
Tomb Raider Will Have to Wait its Turn to Rise on PS4

With the timed exclusive Rise of the Tomb Raider releasing from its Xbox-only bonds this October, will PlayStation owners still be excited for this year-old title?

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darthv722984d ago

I really hope ps4 gamers put aside their differences and play this game. Its great and they are getting the definitive edition as well.

fei-hung2983d ago

Most PS4 gamers have got over the timed exclusive thing. The price is the issue. Many don't care for the dlc just the main sp campaign and whilst it's possible to get that in the X1 for £18, we have to fork out £45 whilst also getting it a year late. Then there are other games to buy around the same time that have a better buzz around them:

2) WoFF
3) Mafia 3
4) Rez infinite
5) Battlefield 1
6) WD2
7) COD
8) Titanfall 2
9) GTS

It got buried under bigger games on the X1 last year when it had all the hype of being a brand new game and without uncharted as competition and will most likely get buried under even more big games and PSVR this year.

ps3rider2983d ago

i read somwhere that the reason why it didnt sell well is
1. Released the same time with fallout 4
2. Released on platform with less player base
3. people are waiting it for PC and PS4

when it released on pc it sold triple the xbox one

u have to got point there

bouzebbal2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

First episode was below their expectations, and instead of working on the weakpoints to make the sequel more successful they choose to release it on the less popular platform. Now PS4 owners have to pay double X1 price (if not more) for the same game plus DLC a year later. 30$ should be sales price of reeditions of timed exclusivity like this one.
They also made a mistake choosing the release window because i think it will suffer from a very crowded holiday period due to lots of PS4 releases.

littlezizu2983d ago

Don't forget last guardian, Gravity rush 2 and Dragon Quest Builder

Silly Mammo2983d ago

SE should have told MS they could have exclusivity until the Summer 2016. Tomb Raider would have done great then, but like last years release, it will be lost in the Fall release schedule. I'll probably pick it up after I've played all the new stuff and hopefully at a budget price.

super_bruno2983d ago


Why would people be waiting for the PS4 version if they can play it on PC, thought everyone here owned a PC.

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realplu2983d ago

$40 not a penny more. I can wait. PSVR on pre-order.

Brazz2983d ago

$20 or less for RoTTR, nothing more than this...

pinkcrocodile752983d ago

@Brazz - Wow how tight are you?

The game is brilliant and I've played UC4 too. It stacks up against it easily in my opinion.

Seems like you are cutting off your nose to spite your face, The way I see it you're being very petty and missing out and a fantastic game.

Inzo2983d ago

Its not just putting differences aside, this game is being released with some of the most anticipated games of 2016. Why would you choose to release TR alongside games like TLG or BF1, besides this game didnt really light up the world on Xbox either as far as sales go, and it took the PC release to bail it out.

Imalwaysright2983d ago

In less than 2 months it sold 1 million copies on the X1 alone.


Not bad considering that TR biggest fanbase doesn't play on Xbox consoles and the competition it had at the time.

UltraNova2983d ago


Agreed but try telling that to MS and especialy SE..yeah...no.


Asking PS users to pay full price after forcing them to wait a whole year is a little bit insulting imho...To add salt to injury they are releasing it during the most crowded period of the year and worse yet during the period where the best of the best are coming out from team PS.

In all honesty, I beleive if they had pulled their heads out of their you know what and released the game in mid-January 2017 at 40 bucks they would sell x10 the copies they will probably sell this holiday.

Oh SE you'll never learn.

Inzo2983d ago


Actually, according to VGChartz, as of 18 June 2016, TR has only sold 1.5million for the Xbox 1 & 360 combined which is only 200k more than the RYSE, slap in the face moment. Now I know VGChartz isnt the most reliable of sources so, you can either add or subtract a few thousand if you wish but the fact is that those figures must be downright depressing for Square, especially for the 360 which only sold 300k considering its fan base.

XBgamer2983d ago

Maybe it was something to do with it selling for $9 on PC when it first launched on PC!!..things like that tend to sell better!

Imalwaysright2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

MS that has access to official numbers says that it sold over 1 million copies for the X1 alone in less than 2 months. VGChartz....


If we didn't have official sales number then I guess that is ok to use VGchartz as some sort of reference but that's not the case here so I find it weird that you choose to believe VGchartz over MS.

TFJWM2983d ago


Was the 1m on the Xbox One alone? I could only find these 2 quotes from MS about it. Neither of them say that it was only on Xbox One. The title of that article claims it but I don't see where MS said it in the article or elsewhere.

