
The Legend of Kage 2 Developer Interview

Do you remember The Legend of Kage? Taito's venerable arcade game(probably best known for its NES rendition) was a frantic ninja-action adventure that involved leaping through trees and evading evil warriors as you attempted to rescue a princess. It remains a fondly remembered classic in Japan, and Taito's hoping to interest a new generation with a DS sequel. We recently spoke with Legend of Kage 2 producer Hisao Yasukouchi to hear his thoughts on this retro revival.


The Legend of Kage NES | Favorite Game Level | First Playthrough

Inspired by 8-bit movies like Wreck It Ralph, game developer and VFX artist Peter Tieryas is going through his old NES inventory and playing some of his favorite levels with running commentary. This segment is from Legend of Kage for the NES. Players have to rescue the princess a total of three times before the game ends, at which time the princess is kidnapped again. This rounds out the trio of Ninja games starting with Ninja Kid, then Ninja Gaiden, and now Legend of Kage.

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The Third Chair – 8/4/2012 – Ramble On

Nerd Vice’s own Gomer joins Vira and Resulka to discuss … stuff.

Articles discussed:

Gamer mistakes crappy old NES game for innovative indie game

Should FMV make a comeback in games?

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