
Batman: The Telltale Series PS4 Frame Rate Test

A frame rate test of Batman: The Telltale Series running on PS4.

badz1492967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

seriously...they couldn't make this run at 60fps? forget 60, even 30 is a struggle. shoddy programming at its finest!


wow looks like some butthurt TT dev is downvoting everybody's comments!

Soc52967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

yeah I don't get it either, the ps4 can't run a primarily quick time event game without framerate issues?? What's going on Telltale?

Hroach6162967d ago

Just finished the first episode tonight. Good game but def has some issues. Def shoddy programming. The game is having issues on all platforms that can easily play the game hardware wise. Therefore it must be programming. Maybe they just set a date they were having problems meeting for release. Not enough time to test it.
But it was very enjoyable. Looking forward to the future episodes.

CyrusLemont2967d ago

Finished two playthroughs of the first episode and I noticed almost immediately the horrible frame rate, which felt like it went from 60-15fps at any given time. The controls also felt really unresponsive. I figured such a simple game (comparative to what is out there) would be really smooth. The story and playing as Bruce Wayne is so awesome though. Just hope they fix up the major performance issues the game has.

Vitalogy2967d ago

I don't understand this, didn't they said that this game would be running in a new game engine exactly to try and skip those very issues they had with previous TT instalments?

A point&click/QTE game with cel shaded style graphics can't run at solid 60fps is BS and I would love to hear their excuses on this matter, this game isn't anywhere near complex as plenty other out there and should be running 1080p60fps solid.

Times like these I call the devs lazy because this is bad game engine or bad programming or even both. This isn't a console only issue because the PC's have the same problem with TT games so it human fault for sure and lack of quality, what worries me is sony letting this pass on Q&A -.-'

2967d ago

Telltale's Batman gets fully enhanced with new Shadows Edition

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Wasabi1739d ago

I missed this game first time around, I've heard nothing but good things about it since.

Now that it's been updated I see no reason not to jump in over the holidays - thanks for sharing Neil.

Zeke681739d ago

I played both and they are truly great games. I'm sure you'll love the twisting stories too.

Wasabi1739d ago

Thanks Zeke! Downloading now :)

terrorofdeath1739d ago

I love Telltale games and haven't played Batman as yet - so will be great to get this one!
Will probably end up playing Wolf Among Us and Borderlands Telltale again over the holidays.


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