
Titanfall 2 is Underwhelming Out of the Gate

The original Titanfall was predicated with a ton of hype. The former Infinity Ward folks making up Respawn Entertainment had a point to prove and they wanted to show that they were the elite in FPS gaming.

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spoilerjerk2836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

It's an underwhelming series to begin with. Not trolling, I really gave the first title a fair shake since I wasn't finding anything else exclusive on Xbox One. It feels like COD with mechs and now Titanfall 2 from what I played of the test feels like an even more dumbed down COD with mechs.

TheColbertinator2836d ago

Really was shocked when the media started praising it. Boring within the day,uninstalled within the week.

Titanfall felt like a warning for this gen : Buyer beware.

-Foxtrot2836d ago

Yeah I never found the first one to be all that great either. Was at my friends as he raved on about it and just didn't see the appeal. He even got bored of it after a while

NewMonday2836d ago

game is not out of the gate yet

still way off and developers looking for input

Utalkin2me2836d ago

I totally agree, didn't care for the 1st one on the PC. So i didnt like the beta for 2. While still a beta, it was worst than the 1st for me. I mean there is only 2 months left. While some things can be changed, some things wont like core gameplay mechanics.

Shubhendu_Singh2836d ago

I disagree.

The first game was amazing. The balance between the Titan and the Pilots was just something else, and the map was so well balanced that practically if you wanted, you could have taken out a Titan (though with great skills). The movement from one point to another was lightning fast and had a seamless flow.

Titanfall 2 however is slow (and not a good kind of slow). Maps are big and empty. Fluid movements are dumbed down. Normal COD-mechanics are introduced. ATTRITION MODE is gone (wtf?). Titanfall 2 beta was a huge disappointment. Will be sad to see Titanfall franchise Fall Again.

Prubar2836d ago

Agree that the first game was sick. Sure it got a little old after a while but I have never played a game where as soon as I picked up the controller I new exactly how to play. The mechanics were so smooth like wall running and mech piloting.

DogtagDuke19922836d ago

Titanfall 2 is amazing thus far. I know I've only been able to play a short demo, but I have truly enjoyed it. They gave us larger maps, better visuals, more titans, presumably more weapons, more abilities, and finally a single player campaign. You can't say that this series is underwhelming based off of your impressions from a 2 map demo. I thought it flowed well, the balance was there, and the heaviness was there. A few tweaks are necessary before it should be shipped, but I felt the game was super solid and quite enjoyable. I don't need constant kill streak rewards and instant/constant action to enjoy a game. That's what is so very wrong with COD these days. The maps in COD are so small that you're likely to see an enemy mere seconds after spawning- I can't stand that! COD, for the most part, has solid gameplay, but the maps and instakill-type kill streaks are making the game a running and gunning nightmare. I'm happy to see Titanfall where the large maps and true balance allow for more tactic-oriented, large-scale encounters that cater to numerous approaches.

To each their own, but I still feel like TF2 is amazing. I'm sick of running and gunning my way through shooters this generation. SLOW THINGS DOWN.

DeadlyOreo2836d ago

Yep same. I'm baffled by the amount of negativity. I loved the first, and I love the technical test of the second. Why do we need about a million hating opinion pieces on every game that seems to come out nowadays? It seems if you have a problem with a game you can't just keep it to yourself, you have to slate it on the Internet.

The hate community is a lot louder than the community enjoying games.

DogtagDuke19922836d ago

The reason for that is because the community enjoying games is too busy... enjoying games! Haters gonna hate.

sampson31212834d ago

the community has grown into a bunch of whinny, entitled, spoiled brats this gen. they complain when devs try something new, they complain when devs don't. game is good so far.

BossBattle2836d ago

Titanfall was better. After playing fast paced Black Ops 3, Titanfall 2 just feels too slow. And you can only tap the boost jump twice on Titanfall 2. With Black Ops 3 you can tap the boost jump until you're out of fuel and that makes the mobility and controls a lot better. Titanfall 2 weapons take too long to kill also.

sampson31212834d ago

sorry for saying this, but i picture you crying when you wrote this statement. sorry.

Yetter2836d ago

Couldn't disagree more. Loved the first, Love the second so far

dragonyght2836d ago

try it just average after 4 or 5 match have no desire to go back

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Titanfall 2 Is Still The Smartest FPS Of The Last Decade

The best shooter campaign since Half-Life 2 still hasn't been topped eight years later.

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Leeroyw24d ago

I agree with this. The time travel mechanics. The sense of scale. The relationship with your mech. The bosses all had personalities. It's a wonderful game.

24d ago
mastershredder23d ago

Yeah it was good, but it only did the time travel bit in one level. Dishonered 2 did the same thing. Now how about a game where it's implemented throughout the gameplay? Singularity says Hello (and deserves so much more recognition).


15 Biggest Unresolved Video Game Cliffhangers We May Never Get Answers To

Cultured Vultures: These 15 unresolved video cliffhangers could be solved in the future, though if we’re really honest with ourselves, we all know there’s no chance in hell of that happening.

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Fluke_Skywalker111d ago (Edited 111d ago )

Never say never, I really didn't expect to ever see Space Marine 2 and 12 years later its almost here.
So there is still hope for all these games.

Chocoburger110d ago

I've completed 5 of the games on the list, but the author forgot to include Advent Rising. It was supposed to be a trilogy, but it bombed hard, and the two sequels never got made. It was Mass Effect, a console generation before Mass Effect.

The game is buggy and unpolished, it needed a few more months of development, but the potential was there. At the end of the game, you have all these super abilities, I remember the stomp attack that created a shockwave being especially powerful.

shinoff2183110d ago

I personally think days gone will recieve some sort of sequel at some point. I'm personally also hoping it's not the rumored multiplayer online stuff. I'd think most that enjoyed it would rather thisnto.

Knightofelemia110d ago

Sony needs to dust off Sly Cooper and Days Gone so needs a sequel two of my favorite Sony titles. Bulletstorm I love great game wish it also got a sequel. And I wish Namco would finally give Enslaved a sequel another great game.


15 Best Mecha Games Of All Time

From mechs of the future and alternate history, suit up and get ready to wreak some havoc in the best mecha games of all time.

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jznrpg239d ago (Edited 239d ago )

A best all time mecha game list without Zone of the Enders even on the list is 100% crap to me. Worth saying twice though not intentional

jznrpg239d ago

A best all time mecha game list without Zone of the Enders even on the list is 100% crap to me.

isarai239d ago

List is void without Robot Alchemic Drive

RavenWolfx239d ago

No Chromehounds? Zone of the Enders?

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