
Why Playdead's Inside is massively overhyped

Many are currently showering praise over Playdead's Inside. The developer of Limbo has been receiving plenty of acclaim for the follow-up six years in the making, but games editor Brett Phipps feels there's plenty wrong with the game for it to fail to justify the hype.

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BlakHavoc2891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )

Always someone claiming a critically acclaimed game is "overhyped" or "overrated". It's ok to disagree with others but not to suggest your opinion is somehow definitive.

nX2891d ago

His opinion is worth discussing though, I haven't played it yet but at it's time I also found Limbo boring and overrated. I mean you could enjoy these games just as much by watching walkthroughs on Youtube, how do they deserve better scores than e. g. The Witcher 3, XCOM 2, or Bloodborne?

Yetter2891d ago

I liked limbo, but I didn't love it. Pretty much got half way through, got stuck somewhere, quit and never played it again. Inside on the other hand is better in every conceivable way and I absolutely love it.

nix2891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )


I finished Limbo twice. Once on PS3 and Vita. If you got stuck in Limbo then my friend you would be surprised in Braid.

Inside was never overhyped, it was highly rated (IGN gave it 10) but that's a good thing. Knowing it's the same dev of Limbo, i won't be surprised. Would love to play that game some day.

ElementX2891d ago

You can't compare an indie adventure/puzzle game to a AAA RPG. Reviewers aren't comparing it to every game from every genre. It's getting good reviews for what it is, an indie game from a small developer.

Majister-Ludi2891d ago

While not on the level of the games you mentioned, limbo actually had gameplay which is always different than just watching a video. Games like tell tell, quantic dreams, everyone's gone to rapture, these games you can just watch but limbo had challenge and gameplay unlike those walking Sims with story.

PhucSeeker2891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )

Another case of "this game is an indie game and should not be getting high score than my favorite games, i'm insecure enough as it is, why ya'll doing this WTF".

Watching gameplay equals playing the game ? Sure.

TheCommentator2890d ago

Agreed. I was glad that I played Limbo for free, it was only good for the achievements and a few of the puzzles.


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2890d ago
Hoffmann2891d ago

Eh...the article is well written and I like that there are different opinions about this one and Limbo.

ziggurcat2891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )

"Eh...the article is well written..."

it's not, though. he claims it was overhyped (which it wasn't at all), there are no unavoidable deaths, nothing in the game is "trial and error", he seems to have a hard time understanding the story, complains that everything isn't all wrapped up, and tied with a pretty little bow, etc...

MagicBeanz2891d ago

They have a name for this its called Uncharted Syndrome.

SonyAddict2891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )

Isn't anyone allowed an opinion on here??..I played limbo and got half way through and quit to..nice art style but nothing special!!.
Oh and what was the story of limbo anyway? Does anybody remember??I thought not so forgettable!.

game4funz2890d ago

It's called having opinions.
Don't give uncharted that much credit.

joab7772891d ago

He didn't claim to have a definitive opinion.

starchild2891d ago

It certainly comes off that way. The term "overhyped" is kind of a nonsensical term, imo. It's basically saying that a lot of people hyped a game up, but even though those people loved the game somehow they are all wrong. A game might not be your cup of tea, but that doesn't mean it is overhyped.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2890d ago
SCW19822891d ago

I can't deny how amazing this game is. I thought nothing would pass UC4 as my game of the year. Than comes along a little monster known as Inside. Playdead can do no wrong.

Dark_Knightmare22891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )

I love inside but in no way,shape or form is it better than uc 4

Dark_Knightmare22891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )

@senorfartcushion I never said it was up to me so I don't know how you even came to the conclusion I was telling him what to like. I was just stating my opinion that's all if he likes it more then uc 4 more power to him imo I loved it but it isn't nowhere near the level of uc 4 and wont be remembered years from now like uc 4.

PistolsAtDawn2891d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

Actually it is IMO. UC4 was a great game, but by the end I just wanted it to be over, I loved inside the whole way. UC4 had fantastic aspects, but towards the end it felt like they ran out of ways to make gameplay fun (like in the first half of the game)...then just relied on forced combat with bad gameplay mechanics. Inside is fun from the first moment to the end.

