
Here is the intro scene from the first Unreal game being recreated in Unreal Engine 4

Unreal was a really mind-blowing game – graphics and tech wise – when it was released back in 1998. And let’s be honest here; who can forget that mesmerising fly-by intro scene? Ah, the memories. But anyway, YouTube’s ‘Tomasz Szab?owski’ has recreated that scene in Unreal Engine 4.

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Nightdive Wants To Remaster The Original Unreal Next

Last year Nightdive Studios released a Quake remaster giving the classic FPS 4K and widescreen resolution support, enhanced models, dynamic and colored lighting, anti-aliasing, depth of field, and some new levels by MachineGames. It also restored the original Trent Reznor score, previously absent from the digital version due to an expired copyright, and added a new theme song by Reznor. All that, and it was free for owners of the original Quake.

According to a tweet by Nightdive CEO Stephen Kick(opens in new tab), following the Quake remaster, Cliff Bleszinski contacted Epic CEO Tim Sweeney on Nightdive's behalf.

RaidenBlack741d ago

Especially if its a Remake than a Remaster

Yui_Suzumiya741d ago

Oh hell yes... I'm 100% behind this plan!

Snookies12741d ago (Edited 741d ago )

I hope this happens... If so, maybe it could spark some form of Unreal Tournament return. I miss that series so much... Still have physical copies of UT2004 and UT3.


Black Myth Wukong: An Alternate Reality of Game Science... [NEW YEAR GREETINGS]

A BIG greeting from Game Science. Happy Year of the Tiger!

Dir_en_grey871d ago (Edited 871d ago )

Spoiler Alert

They went bankrupt & started a new business... T_T

Hope we live in the reality where we get to see and play the final product.

Dir_en_grey871d ago

Watch the vid and learn how to read I guess?

DankSinatra871d ago (Edited 871d ago )

“Watch the vid and learn how to read I guess?“

Yea I did watch it and read everything, unlike you. how about drop the attitude and learn to read yourself. It’s a joke video. The description of the video even states:
Roses are red. Violets are blue.
Don’t have a new demo this time. Will share when we do.

DISCLAIMER: this is a work of fiction with absolutely nothing to do at all with actually people or events or how we are working on the game. Yea, right. We are still working on it.

So again. What’s your source because this video and their twitter( that both posted this video the same day with the same description) even stated it’s still in development.

Dir_en_grey870d ago

If you learned how to read my comment was a joke reply to a joke video. Description of the video then said hope we don't live in that reality, what else is there to say beside you got hot headed for being stupid?

DankSinatra870d ago (Edited 870d ago )

“If you learned how to read my comment was a joke reply to a joke video. Description of the video then said hope we don't live in that reality, what else is there to say beside you got hot headed for being stupid?“

Ah yea because everything you posted says “it was just a joke man”. You’re back tracking because you didn’t check your source and don’t wanna look stupid. If you actually meant that you would have explained that it was a joke to a joke video instead of telling people to learn to read.

Dir_en_grey870d ago (Edited 870d ago )

Just so you can understand how stupid you are, I will explain how stupid you are when you just keep bothering me with your stupid replies.
I explained what happened in the vid, which is what happened in the vid.
Then I said hope we don't live in that reality, which means I already got and assume anybody watching understands that it says "ALTERNATE REALITY" in the title. Hence the Spoiler Alert I wrote in the first place is call IRONY.
Either way, people like you are really the problem today in the world, with low IQ and without grasping what everyone else can grasp, make a problem out of your own short-nearsightedness and stupidity.
Again, learn to read and learn to process logic and stop wasting people's time.

DankSinatra870d ago (Edited 870d ago )

“Just so you can understand how stupid you are, I will explain how stupid you are when you just keep bothering me with your stupid replies.
I explained what happened in the vid, which is what happened in the vid.
Then I said hope we don't live in that reality, which means I already got and assume anybody watching understands that it says "ALTERNATE REALITY" in the title. Hence the Spoiler Alert I wrote in the first place is call IRONY.
Either way, people like you are really the problem today in the world, with low IQ and without grasping what everyone else can grasp, make a problem out of your own short-nearsightedness and stupidity.
Again, learn to read and learn to process logic and stop wasting people's time.”

