
It’s ‘Up To Sony’ If Tekken 7 Has PS4/Xbox One Cross-Play

Bandai Namco is unsure if Tekken 7 will have cross-play between PS4 and Xbox One gamers. The developers are leaving that decision to Sony.

IRetrouk2909d ago

Ps players or xbox, make no diff, still gonna smash this game to absolute pieces.

Eonjay2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

Damn right! Yall better hope Sony says no lol... them Xbox boys (God bless em), don't know... lol they don't know. Played 10k matches on Tekken Tag Tournament 2... and lets be fair to them the 360 D-Pad was horrendous, so even if you were good, you really needed a pad else you're fight against your opponent and the controller.

The only thing Xbox has that I want is TTT:2 on BC. They have no idea how lucky they are.

LexHazard792909d ago

Lol...probably lost 9k matches.

Gazondaily2909d ago

So Sony are the ones taking the mick here. What's taking them so long to say yes?

Microsoft's online infrastructure is FAR superior to theirs so it should be a no brainier for Sony to allow it.

If Sony are 'For the Players' they would allow this. I wonder what excuse they'll have if they dont?

2909d ago
Eonjay2909d ago


I assume that the company that has amassed the fastest cloud infrastructure is also the superior one...
For Sony's part, I think they are apprehensive about cross network play for several reasons (security, maintenance... ) For the players has nothing to do with being friendly with Xbox Live... I would like them to do it because I am confident we can murder the other team online. its not even a question. If Bandai is hosting the servers jointly, and can competently manage connections, I am all for it. I just want it to work.

IRetrouk2909d ago

Septic sony have no need to do this at all, im all for it but its not this massive deal thats going to effect my online interactions, for the players means for the gamers on sonys devices nobody elses, i know you like to blow everything out of proportion but there really is no need, it would be cool if they said yes after mentioning it last gen but if they dont its not really a big deal.

gamer78042909d ago

Why would you not want a bigger pool of players to prolong the games life is beyond me...

Ginpachi-sama2909d ago

Wow sceptic aint the brightest tool in the shed

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2909d ago
Deep-throat2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

Just make it like SFV. PC vs PS4.

PC players with better hardware will have the upper hand as usual: 5(or less)ms monitors, better IQ.

IQ = Image Quality

PurpHerbison2909d ago

Doesn't necessarily work that way in fighting games but sure. I mean, sure, you want the best specs but what is that to all the Tekken veterans that have been playing on console or arcades for YEARS? Most PC players might be in for a very rude awakening.

Movefasta19932909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

A rude awakening?You do realize that there are a lot of new pc gamers that built pcs at the start of this console generation right?Most of sales that comes tekken 7 steam will be from old school tekken players ,not people trying tekken for the first time.

Destiny10802909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

the difference between people with the best set up and the people with an average set up is not a lot different,

30 fps updates every 33 ms, 60fps is every 16.7ms

your monitor lag being 5ms and someone else's being 33 ms the difference is one sixth of a second

races have been won and lost by ms but I'm guessing a better player will kick your azz 99% of the time regardless of one or two sixth of a second advantage

anticipation/situational awareness/knowing your enemy and surroundings, knowing all the moves and combos/ your reaction time, these and many more will give you a real advantage

Lordani662909d ago

But you know that T7 will be 60 fps on PS4 too? Just asking.

PurpHerbison2908d ago

Well, it is a fighting game so regardless where you play it, it should be locked 60. Unless you play on a terrible PC that can't meet that. I feel really bad for anyone that would have to play Tekken7 at 30FPS, it is just something you don't do with fighting games. In that scenario the person with 60FPS would absolutely destroy the person on 30FPS. You may be able to get away with such huge FPS differences in other genres but fighting games need to be locked 60 for both players or else you are going to have a terrible time. The only realistic issue that I could see coming to light is PC having less input delay. Almost every fighting game released on PC has less input delay for some reason. But yes, it is still going to come down to skill in that scenario anyway. SFV is the greatest example as PS4 version has 8F delay and PC version without vsync has 4F delay. This doesn't stop PS4 players from destroying the PC players.

thatguyhayat2909d ago

What the? Whats hardware got to do with it? Its about skill not hardware

Lordani662909d ago

Higher IQ? Last time I checked PC players have their BMI higher than their IQ, living in their mom's basements, not being able to afford themselves, or to even get a job at MCDonald's, yet console players tend to become IT engineers who later spread their love for video games by creating the best AAA console games that PC mustard pleb begs them for. The only thing pc gay-mers create are crappy minecraft mods, and eye-hurting ENB mods that used to do some good back in the day, but now look like TV settings with saturation lowered to almost 0 and extremely high sharpness, sometimes crappy instagram filter slapped to it too. Yeah, pure geniuses are those pc players

Yours truly,
PC & Console gamer since almost his birth, IT Engineer in real time graphics, raster graphics, 3D moddeling and animations, also a guy with IQ probably higher than you and your whole family put together :).

