
Naughty JRPG Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors Denied a Rating In Germany; Won’t Be Sold in the Country

NIS America announced today with a press release that the Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK), which is Germany’s video game ratings board, refused to rate Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors for PS Vita.

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Yi-Long2833d ago

NIS is already hard at work completely butchering the game anyway, so the Germans aren't missing out on much...

Anthotis2832d ago

A country that floods itself with rapists from the 3rd world bans suggestive animation in video games...

Zodiac2832d ago

Bless Germany for their extending of human compassion.

Yi-Long2832d ago

Didn't know hate-speech was now allowed on this site. Shameful. I could respond with facts, stats and numbers about the crime-rates of refugees in Germany and other W-European countries, compared to the native population, and also the crimes they're actually involved with (orjust give one of the many links to articles about this subject: http://www.politifact.com/t... ) , but my experience with racists is that they usually don't care much for facts, stats etc etc.

Plus considering how off-topic your refugee/muslim-bashing is, I expect it to be deleted pretty quickly anyway, so why bother...!?

2832d ago
Yi-Long2832d ago

@Bruce: Like I said, I have no illusion stats and facts will make a difference in the opinion of people like Anthotis. Also, it's not my responsibility to make other people less ignorant: that's a personal obligation, and those facts and stats are readily available for anyone to seek out. I provided a link and there are many more.

However, people will believe what they want to believe, so they'll hold on to the notion that most refugees are young males (most are women and children), and most of them are 'rapists' or 'extremists' (nope). I could write a billion words and link to research and stats and all that, and it wouldn't make a difference on those opinions.

So why bother...? And why are we even having a discussion about 'refugee rapists' on a gaming-site. That's just hate-mongering and nothing more.

krazeecain2832d ago


At what point was Anthotis racist? He said: "A country that floods itself with rapists from the 3rd world"

He didn't say that EVERYONE immigrating into Germany were rapists, but that rapists are flooding into the country, do you understand that difference? Nuance is tricky, I know. It means that he is in fact, NOT accusing all immigrants of being rapists!

Look, I'm not saying I agree with the sentiment, but I'm not comfortable with your extremely liberal use of the term "hate-speech" or "racist". It's not necessarily hate speech, and it's certainly not racism. Those are harsh judgements to pass on someone based on one vague sentence. But I know that you're just trying to dismiss and censor someone based on a political opinion that you disagree with, and my experience with people of your ilk is that they usually don't care much for facts, statistics, etc.

Yeah it feels kinda bad to be dismissed like that, doesn't it?

SpringHeeledJack2831d ago (Edited 2831d ago )

Yi long. Anything you don't agree with you call a hate speech.

The problem is these are new people who straight away are attacking people who took them in and doing it because of cultural reasons, regardless of you claiming the domestic population also commit crimes, 2 wrongs don't make a right. It was madness and selfish to impose a million people on a country with drastically different cultures, without asking your people if they wanted it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2831d ago
chillzi2832d ago (Edited 2832d ago )

ehm the united states has the hightest rate of rape crime, not germany. I am from germany. What do you mean with "rapists from the 3rd world"? You mean the refugees that come from syria,palestine, afghanistan etc. to germany because they want to be protected from war?

It is astonishing how you people dont even have a clue about the current situation that is going on in the world let alone make stupid comments like this one.

Stringerbell2832d ago

The peanut gallery will always pontificate about things they know nothing about. I doubt many of the vocal ones here have a passport let alone could point out Germany on a map. The debate of censorship of this game in particular is one thing, taking shots of people who have had their livelihoods destroyed and have fled from hell is another. Viele grüße aus Ilmenau.

CaptainObvious8782832d ago (Edited 2832d ago )

@Chillzi and Stringer

I really really hate to sound like a feminist, but you both need to educate yourself.

Look at the crime rate before your tolerable country started letting in swarms of muslims.

Now look at the current crime rate.

Do you notice something?

I suggest you start doing basic research before telling people to get a clue.