And yet again. You backtracked because you tried not making yourself look stupid. Now you like like a complete dumbass because you were called out for it. So who’s the hot headed one? So the more you write your long winded “I can’t admit i was wrong so I’m trying to hard to be right” bullshit, you look even more like you definitely didn’t mean what you’re claiming(because if you weren’t guilty of this you wouldn’t be explaining yourself so hard). And for a heads up for the future, studies show those who state others around them have low IQ tend to have the lower IQ in the room. Stay mad my friend.

Dir_en_grey870d ago

My fist post is still there and everything is self explanatory.
Take a look at your own post and how much wall of text you post each time trying to explain YOURSELF.
Calling you out for your stupidity is just the facts of what you said, so you can see how stupid you are writing knee jerk posts when you didn't even read through them. And explaining your low IQ is so you can reflect on yourself, so you won't keep on wasting other people's time too.
When you try to use that low IQ argument every time people call you dumb, maybe consider that you really are & that's why so many people do call you out on it?

DankSinatra869d ago (Edited 869d ago )

“My fist post is still there and everything is self explanatory.
Take a look at your own post and how much wall of text you post each time trying to explain YOURSELF.
Calling you out for your stupidity is just the facts of what you said, so you can see how stupid you are writing knee jerk posts when you didn't even read through them. And explaining your low IQ is so you can reflect on yourself, so you won't keep on wasting other people's time too.
When you try to use that low IQ argument every time people call you dumb, maybe consider that you really are & that's why so many people do call you out on it?“

Yea it’s there and it looks like you believed that the studio shut down and the game was canceled.
Majority of my text comes from quoting you. And I’m explaining myself? You must not know how to read because the only thing I’ve been posting is calling you out for your shitty attitude, being wrong and how dumb you looked and defensive you’ve gotten from being called out.
Many people call me out on low IQ? Do you consider yourself many people? Because you’re the only one here using the low IQ argument other than me stating facts about those who claim others have low IQs soooooo. But I still stand right, you wouldn’t be this defensive if it weren’t for the fact that you know you’re wrong and can’t handle being called out for it. Otherwise if I were actually wasting your time you wouldn’t be responding and acting like a child for being called out and other people would be here saying that I also have a supposedly low IQ like you claim. Yet here it’s only you responding and throwing a tantrum because you were wrong about something and can’t handle getting called out like an adult for being wrong.

But ya know. I’m supposedly wasting the time of the person who takes the time out of their supposedly busy life to respond like a child to a stranger on the internet because they were called out for being wrong and snipped an attitude and they were told to drop it and cite their source. But what do I know?

Dir_en_grey869d ago

The fact that you need to paste the replies shows how socially awkward & unaware of how things work around you. Just reflect back to your real life and how people treat you... they treat you like a dumb ass because you refuse to acknowledge your lack of logical processing skills and refuse to work on it.
I replay because if I can get you to understand how stupid you are, maybe you would stop being stupid and thus the world would just be that much better.

DankSinatra869d ago

“The fact that you need to paste the replies shows how socially awkward & unaware of how things work around you. Just reflect back to your real life and how people treat you... they treat you like a dumb ass because you refuse to acknowledge your lack of logical processing skills and refuse to work on it.
I replay because if I can get you to understand how stupid you are, maybe you would stop being stupid and thus the world would just be that much better.“

How awkward and unaware of how things work? You do realize that you can only reply to something so much before the person you’re replying to doesn’t receive notifications, right? Shows that I know more than you lmao. I mean, unless you know me personally then literally anything you say doesn’t really apply to beyond this website. This sounds more like projection than anything. And again I’m proved to be right because you’ve dropped the previous subject all together after I picked you apart like the bug you are and proceeded to try and act like commenting on my real life will somehow deflect the fact that you can’t take being called out and throw tantrums like a child. But go ahead and try to feel like you’ve got some kind of upper hand here because you literally can’t prove my life is how it’s being in your head, it just shows that I russled your Jimmie’s so bad with facts that now you’re fantasizing about my real life. Glad to know I live in your head rent free my friend.