Deep-throat2909d ago

Typical console gamer, resorting to "PC gamers live in their mom's basements" blather.

IQ = Image Quality, Mr. PC Gamer Since Birth.

Lordani662908d ago

Doesn't matter, because it's still BS:


(Use translate on the right handside menu, first option)
Higher quality visuals? Teeheehee, most pc players play on crappy 21" TN monitors, while even the cheapest HDTV on which console players game, gives better quality spectrum than those monitors, don't even make me go to comparing IPS vs mid-end HDTV. And developers literally don't do anything for PC versions of their multiplatform games, so that's why Ultra/Very High setting on PC look like PS4 versions, sometimes in open world games you see better quality shadows on PC, maybe slightly better textures (not talkig about special 4K textures packs), HDAO vs HBAO, and that's it - for proofs just visit the link above, or this one too: https://suckmyjoystick.blog...

"resorting to "PC gamers live in their mom's basements" blather"

But it's a fact. Enourmous percentage of PC players that create high end PC builds, that are not IT workers live with their parents, that's why they have so much time for playing with their PCs. Typical console only gamer is just a regular guy that sometimes loves videogames more than he should, but also has his own life, that's why he can get a job, unlike a pc gamer which every day have to worry about dx libraries, drivers for hist hardware, lacking .dll files in WINDOWS directory, C++ redistibutables, crappy download times on both Steam (ESPECIALLY!) and Origin, defragmentation of his HDD, unstable Windows after few monts of a clean installation, literally thousands of background running apps and services, swapping 6 DVDs (because blu ray in PC world is still uncommon), while console gamer just puts his disk into his console, and plays. That's it.

PurpHerbison2908d ago (Edited 2908d ago )

I get what you are trying to say but you came off as a complete asshole blowing on your own flute.

Lordani662908d ago

Because I am an asshole, I am very harsh and sincere.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2908d ago
TheVigilanteCode2909d ago

It's great that Tekken is finally coming to PC. It should as it's a 3rd party title after all. I'd get it day one.

First off, talking about display lag of a panel being an upper hand for the PC version is laughable because a console player can use that VERY SAME display panel with his games and assuming EVERY PC player (to be accurate, "EVERY PC TEKKEN 7 PLAYER") is gonna play on a display panel with less than 5 MS of display lag is even more ludicrous, even for an assumption.

Fighting games, in general are a console genre (and moderately Arcade in specific territories), no two ways about it. Just like MOBA's or Arena FPS' like Quake or Unreal are PC mainstays, even though they have appeared on consoles in the past. Fighters are THE MOST highest competitive form of e-sport in videogames, ever, period. Even the mighty Arena shooters of the 90's/00's, Quake & Unreal come in a distant second place in terms of skill ceiling in a competitive videogame, when they are directly compared with fighting games. Let alone other games that are highly competitive like Starcraft etc. Modern "e-sport" oriented titles which bring in big numbers in both view count and prize pools, like DOTA2/CSGO/LOL etc don't even come close to the skill level of fighting games, so much that it isn't even funny.

This is nothing to brag about consoles being superior or some of that reddit PCMR superiority crap. It's just that consoles are the home of fighting games, hardcore action games with the highest skill involved (Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta etc), ARPG's, JRPG's etc. All of these genre's move around 10:1 sales lifetime when compared to PC's, that it's actually embarrassing to even compare a PC to a console - with Dark Souls being the only exception, from the list of genre I mentioned. Developers obviously would write/develop the console versions as the definitive versions of their games and put maximum effort into them being perfect from an input lag standpoint for fighting games (or arcade perfect if it's an arcade port, like Tekken 7 here is), barring IQ which PC will always get better than a console (at least in most cases).

But for longevity, the PC fighting game players will ALWAYS be at the mercy of the console pool of players, which last almost a decade, with crossplay. The more developers opt-in crossplay with PC/PS4 or PC/Xbox One, the better ONLY for the PC community, who are the tiniest of a fringe minority in fighting games. It's an upcoming genre which is starting to take off on PC's, specifically post 2011/2012, and fortunately with the new consoles released around a year later and both SONY and Microsoft not minding it, the PC population don't have a problem finding games, in games with crossplay enabled. The games would have died online within 2 weeks (or a month tops), if they weren't crossplay.

The upper hand, in fighting games have ALWAYS been on consoles, and WILL stay that way as long as the traditional console cycle continues to exist. Nothing wrong or to feel "inferior" about this fact or be defensive of the PC. The vast majority of the console players are all good mannered people who don't care who they are playing against, barring a few bad apples (the likes which we call "CoD" kids) which we can find on a daily basis if we could boot up a game of DOTA 2 or CSGO with the same level of maturity. They exist on all platforms.