"Every title in our exclusive 2015 holiday games line-up – Halo 5: Guardians, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Forza Motorsport 6 and Gears of War: Ultimate Edition – sold over 1 million units, and the number of Xbox One gamers who played Microsoft Studios-published titles more than doubled compared to 2014."

"@aarongreenberg some people on sites are trying to kill the Tomb Raider news saying its shipped and not sold through. Do you have answer?
Aaron Greenberg @aarongreenberg
@PNF4LYFE It is sell-through and well over 1M units, big December!"

Imalwaysright2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )


You're right. I was mislead by this article. It doesn't specify the sales for the X1 and those 1 million could very well be combined sales from the 360 and x1.

pinkcrocodile752983d ago

You could have said BF1 and GTS and I've have met you half way.

The second your suggested a Japanese game like the TLG I immediately reached for my sick bag.

I'm probably in the minority but I cant stand Japanese games and by that I mean a Japanese theme, story and art direction.

I have no idea why a lot of people set the Japanese as a constant gaming paradigm as to me the games for the most part are uninspiring.

To me, and I stress this is my view alone;

Japanese Games (Japanese style, story and themes) are to Western Games what Kim Kardashian is to Kate Middleton.

There I've said it.

As for ROTTR its awesome. If you miss it out, you're being petty

TFJWM2983d ago



Just click the link I provided."

Umm you read it. And quote me where MS said the 1m sales was only on the Xbox 1. As I said they have that at the start of that article but when you go to the actual report they are getting their info from it does not say only xbox 1(which I quoted for you).

Here is the link from MS themselves : http://news.xbox.com/2016/0...

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Ysmir67232983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

isnt the definitive edition the pc edition?Can the ps4 play the game at 4k/90 fps ultra like my 1080s?i dont think so. and for 7$?

ONESHOTV22983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

not even 1080/60 why even bother the pc version will always be the better of the three i think this is the reason you see people say oh i'm not going to buy it becuase it was on the xone first i smell bull sh--t on that most are just pissed they can't match the pc version at stable frames it's not good to be salty you are hurting yourself becuase you know you wanted to buy the game. some people are super hyped for a old remaster of skyrim but they dont want a one year old game becuase it was MS exclusive for 1 year lol how childish can this community get to.

bf0007779662983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

I did buy remaster games because it sold at a reasonable price, no where I will pay 180$ for Uncharted the Nathan Drake Collection even it includes all dlcs.

iceman062983d ago

While I think that there are some people who will be petty about the 3rd party deal, I think that a lot of the steam has been taken out of the game. It's a year old. People don't see the value proposition as a good one, even with the "incentives" thrown in. It comes out at a horrible time when there is a lot of competition (including 1st party) for the few dollars that we have. This game is likely to have a slow burn on PS4. It will likely pick up steam during holiday sales and thereafter, when the price is reduced.

glassgannon9092983d ago

if my differences are called final fantasy xv, last guardian and woff, i sure as hell aint putting em aside for a year old game being sold for 60 bucks

Tdmd2983d ago

I will play this game. Just not this year and not on a brand new copy. I'll get it used a few months after launch when I find it dirty cheap. Next time they want my money, don't keep me waiting for a whole year. I have other priorities now.

princejb1342983d ago

I bought the first tomb raider on ps4 when Amazon had it for $7.99. I think I'll do the same for this game. $59.99 is to much for a year old game

Christopher2982d ago

I will play it, just not at release. Down the road.

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smolinsk2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

So many games iam gonna play before this, love Tomb Raider, but it's to old an a little forgotten by now. really hope it sales terrible on ps4 so they don't do that only on Xbox Release again.

Shubhendu_Singh2983d ago

I think SE has learned their lesson well, but don't wish a game's failure.

Even after throwing some VR mode, I don't think people are going to buy an year old game for 60$ when Black Friday or some sales would be just around the corner. (when the game releases)

poppinslops2983d ago

This "forgotten" game still draws a lot of attention - albiet from pissy fanboys, who represent a tiny percentage of the gaming community... but let's assume the majority of gamers actually give a $#!t about exclusive deals - if nobody buys the Playstation version of RotTR, wouldn't that just increase the odds of the next entry going exclusive? Let's face it - if Star Ocean 5 was capable of selling more than a million on XO it'd be a multiplat, but Square Enix knows that's never gonna happen... Rise of the Tomb Raider's already sold quite well - and you know SE aren't afraid of easy money, so be careful what you wish for.