Dir_en_grey869d ago (Edited 869d ago )

I did not drop a "previous" subject, my point ALWAYS was that you are stupid.
Your correlation of pasting redundant text of previous reply and notifications is a testament to that. <- now ponder on that.
From the way you keep whining I can tell people don't like you in real life, so I was just letting you know that it is due to your stupidity. Which was evidenced by your whiny wall of texts and the re-occurrence of dumb ass logic in your posts.
I don't need to know any facts about you, but YOU know it, so it is the best way to let your realize how stupid you are since you can prove it to yourself.
Don't need to convince me otherwise, try to just even convince yourself that you are not stupid.

DankSinatra869d ago

“I did not drop a "previous" subject, my point ALWAYS was that you are stupid.
Your correlation of pasting redundant text of previous reply and notifications is a testament to that. <- now ponder on that.
From the way you keep whining I can tell people don't like you in real life, so I was just letting you know that it is due to your stupidity. Which was evidenced by your whiny wall of texts and the re-occurrence of dumb ass logic in your posts.
I don't need to know any facts about you, but YOU know it, so it is the best way to let your realize how stupid you are since you can prove it to yourself.
Don't need to convince me otherwise, try to just even convince yourself that you are not stupid.“

You dropped literally half of it because you were proving me right about how much you were being defensive and how you kept trying to explain yourself and doubled down on the mindless use of calling me stupid because that’s all you had left, hell you even dropped the “you’re wasting peoples time” crap after I pointed out how much you love responding to me.
Me copying and pasting your text is to keep tally of what’s being said given you like to backtrack, I like to keep things front and center so you don’t have a chance to coward behind editing your reply.
I mean however you wanna fantasize about me, go ahead. Just be sure to keep it PG. You call them dumbass logic yet you keep proving my point that you couldn’t handle being called out and are resulting to:
Dropping subjects
Constantly thinking about and fantasizing about me
Throwing a tantrum like a child.

I await your next fantasy riddles tantrum.

Dir_en_grey868d ago (Edited 868d ago )

Wow you are still at it. All of your wall of rant can just be summed up and explained by one thing every time, that you are an idiot.
Like why the hell are you still posting quotes? Your explanation was so dumb I had to ask again just so YOU can figure it out properly. Do you see anybody else pasting quotes? No, they don't because you can just scroll up you idiot. Notifications don't disappear, people just stop responding after a certain point because you are an idiot. Your explanation of "I like to keep things...." just shows that you refuse to see what other people are doing around you and can only focus on yourself, a trait a psycho/sociopath. Again, just reflect to your real life and I am sure people in the past have told you that you are a retard or an idiot, which reinforces my statement.
Every time I come to N4G and see a notification from you, I am willing to help and tell you to reflect on your own words. Hopefully one day you would realize how much of an retard you have been & get better, and hopefully you would become less of a nuisance society then.

DankSinatra868d ago (Edited 868d ago )

“Wow you are still at it. All of your wall of rant can just be summed up and explained by one thing every time, that you are an idiot.
Like why the hell are you still posting quotes? Your explanation was so dumb I had to ask again just so YOU can figure it out properly. Do you see anybody else pasting quotes? No, they don't because you can just scroll up you idiot. Notifications don't disappear, people just stop responding after a certain point because you are an idiot. Your explanation of "I like to keep things...." just shows that you refuse to see what other people are doing around you and can only focus on yourself, a trait a psycho/sociopath. Again, just reflect to your real life and I am sure people in the past have told you that you are a retard or an idiot, which reinforces my statement.
Every time I come to N4G and see a notification from you, I am willing to help and tell you to reflect on your own words. Hopefully one day you would realize how much of an retard you have been & get better, and hopefully you would become less of a nuisance society then.”