@dark_knightmare Normally if I see that someone has replied to me on here, I just delete the notification and never look at it. 99% of the time it's just a childish trolling attempt. So I wasn't ignoring you specifically. At the time that I was playing the game and right after I finished it I was posting my critiques constantly...the reason I didn't this time is because this is an article about Inside, not about UC4 specifically...so I wasn't going to go out of my way to bash UC4. If you MUST know, I felt that the first half of UC4 was great, and all the scenarios where you could approach combat in a stealth fashion, I really liked...I also loved how the first half of the game seemed to center more around puzzle style gameplay/story....but then towards the end it seemed like they really just ran out of ideas and forced you into combat scenarios. Now I' played it on Hard (or whatever the second highest difficulty was...the top one that wasn't shaded out)...so I don't know if that had to do with any of my complaints. The combat mechanics were REALLY bad, mostly dealing with cover. Far too often I would be standing right next to/looking at something I wanted to stick to...and instead I would roll right into the center of the room and become target practice for everyone or I wouldn't want to get stuck to an object and would. I've been playing cover shooters for YEARS AND YEARS now, but this cover mechanic royally sucked. I also didn't like that the AI wasn't "smart", the game just "cheated" in a sense by the enemies always knowing where you were (while in combat), always knowing what direction you were looking or if you were reloading. It's clear that ND purposely made this choice to save resources and make the game look better. The AI was so bad that I ended up using it to my advantage...if I knew there was an enemy behind the wall...I would purposely look away and then look back...and guess who was there about to shoot me? So essentially, all the areas outside the forced combat in UC4 were great/amazing...I just wish they did that the whole way...it seriously just felt like by the end they gave up being creative and said "just throw badguys with amazing spidey sense at them...that'll be difficult and extend the length of the game". I seriously feel like they could have dropped like the last 25% of the game and it would have made me love it more. Like if you just found the Pirate ship in the underground cove....solved some puzzles to get there...then even had the QTE fight at the end....and it was over (although I would have preferred a puzzle-based boss fight).

PhucSeeker2891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )

"The game that i like is better than yours. It will be remembered while yours will be forgotten in 2 months. Suck it loser."

Number_92891d ago

You just said it's your opinion then went on to say your favorite game will be more remembered than his. Remembered by whom and how come you get to decide that?

Dark_Knightmare22891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )

@number_9 where did I say it was my favorite game please point it out. You know you might deal with fan boys a lot and judging by some comments here there are plenty of fanboys but there are objective people on the Internet and objectively speaking out of the two games uc 4 will be remembered years from now considering most no not all before you try to put words in my mouth again wouldn't say inside was a better game. Now that might hurt some fanboys feelings here but it's the truth it isn't like it makes inside any less amazing but playdead just isn't the caliber of nd.

Dark_Knightmare22891d ago

@pistolsatdawn i see you talking down about uc 4 a lot and that's fine its your opinion but every time I've asked you what about the game play mechanics were bad you never have an answer. It's just weird that you never articulate what was bad about them and it's just an opinion you don't hear from too many people .

Dark_Knightmare22891d ago

@phucsucker real mature when you can actually carry an adult conversation feel free to engage in conversation with me until then keep your immature comments to yourself.

dirkdady2890d ago

These games are like comparing apples to oranges. Inside is a 3 hour experience and uncharted is a full blown traditional game.

PistolsAtDawn2890d ago

I replied to your comment below.

Sm00thNinja2890d ago

Somehow it still alludes you when someone states an opinion. He said INSIDE IS MY GOTY. Obviously IGN agreed that Inside was a better title and while I DONT AGREE that INSIDE is that good whose to say UC4 years from now will carve a place like Inside. UC4 was amazing but imo its not even the best game on PS4.. to each his own

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2890d ago
2891d ago Replies(7)
christocolus2891d ago

I dont know about this guy but I'm loving every minute of the game. It is fantastic.

Gazondaily2891d ago

Dunno why you're getting disagrees. Do so many people not like the game? 😕

PhucSeeker2891d ago

Nah, most haven't played the game yet. But you know, Uncharted 4 is obviously better than this game that i haven't played.

christocolus2891d ago

Lol. Septic..one word --- "Insecurity" Lmao XD

Liqu1d2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

Insecurity? Maybe people just disagree with your opinion, is that difficult to understand?

Edit: Yeah, okay. Whatever helps you sleep at night, the game isn't exclusive so people have nothing to be insecure about but don't let me stop the circlejerk.

christocolus2890d ago

Lol. I've been on N4g long enough to know better. I'm almost certain that 95% of those disagreeing don't even own an xbox one and haven't even played Inside. Lol. Its how things go around here and I'm sure you know that too. Not that I care. People can keep hitting that disagree button all day. Doesn't change my opinion. Smh

lelo2play2891d ago

I'm sure the author's opinion will change when Inside gets released on the PS4.

Aloy-Boyfriend2891d ago

Ya because being on PS4 has prevented those anti uncharted 4 pieces...

Gazondaily2891d ago

"Ya because being on PS4 has prevented those anti uncharted 4 pieces..."