All this is coming from a PC player who has never owned a console before, aside from an NES (but everyone had one of those ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).

Hope we could spar online in a FT10 set when the game launches. Cheers :)

onisama2908d ago

the down vote on ur comment show how dumb u sound

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2908d ago
DigitalRaptor2909d ago

I suppose an article such as this is going to be written every time a publisher replies to this question on Twitter. Regardless of whether or not it's true, it's clearly going to be made out like that publisher already had plans in process for cross-play and are being stopped. The headline doesn't represent exactly what was said in context, but that's how it was reported. The truth is that most of these publishers are not even thinking about cross-play on consoles.

It might happen one day, but as of now it doesn't bother me in the slightest, with the amount of players available on any given game on any given day. I don't know how anyone could find a reason why a lack of cross-play would irk them, unless they are looking for a specific angle of attack.

Hoffmann2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

Well said. But hey..clicks clicks clicks...

I played TTT2 yesterday on PS3, even after 4 years it still has enough players it seems. Had to wait only 1-2 minutes for new opponents and it was not much better years ago due to how the netcode of that game is working.

I mean..that's damn cool.

edit: Damn..even Tekken 6 still has players? wow.

PurpHerbison2909d ago

Dude I played Tekken6 online a couple weeks ago and was able to find lobbies. Netcode is absolutely trash in Tekken6 but I was still surprised people were playing.

freshslicepizza2909d ago

The more pressure put on Sony the better, until they finally address what is really going on. Of course when you have supporters who defend them about any decisions including EA Access and it's no wonder they are not going to do what some fans want. Amazing how when it was with pc it is nice perk but with Xbox once again some people love the segregation between the two. I guess console wars is still important to some

gamerswin242909d ago

If at this point you dont know whats going on lol your oblivious. You should have asked Microsoft what was going on last gen when Sony went ahead and added PC players to cross play and Microsoft didnt even want to do that lol. All these companies are playing chess and since Microsft is getting thrashed they want to include everyhting, including th ekitchen sink lol but last gen when they were doing fine selling hardware they wouldnt budge lol.

Liqu1d2909d ago

It's also amazing how you lot didn't want this last gen but now you do.

freshslicepizza2909d ago

Please quote me where I said I didn't want this last generation. You guys keep moving the goal posts. Microsoft didn't want to before, they did try it early on with games like shadowrun but gavee up. They were criticized then and people kept saying how open Sony was. Not once did Sony ever want to play with competing consoles though, even Nintendo tried with pure chess but Sony skirted around it just like they are doing now. But again you guys think Sony can't do anything wrong.

ThatGuyDart2909d ago


The honest truth is that most PS fans like myself just couldn't care less about this feature. So when you say things like "more pressure put on Sony the better" it really falls on deaf ears. Why should I constantly nag Sony for something I don't really care about? Why is that? Because you care about? Because Xbox fans care about it? If so then wrangle up all your Xbox buddies and let Sony hear your voices, stop asking PS fans to do something that YOU should be doing.

Gazondaily2909d ago

Well we've seen how the hardcore contingent will make any excuses. Denying EA Access and also this, if that indeed is the case, people making excuses on their behalf truly are pathetic.

Sony need to be pressurised.

IRetrouk2909d ago

Again septic, why do sony need to allow this? How is it in any way relatable to ea access? Its a service, allowing xbox players a bigger pool of online players does nothing for them at all, whos honestly asking for this? Its not playstation fans thats for sure.

DigitalRaptor2908d ago (Edited 2908d ago )

What is really going on? You want a deeper explanation, that is staring you in the face, lol.

Let's ask this for a second though. It's a separate topic, but why does Microsoft charge Xbox players to play online but they don't make PC players pay for the same privilege on their games via W10 store, despite a clear convergence towards Xbox as a service? Is it going to happen where they eventually do? Where is the current pressure on Microsoft for that? Why does Microsoft put FREE-to-play games behind a paywall to this very day, whilst Sony does not? Where is the pressure on MS for that? Where is the pressure for Microsoft to stop being so sparse with their exclusive games lineup in the first 9 months of the year, because so far this year, all that Xbox has had is Quantum Break and a few indie games (some of which are incomplete early access games). And I don't for a second believe you would hold them to rights for such inconsistencies or corporate double standards. See there are so many other bigger questions out there than asking why cross-play is not a thing between competing consoles, and I don't see you rallying to find the answers.

Re: EA Access - its content is garbage value to someone like me quite frankly, but I wouldn't say no to it being offered to others on PSN. And I never, said I would be against cross-play on consoles. Playing against other people on other platforms is a nice perk.... and it's just that. Not something that should be questioned as though a company is committing a crime against consumers by not speaking up on. It's not even an inconvenience.