I mean you’re still at it too man, all of your wall of rant can be summed up as a childish tantrum caused by being unable to cope with getting called out(which you’re at it again dropping entire subjects after I pointed out too much fact for you to endure).
I like that every time I pull out a fact you call it dumb or stupid. I don’t care if anyone else is using quotes, why is it you gotta keep reaching out for “everyone else” or “someone else”? Are you the guy who relies on validation for everything you do?
People must stop responding at a certain point because I’m an idiot? You keep proving that wrong because here you are responding days later, man you must love me.
I’m a psycho path/sociopath because I don’t see what others are doing and focus on myself? And you call me the idiot? Man I was right about you needing validation for everything you do.
Again, keep your fantasies about me PG, don’t wanna end up in some weird diary.
I mean, if being a retard and nuisance in your eyes means not being one of those weird people that fantasies about strangers on the internet and constantly needs validation from others. Then I’ll choose stay a retard and nuisance.

Dir_en_grey866d ago

Yeah I never met somebody so dumb and be in so much denial that they can just disregard logic outright just to use as counter argument over and over. I am just killing time on N4G anyway and don't mind helping you see how stupid you are whenever I get a stupid reply from you =)

Yes, everybody else not doing quotes of post does matter, because there is no logical reason to do it. So if you can't keep track without pasting proves that you are stupid enough that you can't even keep track without constantly reading lines right above what you type. You prove that you are stupid when you don't realize that other people remember what they read, and even when they have to go back to read they can simply just scroll up. You prove that you are stupid when you can't understand that pasting takes up the same exact space to go back to read if you needed to. I explained all this in every previous posts and normal people would understand all of that, without me having to explain it in so many words.
How about considering that maybe the reason you don't care about what others do normally, is due to because you lack the ability to do what others do normally and minimally just to function? That is the definition of stupid, when you just don't understand what normal people understand.

You said the reason you paste is because people don't get notifications, which is false & proves that you are dumb in the first place. A normal person can logically assume you believe in this wrong information because people would stop responding to your non-logical replies. You used the word "must" meaning you lack understanding of words you read, when the context should be "eventually". If you knowingly twist the word, that just makes you that much worse of the human being on top of being a stupid one. I open N4G when I have time to kill and responding to you kills free time for me. So by "days later" I assume you are on N4G everyday so maybe you can argue with people, from how stupid you talk maybe it is the only meaningful conversations you can have in your life, and thus explains how desperate you are, by "pasting" so people will see every notification from your post, even though it wasn't necessary in the first place.

Understand the norm does not mean seeking approval from others. When you prove your lack the ability to provide logic on doing something redundant and meaningless like "pasting", and refute that by "I do whatever I want to do" without even realizing that answer is what proves that you are stupid, really shows there is something wrong with you beyond just stupid. A psychopathic dumb ass is worse than being just stupid. But yes that was a logical assumption from the information that you provided.

Normal people use logic, because you save a lot of time and you can actually advance with logic. Learn to think and speak with logic. If you just want to rebuttable every time by "I don't care to do what other people do (speaking with logic)", that IS the definition of a retard. Not something I am making you to be, you made yourself one, so don't put that one me.
Go back and read your own words again, think and prove to yourself if you think otherwise.
After that if you still want to be a nuisance there is really no hope for you as a human being. But I guess in the mean time you can still keep me entertained with your stupidity.
Maybe try to double think your words next time with logic so you don't make yourself look even dumber,
Hope some of the words got through and we can see some improvement from you =)

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 866d ago
tbagmonster871d ago

you wont, the game is dead and cancelled watch the video, this is unreal, im disgusted

tbagmonster871d ago

what the phuck did i just watch, this game is dead? holy crap

tbagmonster871d ago

just realized its a joke video, i almost had a stroke

BlaqMagiq1871d ago

So uhh... do people in this comment section realize this is a parody? Just checking.

DankSinatra871d ago

They don’t. People don’t know how to read before they post anything.


Check out this Incredible Batman 1989 Fan Project

Tim Burton’s vision of Gotham brought to life by passionate fans.

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Gridknac1139d ago

Wow! That is badass. WB needs to make this happen now.

WoodsRatesGames1139d ago

Right? Thanks for checking it out!

Minute Man 7211137d ago

Fans??? This is done by one person

WoodsRatesGames1137d ago

Someone else was commissioned to do the music and another person modelled the batmobile. Links to all involved are included in the article.

Gaming4Life19811137d ago

They should have been made a batman game for the best batman movie. This looks amazing and now I must watch the movie.

1137d ago Replies(2)