
Crashing The System Shock Reboot

I was really into the System Shock demo. Even without the benefit of super nostalgia senses the game looked really promising, then it crashed, a lot.

garyanderson2890d ago

In was super excited for this, but now not so much.

Dixiedevil2889d ago

So WTF is up with this website and this post for that matter? The game doesn't crash at all in the video. It lags a couple times. It couldn't possibly be your PC, right? Seeing as there's been multiple articles from this site crapping on this game from the start of the kickstarter campaign, it makes me think there's a little more going on.
This garyanderson dude that commented. "In was super excited for this, but now not so much."......really? (I posted it here in case he deletes it.) Where you really excited but now you're not? Why is every single one of your comments on a cliqist.com post from gregmicek? I see you're a contributor as well. Weird. Everything you contributed was from cliqist.com. What a POS dishonest website with POS dishonest people.

Lamboomington2889d ago

Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams

2889d ago
Dixiedevil2889d ago

Actually, it does. Enough to weaken them, at least. Maybe I can make multiple accounts so I can down vote this twice and leave another comment like cliqist.com

Matology2889d ago

Done by the devs who rebooted Turok, and that turned out well. So I have a good feeling this will be spot on.

Fist4achin2889d ago

Still too early to be bothered by the buggy aspects. I'm still excited for this!

quent2889d ago

I myself could also not finnish the demo, crashing multiple times at the same point, but I've watch a lot of YT's who's demos ran fine, I won't be writing off a remake of such a influential series of games just because of one little 10 min demo I wasn't able to finnish, the main game is still two years away from being release, your judgment of the game seems extremely premature.


System Shock Remake review - PC Masterpiece Goes Console | TechStomper

"System Shock Remake balances preserving what made the 1994 original such a widely respected piece of gaming history with bringing its themes, story and game design up to date."

- Stuart Cullen, TechStomper

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LucasRuinedChildhood27d ago

Great game but I do have 1 big issue with the controls on PS5. Unlike most games where to sprint you just click the stick in once as you're moving, in this game you actually have to keep the stick pushed in the whole time. Very unpleasant. And there's no toggle in the settings to fix it.

So for anyone who plays the game on console, I'd recommend changing sprint to R1/RB. And change crouching to toggle instead of hold.


Review: System Shock Is A Faithful Remake, For Better Or Worse | Console Creatures

Matt writes, "System Shock is a faithful remake, for better or worse. While returning players or fans of the genre will find much to love, its game design may be too dated for newer players."

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System Shock Remake Review - Gaming Respawn

Gaming Respawn reviews System Shock

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