Errr they just crucified anyone who released those anti Uncharted pieces lol. As if the Uncharted fans were so reasonable and mature in their responses.

Dark_Knightmare22891d ago

Yeah because he must obviously be a fanboy smh ridiculous

Dark_Knightmare22891d ago

@septic has if any fan of a specific game is reasonable and mature but yeah let's just act like it's uc fans.

ITPython2891d ago

Almost right, but likely the big reason it is being praised so much is because its not on the ps4. Xcamp will overhype for that reason alone since they really desperately want to make ps4 owners as jealous as they are with all the epic exclusive ps4 releases this year.

modelgod2891d ago

Exactly! ! The MS hate is getting a little ridiculous. Everytime MS does something right the gaming community always puts a negative spin on it and tries to derail their momentum.

notachance2891d ago

like the one before E3 when scorpio leaks get praised to high heaven but Neo gets heavily criticized right and left? Oh wait..

2891d ago
notachance2891d ago

And I'm sure it won't get this much 10/10 if it comes out on all platform

christocolus2891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )


Lmao... that was funny

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2891d ago
ziggurcat2891d ago

first of all, this game was not "massively overhyped" - i saw next to nothing on this game, apart from the mentions made during E3. second of all, the author's criticisms seem to based entirely on the lack of hand-holding... if you're complaining about something because you don't "get it", that's not a valid criticism.

OC_MurphysLaw2891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )

Definitely agree there was not hype around this game... we heard next to nothing leading up to launch. This game is getting a lot of "attention" because reviewers are very positive save for some outliers.

Sadly I am sure this review would have preferred "hit X to pay your respects" level of guiding. News flash, sometimes it's OK to just explore and figure it out on your own.

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Former Activision studio Toys for Bob partners with Xbox to publish its first game as an indie

Former Activision studio Toys for Bob partners with Xbox to publish its first game as an indie. This is something of a homecoming, as Microsoft owns Activision.

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Obscure_Observer16h ago

Very very early in development. Still, fantastic news!

Let´s GO!!!

Lightning7714h ago

I guess.

How come they didnt either let them go or sell Tango and others to another publisher? Not saying Ubisoft, EA would be any better. (Capcome would of treated them right )

At least it wouldn't be MS of all ppl destroying them.

MS really should let go Tango go like they did TFB here.

darthv7213h ago(Edited 13h ago)

one was under Bethesda (Tango) the other under Activision (TFB). Clearly each one handled the separations of their subordinates differently.

Obscure_Observer13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

"How come they didnt either let them go or sell Tango and others to another publisher? Not saying Ubisoft, EA would be any better. (Capcome would of treated them right )"

Perhaps because Zenimax and ABK handles such matters differently based on their own internal policies as "independent" publishers.

Whoever, chances are it´s simply because MS didn´t wanted Tango or Austin to be acquired by competitors and develop new bangers for them, giving MS a bad rep in a possible future. Which could also be the reason why they ensured an exclusive partnership with TFB and its new game, before anyone else.

Sad and disgusting. But it is what it is.

Lightning779h ago(Edited 9h ago)

"Whoever, chances are it´s simply because MS didn´t wanted Tango or Austin to be acquired by competitors and develop new bangers for them, giving MS a bad rep in a possible future."

MS has a bad rep now because those studios are no more. I rather them sell the studio continue to make multiplatform releases, while MS continues to focus on whatever they're doing. If they didn't want Tango around they should separated from them or sell them to, like they did TFB.

It's inexcusable, they have options on how to handle studios they don't want anymore with killing jobs. Not just MS but the rest of the industry also.

Sad and disgusting sure how many will get shut down next year or this year even?

I don't trust MS decisions and motivations at this point. You have to admit they make one dumb move after another.

Obscure_Observer2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

"MS has a bad rep now because those studios are no more. I rather them sell the studio continue to make multiplatform releases, while MS continues to focus on whatever they're doing. If they didn't want Tango around they should separated from them or sell them to, like they did TFB."

Imo, MS separated from TFB because they didn´t had a game associated with Xbox yet, unlike Tango.

"I don't trust MS decisions and motivations at this point. You have to admit they make one dumb move after another."

Fair enough. It was indeed an epic dumb move from them to close Tango.

Still, all to be forgotten, like always have. This is not the first time a big publisher shuts down a beloved and/or successful studio out of nowhere and certainly won´t be the last. Do you remember Lionhead? Do you remember Evolution Studios? Yeah... both were beloved studios and yet, those companies kill those studios in q blink of an eye and got away with it.

