
Impressions of Batman: The TellTale Series Episode 1 - MMOGames.com

Batman: The TellTale Series Episode 1 explores deeper than any other medium the story of a hero facing morally conflicting choices, and we love it.

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Telltale's Batman gets fully enhanced with new Shadows Edition

Neil writes: "When Telltale Games took on the Batman franchise with their initial series in 2016, and then The Enemy Within back in 2017, they providing fans with a new look at the Batman universe; one full of emotion and deep storytelling. Today though those same Batman tales get enhanced, with some graphical goodies coming about via the new Shadows Edition."

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Wasabi1741d ago

I missed this game first time around, I've heard nothing but good things about it since.

Now that it's been updated I see no reason not to jump in over the holidays - thanks for sharing Neil.

Zeke681741d ago

I played both and they are truly great games. I'm sure you'll love the twisting stories too.

Wasabi1741d ago

Thanks Zeke! Downloading now :)

terrorofdeath1740d ago

I love Telltale games and haven't played Batman as yet - so will be great to get this one!
Will probably end up playing Wolf Among Us and Borderlands Telltale again over the holidays.


Review: Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 5 - PS4 | Pure PlayStation

Episode 5 of Telltales’ Batman: The Enemy Within is outstanding. The promise of Gotham’s most famous villain has been teased since the end of the first season, and the Joker is something to behold. With your decisions influencing which version of Joker you see, this may be the most compelling episode of the season as well as an indicator of where Telltale’s future games may go.

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Telltale's Batman: Season 2 - Episode 4 Review | A 90s Kid

Telltale's second season of episodic Batman content nears its end with the arrival of Episode 4: What Ails You. This season has released to mixed results, and a great penultimate episode is just what it needs. Let's see if Episode 4 delivers.

2415d ago