BattleAxe2832d ago

@ Chillzi

If anyone here is clueless, it's you. There are small towns in Germany that are being overrun with more refugees than there are citizens in the town. There was a story I was reading of a town of roughly 250 people, who were overrun by 900 refugees. These refugees were forced onto the town without their input or consent. You people aren't going to have a country left, once your globalist Chancellor and the European Union are done with their plans. Even the French are completely clueless about their own situation. It's no wonder that the British voted to leave the E.U., it's a complete disaster, and getting worse! You people need to wake the f*** up!

chillzi2832d ago (Edited 2832d ago )

@BattleAxe @CaptainObvious

ehm excuse me. I live in germany and we have a refugee home next to our house. I also do volunteer work and help those people out. These people are traumatized and lived in fear because of war. Now they are finally opening up and can begin to smile anymore because they are safe here. Do I need people like you to tell me what is happening in germany? No I dont think so because I know whats going on here. I visited many refugee homes and have seen the state in which the people are in. They lost their home, their money and lost their loved ones.

Also you need to pay attention to my post from before I said rate of rape crime not the crime rate altogether. There are people who are bad I will not deny that, but to say that everyone is like that is certainly absurd and absolutely not realistic at all.

But if we are talking about the bad people here who are "rapists" and have supposedly run over our country (who abuse our system), then let me ask you this. Who's fault is it exactly that this happened? I tell you who: The U.S. and Great Britain and I am not the only one who is thinking this. They have completely destroyed syria, afghanistan, etc. and now the people dont have a home anymore. The U.S dont help the refugees and send them right back to us and we have to deal with the problem here. We have accepted over 1 million refugees and the US struggles to even accept 10000 from syria. The germans feel that it is their responsiblity to help those people who have escaped from war. But I dont know if the US and Britain are also serious about this matter.

Basic research you tell me all? I think you need to get your facts straight not me. Many people in the US have absolutely no clue what is happening in germany.

And this will be my last post here because I dont wanna reply to any of you anyway since I couldn't really care less what you hear about germany in the news or in some paper, when you never have even seen the current situation in my country.

Stringerbell2832d ago (Edited 2832d ago )


What are you on about? Take your own advice please. Here is the raw data in English for you about crime rates and the 'swarms' of refugees.


'Trump said Germany "is crime-riddled right now" because of migration to Europe. There are more criminal acts in Germany these days because there are more people, thanks to the influx of 1.1 million refugees in 2015 alone. But the data suggest that the refugees tend to be better-behaved than the typical German. Even if you presume that refugee-related crime is underreported for political reasons, we could find no evidence in German media reports that the country warrants Trump's riddled-with-crime characterization. Because his statement contains some element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression, we rate it Meist Falsch — MOSTLY FALSE.

Does that count as basic research? I think so.

Imalwaysright2831d ago

@ chillzi

True. Bush and Blair's countries should be 1st ones to open their arms to the middle eastern refugees and point their fingers at themselves for the rise and growth of ISIS.

2831d ago
CaptainObvious8782831d ago (Edited 2831d ago )



You have to be careful where you get your news sources from since there'an obvious attempt at a nation wide cover up.

It's great that you personally have somehow found all the nice refugees, that are actual refugees and are actually in need and not jihadist, but that's just anecdotal evidence. I'm interested in statistics and facts, not feels.

Haven't you been watching the news lately? There seems to be a radical muslim attack in your country every other week. But you know, keep being tolerable and letting people like these in that think Sharia law superceeds german law.


Keep sticking your head in the sand and when your country ends up like France and continues to decline I will have absolutely no sympathy for you. You're going to let the guilt what what your ancestors did destroy your country and your great culture. It's very very sad to watch actually. I really hope for your sake and the good people of germany that you wise up.

You keep talking about getting a clue. I do not think it means what you think it means.

2831d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2831d ago
Idiedgoodbye2832d ago

I live in America and you'll never hear about that truth in the news

Chexs19902832d ago

You sir, are most likely an uninformed moron.
There have been cases of rape amongst some of the refugees, yes. However, in the wake of these transgressions, the perpetrator has been shunned and spit at, by the other refugees in the camps.
So no, there are no "flooding", just a minority of retard perps and a majority of people whom should stop writing comments based on imaginative facts -_-

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2831d ago
Forum_Pirate2832d ago

People will just pirate it, or import it. It isn't hard. Banning media never stops anyone who really wants it.

nodim2832d ago (Edited 2832d ago )

Ya can't pirate vita games. At least yet.

