
Katsuhiro Harada was forced to delete his Tekken 7 bikini joke?

I (Robin Ek, TGG) was quite surprised to see that so many people got upset over one single "Tekken 7" bikini joke by Katsuhiro Harada (we might not even get bikini costumes in the West...). Well, this is my take on the matter.

NotEvenMyFinalForm2940d ago (Edited 2940d ago )

Same thing happened to Tecmo and DoAX3 yet they don't want to admit that there is a censorious cabal in the west that many call Sjw's. This is just more prove that no matter how much they want to deny it Sjw's are a thing and they do exist.

Just take a look at the twitter of this dude from IGN. https://twitter.com/cymroga...

He is mad.

TGG_overlord2940d ago

Exactly! And more and more Japanese developers are telling it like it is (the real reason behind why some of them don´t even bother with the West anymore, or why they are forced to censor their own games). Ah yes. IGN´s Gav, what a nice lad he is...Any ways. I´m going to update the post just now, since more stuff has happened since I published that post.

Simon_the_sorcerer2939d ago

I have a feeling that the Western version of "Tekken 7" will be censored on release.

donthate2939d ago

I'm fanning the flames here, but why shouldn't this cr@p be left out of gaming?

The game will still be great without bikini clad women intended to appeal to pubescent kids. Japan does a lot of great things, but this simply isn't one of them.

rainslacker2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

Maybe if enough of them keep mentioning it, gamers will finally get fed up enough to become a louder minority than the SJW do, and actually try to convince these devs that we want this kind of stuff, or at least some of the stuff that we do want.

For the most part, when it comes to being an activist to get our voices heard outside of forums, we don't do that, and the SJW types do. They know how to work the social media aspect better, and make it so even the non-gamers suddenly care about it because it's tantilizing. We say we want it, and we're accused of being perverts. They say they don't, and they're praised as being saints.

personally, I'd prefer these game developers start listening more to their consumer base, and stop thinking they can grow their sales if they cave to the whims of a easily triggered society which will simply forget about whatever scandal-du-jour happens to cross their plate long before the game ever releases, and won't actually do anything beyond a tweet or maybe a rogue article decrying the travesty of it all the day it releases.

Sadly, what I said above is something that even gamers can't manage to do, and they will complain about it, but not go to any lengths to actually try and get it. Our voices can be louder, but we choose to bicker and blame the SJW.

Me, I will go to a publishers forum or send them an email requesting they simply release the game the way it was meant to be, because as a paying customer, that is what I want. Believe it or not, it's actually gotten to the point that I have a kind of form letter saved on my computer to make it easier. Sad...ineffective...but at least it's more than complaining about it on the forums, only to forget about it when the next article about what can trigger the fan boy wars crops up.

So, my point is. We don't have to beat the SJW. Let them have their say. We just have to be louder in what we say so the publishers and devs will start to notice their customers, and not someone who targets them to place all the worlds problems on.

How about you(Robin Ek, TGG) actually do an article on what gamers can do to stop this crap, instead of just saying that it's happening? Lead a movement that actually achieves something. Being informed is great, but it doesn't mean anything if people don't do stuff with that knowledge. Gamers are terribly complicit in so many things, but get them riled up enough, and they can make a difference. See X1 DRM policies for examples.

Simon_the_sorcerer2939d ago

Gav is full of bs, and if you have the time for it. Then check out some of his previous tweets and whatnot...

Hold_It2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

Good thing Tekken 7 is going to be on PC as well as PS4, and Xbox.. Someone will make mods on PC to bring the game back to what it was supposed to be.

Deadpooled2939d ago

A nobody IGN journo calling the developer of one of the most influential fighting series ever 'garbage' (or probably he (and I use that pronoun very loosely) was with Kotaku before they were bought by the owner of IGN Ziff Davis? Would explain why the serial SJW disease has been floating around IGN in recent weeks)

donwel2939d ago

That first comment though.

Segata2939d ago

What kind of shithead is named Gav anyway? Why doe she look homeless if he works at IGN?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2939d ago
fei-hung2939d ago

It feels like SJWs like him hope that by talking shit they will get laid out be seen as the saviour of all these helpless women. What they don't get is women are fully capable of standing up for themselves, they are perfectly capable of getting a joke and they don't act like an idiot like these SJWs do.

IamTylerDurden12939d ago

I can't wait to play as Akuma and to play in PSVR.

Warpaint2939d ago

Wow, that guy is such a douche. And I don't toss that word around. Someone set his beard on fire!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2939d ago
TGG_overlord2940d ago

***UPDATE 1***
IGN´s Gav Murphy trash talks Tekken 7 & Katsuhiro Harada http://thegg.net/opinion-ed...

ZaWarudo2939d ago


gamer78042939d ago

This is extremely unprofessional on IGN's part. This is now gaming news, maybe they should feature this on their site... It's this kind of talk that makes me never want to visit their site again. Regardless of how you feel you just don't make personal attacks like that.

OB1Biker2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

Agreed that was pathetic.
Was he drunk or what?

I realized long ago how useless iGN guys are and not wasting my time there. Its as if they mirror their comment section XD

Dixiedevil2939d ago

I stopped going there quite a while ago. They're more about a SJW agenda than games.

