
Star Wars Retrospective: Episode IX

GameTrailers.com provides an interesting look into the Star Wars games Rebel Assault and Rogue Squadron. This long video can definitely supply the viewer with some sweet gaming nostalgia.

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TiKiMaN15767d ago

Words just don't decribe how awesome Rebel Assault was when it was released. Talk about fun times.

776d ago

7 Best Star Wars games to play before seeing The Force Awakens


While you may think that bingeing on the entire Star Wars Saga would be the best way to prepare yourself for the seventh (holy shit!) Star Wars movie, we have an alternate, more interactive way to do so.

There are a ton of Star Wars games available, which might make picking the best ones a bit daunting. After all, you don't want to get stuck playing Super Bombad Racing or Masters of Teras Kasi. That's why we're here. We're going to pick out seven of the best Star Wars games you should try getting your hands on, in the short amount of time before the movie comes out. You know, which is tomorrow night.

Here are the seven objectively best Star Wars games you should be playing.

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3108d ago Replies(1)
ninsigma3108d ago (Edited 3108d ago )

Do not show comment from TrumpCard above if you don't want spoilers for the new movie.

Battlefront and kotor were awesome games. Haven't really played the others. I love delving into the universe in anyway I can though.

pompombrum3108d ago

If you're a Star Wars fan you owe it to yourself to play Jedi Academy, it's the best Jedi/Sith combat game ever made and probably still has an active multiplayer community on PC.

ninsigma3108d ago

Actually it looks really cool! I might just have to get it. Thanks! :D

pompombrum3108d ago

It is really good, probably showing it's age now sadly but the lightsaber combat is so awesome. There was a very dedicated modding scene for it too so there are thousands of different character models, weapons, maps etc freely available to download if you look around for them.

ninsigma3107d ago

It was the lightsaber combat that caught my attention. It does show its age but that's not really a problem of it's fun.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3107d ago
DefenderOfDoom23108d ago

Where is "Star Wars Dark Forces " from 1996 ? One of best crtitically acclaimed Star Wars video games ever !


The Star Wars Avalanche Is Here, But Factor 5 Isn't

As with any license of such scope, the ideal Star Wars game does not exist. The task is impossible. There are too many angles a developer could take. There's no one metric for successful use of the brand. But in the absence of that metric, one of the more responsible routes to take is simply recreating the movies. And for all the developers who've tried, the one who came closest to succeeding isn't even around anymore: Factor 5.

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