"But again you guys think Sony can't do anything wrong."

Time and time again, this has been disproven as you continue to put words in other peoples' mouths, but in this instance what is Sony in the wrong for? They have no obligation to do anything, and your responses here are basically the modus operandi of someone who has an agenda to paint a company in the wrong, that has actually done nothing wrong.

@ Septic

IRetrouk already asked this but again, your whole "Sony needs to be pressurised" sounds like a vendetta of past events that, in all honesty, you've skewed based on what you read from a small number of people on the Internet.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2908d ago
donthate2909d ago

Well, technically it is anti-consumer behavior by Sony, so even if it doesn't affect you directly, it might be good to voice your opinion. Cross play only benefits gamers, because it offers choice and less lock-in.

IRetrouk2909d ago

Anti consumer to who??? Xbox only players? As in people who are not consumers of sonys products? How does that compute mate? The only upside to this would be third party, which sell better on the ps4....which means a higher player count...so why would sony need to do it? Simple they dont. It would be cool but its just not important to be honest.

rainslacker2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

I think you need to look up the definition of anti-consumer.

Anti-consumer is things like price fixing, or trying to control the only outlet for consumers to exercise their free trade rights or place heavy restrictions on them....such as MS original used game plan. And before you mention it to try and make MS look good, I, and to some extent the EU, feel that current digital storefronts and the way they handle content purchases to be pretty anti-consumer, but people accept it for what it is, so more power to them.

Not offering the ability to play with players on another console just means they aren't offering a service. If they offered that service, and marketed it as a selling point of the console, then took it away, then that's anti-consumer, but as it stands now, it's about akin to the PS4 not offering a Pandora app.

gamer78042909d ago

You dont know anything about game development if you think developers don't want to get the largest amount of people playing together. It increases their products value with little extra work

IRetrouk2909d ago

Im hoping they say yes, but im not going to pretend its a big deal when its not really.

rainslacker2909d ago

One comment on the twitter said it wasn't on the PS fans to ask Sony about it, because Sony said the developers, and I guess other console makers, to approach them about it. Guy seemed to want to know if the developer had asked Sony about it, and what their response was, which seemed fair enough, because then at least when we ask Sony, we know if we should request politely, or sternly demand, that they enable the feature because it's something beneficial for the users.

But yeah, the headline doesn't really represent the context, and tends to imply that the dev wants it, when no such mention was made even between PC and other consoles.

Yetter2908d ago

"The truth is that most of these publishers are not even thinking about cross-play on consoles"

for any game that has a strong multiplayer component, you better believe publishers are thinking about cross-play. A low player base is a death sentence for these types of games

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2908d ago
PurpHerbison2909d ago

I hope this happens. Crossplay is always a good thing cause it keeps the online community all in one spot. One of the worst things is when communities get split up. In a genre like fighting games it can really suck cause most either don't play or quit cause players are too good.

rainslacker2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

While I agree with you, I don't really have a hard time finding matches for good fighting games on the PS4 or even the PS3. Haven't tried on the Xbox or PC so can't speak for them. I don't play online that often though, but I do go back and visit some older fighting games from time to time.

PurpHerbison2908d ago

Yeah it isn't very hard to find matches but at the same time, the fighting games I have played recently support crossplay of some sort. Whether it is SFV being PS4/PC or Guilty Gear Revelator being PS4/PS3. Crossplay is a great thing.

2909d ago
Show all comments (101)
OtterX2d ago

For me, these Mario + Rabbids games were the best thing Ubisoft has developed in recent years. I'd hate to see Ubisoft drive the series into the ground like their other properties, so I think 2 games are enough. Maybe 1 more.

Inverno2d ago

They can't ruin it because Ninty will send their ninjas to destroy all traces of it. If not for that you can bet that spinoff series would've been milked dry by now.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good luck in your future endeavors

Hotpot2d ago

Thank you for Mario + Rabbids series, I quite enjoyed it

Einhander19722d ago

Great games, I have wanted Sony to copy these games with their own mascots for years.

Michiel19891d 13h ago

not cinematic or 3rd person enough for Sony

DefaultComment2d ago

I think Nintendo has to hire this guy, I mean the fact that miuamoto himself said to him that he is impressed with this work, speaks volumes. Th possibility on having Mario on Soliani's hand could be incredible and quite possibly a new era for Mario games.

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Yea, these games didn't even feel Ubisoft at all. This felt very authentic Nintendo. This guy's direction is obviously stellar, and Ubisoft somehow managed to not kill it with microtransactions and repetitive, boring tasks.


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Chard2d ago

Missing the most important game - Rogue Leader


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MestreRothN4G3d ago

Raph Koster wrote the #1 most influential game design book. Nice to see a game coming from him.