
How ‘The Company of Myself’ and ‘Fixation’ Promote Seeking Professional Help for Mental Health

We speak to developer Eli Piilonen about using games to show people struggling with mental health that they're not alone.

2960d ago

6 Cool Flash Games You Must Try

Flash games provide a short and satisfying gameplay experience for everybody including casual gamers, but with so much flash games out there, it's difficult to find the really enjoyable ones. Here is series one of cool flash games you must try.

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10 Artsy-Fartsy Games for People Who Like Artsy-Fartsy Things

A not-at-all definitive list of artsy-fartsy games that are fun to play. Check 'em out!

JamesDeRosa5191d ago (Edited 5191d ago )

More people should give artsy-fartsy games a chance.

bearsfaan5191d ago

I don't like Artsy-Fartsy things, but I did enjoy a few of these games/experiences.

TheLancer5191d ago

So if I play these games, people will think I'm cool, right?

Sadie21005191d ago

You have to play these games AND talk about them in an articulate manner. Only then are you cool.

Tolkoto5191d ago

Fartsy is a funny word. Just saying.

5191d ago