Deadpooled2939d ago

Well the parent company did acquire Kotaku recently....

rainslacker2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

On the plus side, twitter has been known to ruin many people's careers when they decide to use it to speak from the hip. He probably thought he was being funny, but it's amazing how quickly that can turn around to bite someone in the ass.

Unfortunately for him in this case, I can't see how his tweet could be considered as a joke. Even if it was a joke, it was extremely unprofessional for a gaming publication. This is a guy who is supposed to be reporting on the industry, and he's already proven bias beyond doubt. He's supposed to be there to serve the interest of the readers and community in providing accurate information, not personal opinions on who he thinks is a good or bad game developer. You just don't insult stalwarts of the gaming industry while working for a publication of that industry like that and expect to get away without a scratch....although that seems like it happens more and more lately...which is utterly pathetic and shows a marked lack of respect from the publications that put up with it.

Sadly, if IGN does something about it, they'll just get attacked for being misogynistic sexist pigs....which in itself is stupid, but that's the cancer that has infected our community and press as of late.

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MainstreamGamer2939d ago

SJWs are the scum of any industry they are in. I don't understand why developers cave in to very loud minority like them.

annoyedgamer2939d ago

Why would someone half a world away delete a tweet because a hipster got mad? That's my question.

DragonDDark2939d ago

Because that girl may send more SJWs to him? Lol

donwel2939d ago

That's exactly why, because they're the ones shouting the loudest.
And the only reason they're the ones shouting the loudest is because they shut down any opposing viewpoints with accusations of sexism/racism/whatever is the current most popular-ism.

Rachel_Alucard2939d ago

They plant themselves into the industry into these high up positions, then they hire only other SJWs. This way they have direct influence over the areas they bitch the most about. Localization studios are chalk full of them and that's why companies like treehouse, NISA, and a few others have gone to hell over the last few years. Then it doesn't help you also have that handful of people that shout "NO I DON'T WANT SEXUAL THINGS IN MUH VIDYA" further harming the general opinion. You're not supposed to refuse content regardless if you like it or not, people act like by removing things like that it automatically means something else will replace it but it doesn't work like that in the industry. When something gets removed, it's gone.

rainslacker2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

I don't understand why we can't be louder. it's not like many of us don't use twitter, or have the ability to actually convey our thoughts.

We're actually paying customers. All we have to do is make the fallout from their SJW pandering less comfortable than the fallout they get from the SJW pandering they do to avoid scandal from a group of people that aren't even interested in buying the game.

Publishers are avoiding controversy. It's as simple as that. You speak to a publishers wallets, and you'll quickly see who their loyalties lie with. Gamers, so far, aren't causing controversy with enough fervor to get the publishers attention.

More off topic, but I can say that there are many developers out there who are just as tired of having to check their creations to make sure they aren't controversial out there. But ultimately, it's up to the publisher to decide what they're willing to spend money on, and what they will release.


We could still be louder. unfortunately, that would mean ignoring all these claims of sexism and misogyny, and not feeding them when they come in to derail the whole vocal outcry. Something that most people can't do, and it only takes one person to bite to ruin everything. The SJW know the game well, and they tend to be much better at working social media to get more people involved....even if those people they bring in have zero interest in gaming.

Rachel_Alucard2939d ago

The reason our side isnt louder is because we don't care enough to make a career out of being a professional victim like they do. Our side is less concerned with what other people think and instead focus on the subject . The problem is unless we work in the industry we have no sway to these people. By default unless your verified on twitter and you make nobody will listen to what you have to say and they'll just see you as another parrot spouting the same as the rest of the crowd. It's a shame because there's some very intelligent people that don't have anything going on at all online and nobody cares what they have to say. But the second you get a check marked twitter account everybody cares.

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2939d ago Replies(2)
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OtterX2d ago

For me, these Mario + Rabbids games were the best thing Ubisoft has developed in recent years. I'd hate to see Ubisoft drive the series into the ground like their other properties, so I think 2 games are enough. Maybe 1 more.

Inverno2d ago

They can't ruin it because Ninty will send their ninjas to destroy all traces of it. If not for that you can bet that spinoff series would've been milked dry by now.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good luck in your future endeavors

Hotpot2d ago

Thank you for Mario + Rabbids series, I quite enjoyed it

Einhander19722d ago

Great games, I have wanted Sony to copy these games with their own mascots for years.

Michiel19891d 17h ago

not cinematic or 3rd person enough for Sony

DefaultComment2d ago

I think Nintendo has to hire this guy, I mean the fact that miuamoto himself said to him that he is impressed with this work, speaks volumes. Th possibility on having Mario on Soliani's hand could be incredible and quite possibly a new era for Mario games.

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Yea, these games didn't even feel Ubisoft at all. This felt very authentic Nintendo. This guy's direction is obviously stellar, and Ubisoft somehow managed to not kill it with microtransactions and repetitive, boring tasks.


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Chard2d ago

Missing the most important game - Rogue Leader


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MestreRothN4G4d ago

Raph Koster wrote the #1 most influential game design book. Nice to see a game coming from him.