Genuine-User2983d ago

"if nobody buys the Playstation version of RotTR, wouldn't that just increase the odds of the next entry going exclusive?"

No. It will significantly decrease the chance of going timed exclusive.

poppinslops2983d ago

and millions of PS4 owners will buy 'Fall of the Tomb Raider' (or whatever they call it) without having played 'Rise...'? Rhetorical question... Fact is, RotTR will sell just as well on Playstation as it has on other platforms - regardless of a few thousand spite-fuelled bronies.

rainslacker2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

ROTTR will sell on the system. The question is will it sell at $60 to a great number of people, or will it be spread out over time through the means of price drops and what not.

I agree, we may not represent a big portion of the actual user base, but ultimately, SE will be aware of what gamers thought about the deal, which in itself should give them pause. They are also aware of how many brought the TR reboot on both the PS3 and PS4, and I doubt the sales of this game being low will cause them to think they should do a timed exclusive again....because it's not like it did gang busters on the X1. It probably sold about as many units as it would have either way to be honest....because isn't what was reported about what it sold on the 360 TR reboot?

In any case, three other factors will probably prevent the franchise from going timed again....at least for this gen...

1.the disparity of the install base

2.MS claiming they aren't interested in timed exclusive deals like this and want to have their own franchises of this sort to compete. If Spencer was telling the truth, then we won't see the timed exclusive again, and if MS has plans for their own franchise to appeal to the TR fan base, then they will invest in that, instead of doing some marketing for SE.

3. it would cost too much to make SE ignore the larger install base. Deal was made before it was known how big this disparity would be, and likely SE thought UC4 was coming at the same time...as that's why Spencer stated he wanted the game in the first place. If this deal happens again, Xbox fans should be questioning MS over why they're wasting their money, since ROTTR didn't help their console sales by any appreciable gain....it just gave the fan boys something to gloat over.

AnubisG2983d ago

If TR sales will be bad on the PS4 it will only tell one thing to SE. That is not to release the next TR game (if there will be one) on the PS4 because it's not worth it. They don't care about your feelings. They care about numbers and money.

I wish most of the haters would use their heads instead of bitching and being so damn offended that they deprive themselves from this game because the "feelzz" got hurt. Get over it and if you are truly a TR fan, buy the damn game so SE can see that it's more than worth it to release on PS4. So than maybe next time they will release on both systems at the same time.

ocelot072983d ago

It will sell on PS4 no doubt about it. It will probably sell more than the XB1 version and maybe even the PC version. However I don't think a lot of people are in a rush to pay full price for it. With Black Friday being a month later. It just makes sense to wait that extra month. If you waited 12 months whats a extra month.

I all ready played the Windows 10 edition. Only paid £6 for it from the Russian store a week after the PC release and really enjoyed it. In fact it got to the point where I sort of felt bad I paid so little for the game as the devs deserve more.

So I for one will be buying it for PS4. Just not for £40 on release date. Ill be waiting a month and get it for £25 or less. That way the devs get money out of me. It gets that sale on PlayStation and hopefully it will show Square that Tomb Raider sells on PlayStation (we have known this for 20 years). Just don't screw over your main fanbase again.

OB1Biker2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

'I wish most of the haters would use their heads'
Me to. Whats the point of buying the game full price on day ONE +365? While so many other games will be same or cheaper price on day one +0

XBgamer2983d ago

Does this also apply to street fighter as well or just games that is not on PlayStation?

poppinslops2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

Haven't you heard?

Capcom were going to abandon one of their best-selling franchises because they couldn't afford to make it... if it wasn't for Sony they would never have been able to release the borderline financial scam that is Street Fighter V.

Mmm - that's good sarcasm... Of course it applies to Street Fighter, just not to members of the 'Playstation Nation' - they've got a similar policy to North Korea's with regards to truth and free speech.

OB1Biker2983d ago

Why do people constantly bring up SF?
Its not even timed exclusive and just bound to derail the topic. Completely unrelated to his comment.

-Foxtrot2983d ago

It's horrible to say "I hope it fails" but it's the only thing which teaches developers and publishers a lesson

RDF2983d ago

Its going to fail fox, no question. Most ppls will just buy when its discounted. Ill be surprised if CD makes it out this year without being shut down.

