
TGR: Review: The Last Guy

E3 '08 had its fair share of excitement, but under the piles of spin and surprises emerged a previously unknown gem of a game from Sony Japan. The Last Guy's debut did exactly what was necessary -- get people, including the press, talking -- and only two months later, the game was released on the Playstation Network. The game's short gestation period is little cause for worry, as its fresh take on a familiar game mechanic and difficulty that wavers between challenging and frustrating makes it a worthy addition to any PS3's hard drive.

Fun Factor: 8.5
Visuals: 7.5
Sound: 7.0
Single Player: 8.0
Controls: 8.0

Overall: 8.0

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Relin5770d ago

I dunno... I found this game to be more frustrating than challenging. I almost gave up on beating the last level.

ihaten4glol5770d ago

Wish I had a PS3 to try this out. It looks pretty fun.


10 Essential PSN Titles For Indie Gamers

MMGN.com writes: Indie gaming is hard to keep track of these days. When I think back to my own experience, this time last year I had never really dabbled into the indie gaming scene, and after being thrown in at the deep end, I soon delved beneath the surface to find some truly outstanding games.

So I thought it would be great if I could share some of my favourite experiences for each platform. Today we're taking a look at the PlayStation 3, which has offered some great experiences via the PSN store.

So here's 10 Essential PSN titles for you to grab today!

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ratsrock4444d ago

Braid, flOw, Everyday Shooter, Detuned., Linger in Shadows, Limbo, Where is My Heart? and Closure.

These are some of the best games PSN has to offer. They happen to be made by indie developers and were not mentioned in the article. I strongly recomend atleast a google or youtube search.

Thanks for your time.

hellerphant4444d ago

Yes, yet games like Braid and Limbo started as Xbox 360 exclusives, and I included those on my 360 list yesterday. :P

MySwordIsHeavenly4444d ago

I didn't know Double Fine was considered "indie". What are the stipulations for being "indie" anyway?

Great list though.

rodiabloalmeida4444d ago

Back to The Future series... Indie... Since when? It's a Telltale game, for god sake.


Why The Last Of Us Is Going To Be Great

With the recent reveal of the PS3 Exclusive, The Last Of Us, many have gotten excited for the game and have been conversing what they hope the game will have, so we decided to explain why The Last Of Us is going to be great.

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core_54537d ago

most wanted game this year ...

Colwyn4537d ago

It's a ps3 exclusive being made by the best developers in the gaming industry

iamnsuperman4537d ago (Edited 4537d ago )

I wouldn't say they are the best in the industry but the are up there. I am interested to see how this will turn out. I need to see more before I get excited though (gameplay). The trailer did look good and interesting

Hufandpuf4537d ago

How did I know they were going to say that.

GribbleGrunger4537d ago

because it's made by Naught Dog. it REALLY is as simple as that

RaidensRising4537d ago

Until I see gameplay I'll hold judgement.

Recnef4537d ago

That whole end-of-the-world we have to survive thing looks interesting...

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Why the PS3 Offers a Unique Gaming Experience

If you're someone who loves something a bit different in their games, the PS3 might be the place to be. TheGamingReview give their choice of the most unique PS3 titles.

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dangert125006d ago (Edited 5006d ago )

Bluray for gaming
Host of exclusives

are come on double post =(

dangert125006d ago

Bluray for gaming
Host of great exclusives
playstation plus

BigDan805006d ago

BR is handy, especially for games like MGS4 and GT5, wouldn't be possible with a single DVD.

BigDan805006d ago

Well this'll bring the 360 fanboys out in force ;-)

Decent write-up though.I really like TLG and Noby Noby Boy,great games.

djreplay5006d ago

That's why it's my gaming system of choice.

Fulensenca5006d ago

Linger In Shadow ( I loved it, I hope to hear something from Plastic about a new experience soon ), Pain, Everyday Shooter, The Eye of Judgement, flOw, Folklore, Heavy Rain, Tori-Emaki.

PS: I can' t wait for Journey!!!

PoisonedMonkey5006d ago

All great games! Trouble is that article could've gone on for a looooong time if every unique game was included..! Comment on the article itself, might even get added :)

Fulensenca5006d ago

I just did as you suggested ;)

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