’ a Nintendo museum, but something much wider in terms of scope …


The Casting of Frank Stone Interview With Compsoser Ali Of Boxed Ape

Recently Skewed and Reviewed spoke with Ali (½ of Boxed Ape) about the music for The Casting of Frank Stone.


Xbox Tokyo Game Show 2024 Broadcast

The Xbox Tokyo Game Show Broadcast returns for its 2024 edition on Thursday, September 26 at 7pm JST / 3am Pacific / 6am Eastern / 11am UK with an exciting lineup of games from third-party partners primarily based in Japan and across Asia, as well as content from Xbox Game Studios, Blizzard Entertainment, and Bethesda.

darthv7216h ago(Edited 16h ago)

Wow... that DQ III HD 2D remake is what Id love to see done to the Lunar collection remaster.

1Victor16h ago

@obscured: “Let´s Go”
I agree let’s go stop spinning the wheels in place.
I’ll watch it when I get home and properly comment on it till then good lock with that.

babadivad13h ago

Down votes for being excited?? 😂😂

1Victor6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

@baba: “ Down votes for being excited?? 😂😂”
No no no no way it’s for been a hardcore militant Xbox fan that keeps making new accounts to troll PlayStation games and be offensive to the max
Anyway I just finished watching it and it was a decent show catered to the Japanese PC and fire stick market 🤦🏿 they even said you don’t need a console to play their games on GP😱
Oh well RIP XBOX next console 😢 you been setup to fail HARD before your time to shine.

autobotdan22h ago

Legend of Mana. Trials of Mana. Both on Xbox Game Pass today!!!

TriniOutsider21h ago

You know 16 mostly likely has deal locked with Sony.

FFLISH21h ago

I'm sure we will see the same recycled rumour from xbox bloggers pop up again next TGS or gamescom till they finally get it right.

Eonjay19h ago

I would assume that the game is locked to PS5 console for at least a Year and maybe two like Forspoken... btw, that may be coming to Xbox soon as the deal should be expiring in about 5 months.

DivineHand12518h ago

They have a deal with Sony on that one plus it would take a lot of work to port to the series consoles. The game hardly hits 60 fps on the base PS5 in performance mode. They would have to figure something out to work on the series S.

darthv7213h ago

There is nothing to figure out, the S would run in its graphics mode... no performance mode option. Having two modes is not required between S & X.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 13h ago
Snookies1222h ago(Edited 22h ago)

Threads of Time looked amazing! At least SOMEONE is giving Chrono Trigger love. Square-Enix obviously couldn't care any less about that series these days.

Also, people that were complaining about MGS Delta's The Boss' face design. I think she looked fantastic in this new trailer. Curious if these new shots have changed the way any of those people felt about it. I do still think Snake's face is a little off. I don't know how to put it, it just feels a little too wide or something. Either way, better believe I'm getting it day one! I've put off the urge to go back through Snake Eater recently in anticipation of this.

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