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chrisx2983d ago

Middle finger to square enix. Bargain bin purchase

CaptainObvious8782983d ago

They gave the middle finger to us, so why not return the gesture?

ps3rider2983d ago

third party exclusive hurt the industery. this game when launched it got a positive reviews still didnt sell well. the reason is exlusivity and one more reason is the choosen platform which is shown less player base. this lesson has been learned well by respawn n EA when the decided titanfall 2 goes multiplatform. anyway i am gona enjoy it and it will also sell better on PS4

thatguyhayat2983d ago

Microsoft was marketing this along with fallout 4 I think they came out on the same day too

ps3rider2983d ago

even fallout 4 sold better on PS4 .. i agree with dlc exclusive but not entire game

rainslacker2983d ago

Yeah, when that deal was announced, I would have been pissed if I were SE. MS all but dropped any and all ROTTR marketing to any noticeable degree the second UC4 got delayed into the next year, and with FO4 marketing, they hardly even mentioned ROTTR except in their "greatest line up" lines and a couple online trailers.

Spencer said he wanted the game to go against UC4, because MS itself didn't have any direct competition to that title. When MS didn't need it, they pushed it to the back burner, and went full force on FO4, which still sold better elsewhere.

I felt MS had a conflict of interest in marketing the two games like that. It'd be one thing if they were releasing a month or two apart, and they had been marketing both for a while, but the way it was done just seemed borderline anti-trust in nature, since I wouldn't doubt there was some sort of clause that MS had to give equal focus to the ROTTR game in it's marketing schedule.

j15reed2983d ago

But the thing is exclusives on PS sell pretty much just as much with the bigger player base, I think it would serve developers better to release multiplat.

VsAssassin2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

To be honest, the release of this year-old game is really putting it in a very bad position. We have a triple A 3rd party game coming out on 30 September in the name of Final Fantasy XV, which is oddly an SE title as well, and a 1st party game called The Last Guardian, which is finally releasing in October. Add to this duo of giant games the other 3rd party games coming out and RotTR is pretty much lost in the shuffle.

To be fair with RotTR it will release by default on the PS4 with all the DLCs included, but I just can't buy the game at $60. Once again, this should be around $40 or cheaper. What they can do is separate the DLCs, so they can sell the game for an even lower price.

UltraNova2983d ago

They will have a hard time selling the full thing + some extras to ps4 owners let alone chop it to pieces...

rainslacker2983d ago

SE is hoping to grab as many people as they can at $60. There are no doubt people who will buy it at that price. But I expect a price drop pretty quickly after that. ROTTR dropped in price on the X1 within 3 weeks of release

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It’ll Be Fine, Right? Five Games With Unfortunate Release Strategies

Mark from WellPlayed writes about five game launches that were impacted by unfortunate scheduling.

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jznrpg507d ago (Edited 507d ago )

Zero Dawn sold really well so I’m not sure this belongs. The second game released next to a big game again and it hurt it some I forget what it was though, oh yeah Elden Ring .
But a good game is a good game to me I don’t care when they release personally but they do have to think about it when you want to get more people to buy it.


The Tomb Raider Survivor Trilogy's Take on Lara Croft Deserved More Recognition

The Survivor Trilogy was a drastic reimagining of Lara Croft and Tomb Raider, and it provokes changes for the character that are truly fantastic.

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isarai620d ago (Edited 620d ago )

Deserves less IMO, i think the 1st in the new trilogy was a perfect 1st step for the new direction. The next 2 games were half steps at best. Not only that, every character in the series including Lara is just annoying and doesn't make sense in terms of motive, like yes they have a motive, but none of it seems proportional to the lengths they are willing to go through for it. The most annoying thing is every one of the games say "become the Tomb Raider" yet 3 games later and we're still not there? No thanks. Then there's the mess of the 3rd game, massive skill tree that serves almost no purpose as there's literally only like 3-4 short encounters in the whole game, and they took till the 3rd game to finally manage some decent puzzles even remotely close to previous games in the series. Nah, the trilogy infuriated me to no end as a long time fan of the series, i hope we get better going forward cause that crap sucked.

Army_of_Darkness618d ago

The first in the trilogy was my favorite. I thought they were going into the right direction with that one until the second one came out and seemed like a graphical downgrade but the gameplay was okay. As for the Third, Graphics were really nice but it was kinda boring me to death with its non-stop platforming and exploring with not enough action! Well, for me anyway...

DeathTouch618d ago

Graphics on the 3rd one were abysmal. It’s more colorful and has more variety, but everything else was a noticeable downgrade.

The more open world with NPC quests was also handled very poorly, to the point I missed Angel of Darkness.

thesoftware730618d ago

I know it is your opinion, but she did progress as a character in each game, she even got more muscular and seasoned.

