
Zero Time Dilemma Review (3DS) - The Decision Game - Video Game Culture HQ

Video Game Culture HQ's Zero Time Dilemma review explores Kotaro Uchikoshi's sweeping epic about philosophy and time travel in the final Zero Escape game.

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guywazeldatatt2903d ago

An amazing game but so many choices made me feel so...uncomfortable.

scottypops2903d ago

One of my favorite all time games!

guywazeldatatt2903d ago

Seriously it was so good. There were some plot points dropped from VLR, and I wasn't going to mention them in the review because that didn't really matter in relation to this game on its own, but I really thought this was the best of the series. I was in tears a few times...though team Q I literally did not give a crap for.

guywazeldatatt2903d ago

Honestly it may be my game of the year. It's just that good. We'll have to see how the rest of the year shapes out though.

DragonDDark2903d ago

Played it on the vita & it's really good. :]

guywazeldatatt2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

@dragonddark where do you rank it in the series?

nottfadeaway2903d ago

VLR is my favorite in the series and skeptical it lives up to that.

guywazeldatatt2903d ago

much higher production values and honestly VLR has too much fat with going back and forth every time to every single room...ZTD is much better and I think the completely non-linear flowchart, which puts in perspective the timeline of events (you don't really know it with regards to each team), works wonders. I haven't enjoyed a game more in such a long time.

Servbot412903d ago

It doesn't. It's still a fantastic game, but VLR is the best in the series. This has too many dropped plot points and one huge asspull that I won't spoil here.

lifeistranger2903d ago

Oh how the series has changed since 999...Akane and Junpei aren't even playable characters. Instead you get some guy Carlos, a weird kid in a helmet, and Diana (she's probably the best as it is a connection to a previous game)...I haven't played it but skeptical of the new characters. I want a JunpeixAkane ending.

guywazeldatatt2903d ago

Well...you may get A JunpeixAkane ending, who knows.

As for the rest, the one team, like you may have suspected, which I didn't care for is Q team. None of the characters save the kid are somewhat likable. Actually it's almost a waste but I can't say why. Carlos is actually pretty amazing and him and akane and junpei are a great team. Phi, Diana, and Sigma...I can't even get into.

lifeistranger2903d ago

Does Q team get as much of a spotlight?

guywazeldatatt2903d ago

This, thankfully, is not the case. They're more like plot devices than anything.

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