
Newly Announced PS Vita Exclusive Macross Delta: Scramble Gets First Screenshots on Famitsu

Today’s issue of Weekly Famitsu had a spread announcing Macross Delta: Scramble, a new PS Vita exclusive by Bandai Namco releasing on October 20th in Japan.

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naruga2887d ago

i dont want to appear positively biased ...but i think it seems qualitative

Scatpants2886d ago

I want this. It'll probably never get localized.

sangoku_d2886d ago

macross is back. I thought delta was going lame but then it got beast. won't come west coz of robotech

Fist4achin2885d ago

There is so much cool stuff not coming stateside. I wish sony were more supportive of this here.


10 Genres That Are Missing From the Vita's Library

VGChartz;s Adam Cartwright: "For a console that can only really be seen as a commercial failure, the PlayStation Vita did extremely well for itself in terms of software – more than 1500 games are available for it and that figure is surprisingly still growing each week, despite the hardware being discontinued earlier this year and despite the rhetoric suggesting it’s only a good machine for indie 2D platformers and niche Japanese RPGs.

Unfortunately certain genres didn't receive any representation at all and act as glaring holes in the Vita’s software library. Some of these just aren’t particularly popular on consoles in general, such as city builders, which have been niche for years. It’s these genres I’m aiming to look at in this article – what they are (including examples of some modern entries in the genres), why they weren't represented on the Vita, as well as some suggestions about what alternatives are available to scratch that itch."

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A Look Back at Artdink's Games for PlayStation Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "In 2017 I wrote a series of articles looking at all of the Vita games released by a number of different publishers, but at the time I was already thinking about how interesting it would be to examine the output of individual developers. Sony’s handheld may not have been a sales success in itself, but certain studios managed to make a living by creating titles for it that targeted the right audiences. None demonstrate this better than Artdink, the quirky Japanese company that has increasingly branched out into anime development in recent years."

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A Look at All of the Third-Person Shooters Available on Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "Thanks to some solid late-in-life Japanese support, and a sea of backwards-compatible games, the Vita’s library of third-person shooters is a lot better than it first appears, covering a variety of sub-genres from horror to stealth to tactical, all the while providing games that are a tonne of fun to play."

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2104d ago
Zjet2104d ago

Missed so many games.

Also backwards compatibility differs from region to region.

Literally some stores like the NZ/Aus store will allow syphon Filter 1 and 3 but not 2 and the USA store is different again

IanTH2104d ago (Edited 2104d ago )

I haven't done it in a while so unsure if it has changed, but you used to be able to download any PS1 or PSP game to a PS3 and then transfer it to the Vita and it just worked - regardless of whether it showed as something you could buy in store for, or download directly to, the Vita. It opened up a huge library of back-compat titles that way.

Spectator22104d ago

What's missing, out of interest?