
Metroid Prime: Blast Ball And Worrying For The Future Of Metroid

TSA's Dave Irwin took a look at the recently released Metroid Prime: Blast Ball demo. He didn't exactly enjoy what he experienced and now expresses his concerns for the franchise as a whole.

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Darkfist_Flames2919d ago

they shouldv made it for wiiu with better graphics, and add different armor with different abilities, or make another "other M" game


Metroid Prime: Federation Force, Was it Really That Bad?

Alex DS. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Now that the series seems to have found its footing again, it’s a good time to revisit one of the most maligned titles Nintendo has ever released and ask the question – Metroid Prime: Federation Force, was it really that bad?"

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FreeckyCake1021d ago

It's the Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z of Nintendo. Who had this idea in the first place?


11 Ill-Conceived Nintendo Games

Ever just look at a game and go, "who wanted this?" We take a look at 11 ill-conceived Nintendo games that rose that question.

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Knushwood Butt1231d ago

Sky Skipper. Probably first time I have ever heard of that. Interesting.


Hindsight 2020: The Most Disappointing Games Of The 2010s

CGM (painfully) revisited a game from each year between 2010-2019, highlighting releases that surprised players - for all the wrong reasons.

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