-Foxtrot15h ago

Manages to buy their freedom especially after all the shit Microsoft has been doing with its studios lately


Goes right back to them as partners.


darthv7213h ago

Id venture a guess that TFB working directly with MS was a better outcome than working through Activision to get to MS.

VersusDMC11h ago

From the article...

"Toys for Bob spun out as an indie back in February after Microsoft instituted sweeping layoffs that impacted 86 employees, which was more than half of the staff"

I doubt those 86 employees enjoyed the Microsoft experience over Activisions.

Inverno11h ago

MS shuts down studios because of lack of resources and then helps these guys by giving em resources. Also MS is what forced them to buy their freedom in the first place? What kind of logic 😂

Chevalier8h ago

The best thing is that the company that is worth $3 trillion and owns the company instead of Xbox lacks resources. How the hell does a company worth $3 trillion making a measly $70 billion purchase they 'can't' support. Lol

Sciurus_vulgaris13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Xbox’s gaming division seems to still function as 3 semi-autonomous sub-divisions, Xbox Studios, Bethesda and ABK. The three main sub-divisions can seemingly shut down or build studios and set up partnerships independently. This would explain why Bethesda can recently shutdown studios, while ABK spins off one studio, while building a new one. Plus, Toys for Bob could be spun off by ABK, only to immediately re-partner with Microsoft.

Chevalier8h ago

That's absolutely 💯 BS. Any sane 'autonomous' company would NOT put their games on Gamepass day 1 like COD will lose probably billions.

Also they're all under Xbox game studios so any autonomy is an illusion.

Elda8h ago

Either a kiddie game or something uninteresting.

Obscure_Observer2h ago

Don´t worry. You won´t be playing it anyway since their next game will possible be a next gen Xbox console game.

Elda37m ago(Edited 37m ago)

Don't worry about my comments.

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What Happens to Your Steam Account When You Die?

The Outerhaven writes: While Steam has come out recently, stating that Steam accounts can't be transferred, we need to think about it since we all will eventually kick the bucket. But if Valve is denying transferring accounts, what can be done? Plenty, actually.

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thorstein1d 17h ago

It goes to my kids because I gave them the passwords.

To Steam: Missio has a song that conveys my feelings about you stealing my purchase after I die. It's called "Middle Fingers"

shinoff218322h ago

Pretty much. My son knows my info.

Abear2122h ago

Yeah worrying about digital ownership when you’re on the other side of the grass seems a little strange, but also on brand for these millennial journalists to worry about.

qalpha7h ago

I'm sure Keith will be happy to hear he's a millennial journalist.

Goodguy011d 1h ago

I suppose if I have kids, I'd just give em my account details by retirement age. If I die young then...idk lol.

CrimsonWing6923h ago

Yea, I mean just give someone the password to your account. Is that difficult to do or something? Like, I’m legit asking because I don’t know.

anast21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

It's not difficult but It's against the policy. If they find out, they will lock the account permanently.

CrimsonWing6920h ago

Ah ok, I had a feeling there was something like that. It seems kind of weird that you can’t just hand your account over to a family member or friend and let them take over the account.

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CDPR Confident In Transition To Unreal Engine 5 For New Witcher Game, Addresses Industry Layoffs

CD Projekt Red is confident in the transition from its in-house Red Engine to Unreal Engine 5 for the next Witcher game.

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cthulhucultist1d 3h ago

My main concern with UE5, is that some developers have resorted to very low resolutions in order to enable the advanced feature set of this engine and sustain the frame rate.

In open world games, especially those with excellent graphics, we cant realistically expect 60fps  from consoles (PS5 pro set aside as we do not know exactly how performant it will be) without huge compromises.

Thus the new Witcher game will probably require more powerful consoles to experience it the way the developers intended and in that sense, it reminds me of Cyberpunk situation.

It was released in current gen systems albeit in dire state (even PS4 Pro and Xbox One X suffered) requiring next generation consoles to achieve a desirable (and still not ideal) result.

DarXyde1d 3h ago

My thoughts exactly. This is definitely a PC engine first and foremost, given the compromises required on consoles. Tekken 8 is a **fighting game** on UE5 and, even without Nanite and Lumen, needs to be upscaled to 4K to run at a solid 60fps. The engine straight up dog walks current console hardware. I don't see this getting much better on a PS5 Pro either.

I don't see this game releasing this generation. If it wasn't Sony owned, I think Decima 2.0 would be an excellent engine for this game.

Aussiesummer1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

I am quietly confident that they are going to make one hell of a jaw dropping witcher considering what they achieved with cyberpunk, i reckon they will bring a new level of what can be expected from ue5 BUT i reckon it will be a ps6/rtx 5090 game.