
CRYENGINE 5.2 will fully support DX12, CRYENGINE 5.3 will support Vulkan

CRYENGINE fans, we’ve got some interesting news for you today. According to Crytek’s roadmap, CRYENGINE 5.2 (which will be made available in mid-August) will fully support DX12. Not only that, but the next version of CRYENGINE (5.3) – that is currently planned to be made available in mid-October – will support the Vulkan API.

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DragonDDark2954d ago (Edited 2954d ago )

Cry engine looks incredible on PSVR.

Rhythmattic2954d ago (Edited 2954d ago )

I must say, Seeing some vids of gameplay of "Robinson : The Journey" on PSVR , i was truly blown away...
The whole atmosphere looks engaging, immersive and It looks visually incredible to boot...

ngecenk2954d ago

no one in my class want to use this engine simply because no mobile platform support. haven't they learnt anything from their bankruptcy?

hiredhelp2954d ago (Edited 2954d ago )

Yeh they learnt they still have a very good engine that when in the right hands can be mind blowing.
The engine is getting better to use with eachbuild having vulkan will help alot with cards that had trouble hitting 60fps on cryteks previous titles such as crysis vulkan will help this.
They also learnt they have studio soly to them building working on there engine alone and a studio thats in partnership with deepsilver. They are not bankrupt never was they sold assests reduces studios concerntrated on what was best forword.
Dont read everything you see.

ngecenk2953d ago

look, i love crytek and i used cryengine for months until i was stuck. i had trouble finding team to finish my indie game during my study. the engine is built with a mindset to become a leader in tech. that's not the case to make moneys nowadays. mobile platforms is where the moneys at. first they have to gain market share on students, and let them ask for cryengine in their company. more students, more community, more company's interest in using your engine. That's how Unity got big. my univ with 300+ students use mostly unreal, unity, or (surprise surprise) marmalade.

hiredhelp2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

I wont and cant disagree when comparing Engine to Unity or unreal the engine is more complex in that sense but come on untill UE4 look at what cryengine gave you if you can work with it.
You obviously know your stuff more than me even as for mobile market there few unreal games on monile market but unity takes that crown as im sure your aware.
Is the cry engine too powerfull for mobile platform? Silly as it sounds..

ngecenk2953d ago

yes i agree there are not much unreal based mobile games, but from all three, unreal is your best bet if you want to join triple A industry, there are a lots of unreal powered triple A games out there. and it's capability to make mobile games makes it worth to learn.and unity is your best bet for mobile. Cryengine is none of those. students don't really care to make a game with great graphics (since most of us know it also requires good and experienced artist). They just want to make their game available to all platforms as soon as possible.


Hunt: Showdown is getting one of the rarest things a game can get: an engine upgrade

"It is gonna be a long technical road" to update Hunt's version of CryEngine.

MadLad567d ago

Great game.
Smaller, but healthy, player base. At least on PC. Very tense game.

bunt-custardly567d ago

If anyone can upgrade the engine then Crytek can. Good news anyway. Hunt looks pretty awesome anyway, but with UE5 a thing now Cryengine beginning to look dated perhaps?

Eonjay566d ago

It was bound to happen. Let's hope that they can update their engine. As good as UE5 looks, we need multiple engines out there. This will prevent all games from looking too samey.

Looking at DF the last three Graphics of the year have been:

Insomniac engine
Red Engine
Decima Engine

I love seeing different engines flex their muscles.

Concertoine566d ago

I do too, but having a dependable and common engine would go a long way toward fixing development cost and time.


Jurassic Dream is a CRYENGINE free Jurassic Park game that you can download right now

LifelessTapir has released a free game in which he basically recreated the entire Isla Nublar island from Jurassic Park in CRYENGINE.

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yellowgerbil1828d ago

It's Cryengine free you say? Great news, sick of all that cryengine in my dinosaur games.

windblowsagain1828d ago

What Dinosaur games.

I cannot for the life of me understand why there are no Dinosaur games anymore. Not building a Jurassic world type thing. But edge of your seat as scared as fuk fps or tps game. With todays graphics and quality would have been awesome.

Just hope something is made for PS5 etc.

Kosic1828d ago

I'd love a remake of Dino crisis 1 and 2!


CRYENGINE 5.6 is now available to developers, featuring more than 1000 changes to the engine

Crytek has announced that CRYENGINE 5.6 is available now for all game developers. According to the team, this major new release includes over 1,000 changes to the engine.

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