That is the thing, people first complained that there was not enough platforming and actual tomb raiding in the first and second games. Shadow remedied that and kept the combat elements.

3-4 encounters? huh? did we play the same game? there was plenty of combat and, the skill tree did matter, like being able to hang enemies from trees, set explosives traps on bodies, being able to counter, and that are just a few of the combat skills. The skill tree also had things like being able to hold your breath underwater longer, crafting upgrades, zipline upgrade, and climbing upgrades that all changed how you can approach situations.

Not knocking your opinion, but we definitely had different experiences. I had 98% completion on the shadow.

SoulWarrior618d ago (Edited 618d ago )

Sorry but i'm with him about the low number of encounters, the game throws loads of weapons and skills you're way with a comparatively low amount of places to actually use them, so they felt under utilised.

-Foxtrot620d ago


It was awful, for THREE GAMES it was "become the Tomb Raider" where she went back to square one after each game. Not to mention after a huge reaction of killing someone for the first time she then becomes Rambo straight after and goes on a slaughter spree without a single other reaction. Her development was all over the place.

She was whiney, weak and in later game a little arrogant and selfish

Oh and the voice actress compared to the previous ones was not as good

Lara Croft deserved better and while they are decent games as they are, we deserved actual Tomb Raider games, we could have had better survival games if they just stuck with the original Lara Crofts origin about her plane going down. Surviving 2 weeks in the Himalayas...I'd have liked to seen that, who knows what mystical threat she could have faced in the mountains or underground some secret concealed cave.

Tacoboto618d ago

I thought Shadow of the Tomb Raider had better gameplay than Rise, but it annoyed me the most of the trilogy when I stopped to think about the story.

It's like they deliberately decided to make her unlikeable and did nothing to make the character you're playing as likeable or have even one sign of humility.

SoulWarrior620d ago

2013 I thought was a fine entry, but Rise and especially Shadow were painfully mediocre follow ups imo, I really didn't like how selfish and angry her character was in those two.

Terry_B618d ago

No. Please forget the crap completely.

northpaws618d ago

First one was decent, played through it twice.
Second one was okay, played through it once.
Third one was really bad, tried twice a year apart, still can't get through the first two hours, it is just really bad.

thesoftware730618d ago

Honest question, what did you find bad about it? the opening 2 hrs of Shadow were fantastic imo.

The opening was very similar to the first 2, what did you find really bad?

Not looking for an argument, just an honest question.

Starman69618d ago

3rd one just didn't feel like a tomb raider game. Possibly because the development was passed to another development team. Big mistake! Microsoft killed tomb raider making the first game a timed exclusive. Never recovered after that.

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Get three Tomb Raider games free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Tomb Raider, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and Rise of the Tomb Raider are free at Epic Games Store. The free game offers run until January 6 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim them, they’re yours to keep.

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CrimsonWing69999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

They're all solid games, but nothing quite matched the epicness of the first one for me. I think the 3rd one started off strong but once you got to that Peruvian area it took a massive nose dive for me.

lelo2play999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

You got to be kidding!
The first one was great at the time... but this latest trilogy of Tomb Raider games are also great.

LiViNgLeGaCY999d ago

I think he means the first one in the new trilogy.

CrimsonWing69999d ago

I meant the first of the new trilogy.

Furesis999d ago

yeah i remember liking the first one when it came out, so i tried the second one sometime after release and i just could not get into it, i couldn't finish it. So i might try the 3rd now that i got it for free but ehh. But i do remember enjoying the first one, i wonder if i'd feel the same way if i played it today? Better not taint those memories lol

ANIALATOR136998d ago

I was the same for some reason. Never finished the second one. I got like half way through maybe.

ActualWhiteMan998d ago (Edited 998d ago )

The first one of the latest trilogy is a masterpiece

Fishy Fingers999d ago

I'll take a copy of Shadow... Cheers.

Profchaos999d ago

Great games I've played them all on ps4 but it'll be good to finally try shadow on my rtx card.

Double_O_Revan999d ago

Trying to claim them and the store keeps crashing. lol.

gamefreaks365999d ago

EGS has been having issues all day.

RedDevils999d ago

Weird I don't has that issue.

Double_O_Revan999d ago

I finally got it after a while. But it was real bad for a while.

PeeShuter999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

Claim games by going to the website and login using ur credentials. I did the same as i couldnt use epic launcher. Also try reinstalling Epic Launcher I did it and it worked.

Double_O_Revan998d ago

I always go through the website. It was all just down for a while yesterday it seems.

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