DafunkyRebel2832d ago

the same country that had genocides and nasty bukkake porn is restricting a video game. Sure why not

Hoffmann2832d ago

Don't let people remind you at the shit that happened in your country 80 years ago.

It was bad everywhere at that time.

TheColbertinator2832d ago

True. 80 years ago Europe was on fire and East Asia was a butcher shop for the Imperial Japanese

Muzikguy2832d ago

And in America we had many races without rights and gender inequality. You bring up a very valid point. Nobody should be pointing any fingers at anyone for their country doing one thing or another. They ALL have questionable pasts. As long as they've moved on, there's no problem

ChrisW2831d ago

Don't forget the genocide of millions of Native Americans...

PaleMoonDeath2832d ago

Funny, after all the messed up rape happening with the refugee's that arrived you'd think they'd have toughened up a little. Or defended it's own country.. either or really.

ShaunCameron2832d ago

I'm surprised that PC Sweden found enough common sense to wise up.

PaleMoonDeath2832d ago

Me too, criminals are criminals, regardless of background or faith.

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The Vita Is Dead, Long Live The Vita

HPP: Seemingly abandoned by Sony straight out of the gate, the PlayStation Vita has become quite the veritable niche-gaming Mecca.

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derkasan2669d ago

I'm glad so many third parties are still supporting the thing. I have a feeling a lot of people are going to pick up Danganronpa V3 for it.

dead_pixels2669d ago

I have no doubt. I'll be right there on day one.

bouzebbal2669d ago

One of the biggest wtf console in history.. No idea what happened with Sony on this one, that's why I will NEVER trust them with non primary home consoles.. They cease support after 6 month for no reason. Vita had so much potential.

Neonridr2669d ago

So many 3rd parties that aren't in Japan?

Kaneki-Ken2669d ago

Many Small Indie 3rd parties

Junebug2669d ago

So much for you caring about it. ;)

Junebug2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

https://youtu.be/cfRR_IBeg7... Feel the salt to that about the switch.

Good luck and stay salty! :-)

CocoaBrother2669d ago

It's not dead to me yet. Still going through World of Final Fantasy, God Eater, and Dragon Quest Builders.
Sony may have dropped the ball hard with the Vita but thankfully Japanese developers kept supporting it. Thank you to those developers

2669d ago
Fist4achin2669d ago

That's the thing, the vita is huge in Japan and they are coming out with triple the games that we see here. There are a bunch of reasons why it didn't do so well over here, but the same piece of hardware did amazing over there. I would not be surprised if they did another portable and didn't even release it here...

That would suck if that happened.

Pancit_Canton2669d ago

Vita the Immortal.

Vita means Life

Vita = Illuminati?

ccgr2669d ago

Still love my Vita and glad that games are still coming out for it

Yohshida2669d ago

Still like playing those PS1 games on it. They look great!

tyasia02669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

I hear Microsoft was going to make a handheld, but it got canceled.


Yohshida2669d ago

You know your insecure if you have to tell everybody, do you?

tyasia02669d ago

If you have to call me insecure over a joke it must've been a 3'rd degree burn.

Ouch, better call a doctor.

MetalProxy2669d ago

Yeah man the ps1 games do look great! So old they are like new now lol

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Best Of 2016 - Biggest Surprise

Jerry from BagoGames states, "2016 had plenty of great games, but there were some out there that surprised even us at BagoGames. These games took a chance, and we enjoyed them."

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2677d ago

Criminal Girls 2: Party Favours Review | Brash Games

Dylan(@DylanChaundy) from Brash Games writes "The foundations are here for a very competent DRPG, but it’s let down by mind-numbingly ridiculous mini-games and tiresome dialogue. When you battle a boss, frantically whittle its health down to zero, with your party’s health hanging by a thread, it’s hard not to punch the air with delight — it’s just a shame that the rest of the design philosophies within the game weren’t a little more robust, and not solely designed to simply pander and attempt so hard to titillate"

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