
Xbox Fitness' cancellation highlights inherent problems with the all-digital future

Grant Patterson writes:
"This is the takeaway: the all-digital future isn't worth much when you can't have reliable, limitless access to that content. This is precisely why I've been a major proponent of physical media, because you OWN that, and as a customer, ownership is everything. It keeps the power in the hands of the consumer, the one who purchased the media and can keep it and play it and use it as much as they like. Once that balance of power is shifted to a company that has the right to deny access to content that's already been paid for, customers pay for nothing but access, and that access is entirely dependent on the whim of the provider. This practice is about as anti-consumer as it gets, and yet very few seem to understand that until (surprise, surprise) the customer gets bit."

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SourtreeDing2866d ago

idk wasnt all this free? and MS doesnt own any of this

GrantPatterson2866d ago

No, a lot of the content was the variety you paid for. If you read the story, you'd see that there's a link to the official announcement and multiple quotes from actual users that are not getting to keep what they paid money for.

Sciurus_vulgaris2866d ago

"With zero warning beforehand, Xbox Fitness content suddenly became unavailable for purchase, and the content that had been purchased by Xbox Fitness customers now carried an end-of-life date of June 30, 2017"

- Reads like angry clickbait; MS announced the shutdown of Xbox Fitness a year in advance.

GrantPatterson2866d ago

I'd like you to cite your sources on that, because when I made a search for anything involving the shutdown of Xbox Fitness from 1/1/2015 to 6/1/2016, the only thing that shows up are pages from news aggregate sites that link to the current story. I've clicked a lot of them, and that's all that seems to come up.

I'd gladly write a correction if it means being factually accurate. So, please, cite your sources and I'll get right on that.

freshslicepizza2866d ago

seems more like a gym mebership than a game. sucks for those who bought it and can no longer use it.

GrantPatterson2866d ago

That's essentially what it was, except you'd buy exercise videos / programs to use. Buying those videos would net you the ability to use them at will - but not offline. So, it's like a Netflix-style program, but instead of paying a subscription, you'd have unlimited access to the package you purchased.

Until they cut off access, that is.

xMANB3ARP1G2866d ago (Edited 2866d ago )

idk who paid for this but you have only yourself to blame you want fitness vids orders some if you honestly thought xbox would keep this stuff forever your a naive fool. hell them pushing the kinnect out, the writing was on the wall for shit like this


Xbox’s Phil Spencer: Licensing arrangements mean Xbox Fitness can’t be made available offline

Stevivor -- "Finishing up our recent conversation with Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox, we put him through a lightning round-style series of questions we affectionately dubbed, 'What would it take?'"

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Cindy-rella2748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )

Most likely another lie like when they said xbox one cant work without kinect. That they cant reverse drm policies. That xbox one exclusives wont be on pc and other lies. Probably its just a ruse to encroach on gamers freedom to own their games and a way to start to slowly implement drm again

Hoffmann2748d ago

Inb4 someone replies that this is again the Microsoft hating weird N4G community and not Microsofts own fault that people don't buy what they say anymore.

2748d ago
Cindy-rella2748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )

Scorpio sounds amazing, i cant wait to buy it in two weeks. Sar sar

Getting Ps4 pro first day which will be the most powerful console ever and comes out in two weeks

Id like my name to be mentioned first on that list

gangsta_red2748d ago

"Inb4 someone replies that..."

Inb4 that, but not b4 the same old usual suspects spreading paranoia, conspiracy theories and all other sorts of BS.

AngelicIceDiamond2748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )

Yeah uuh huh coming from the usual Xbox haters coming in here every time to turn something insignificant and small into something big. OMG DRM COMING BACK!!


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2748d ago
2748d ago
Perjoss2748d ago

remember when they said Halo2 was windows vista exclusive because it just wouldn't work on older versions, and then someone got it working on older versions of windows in a really short time, like less than 48 hours or something.

vallencer2748d ago

They're refunding people's money since they're shutting it down. My brother bought a few things and he was givin Microsoft cash back. The oh so evil company. It's not like they had to do that. But you're right let's focus on how they've lied to us. Except it's called evolving. They had a vision and it didn't pan out so they evolved their vision. How about that ps4 external hard drive support?? Oh wait it still doesn't exist. Yet if someone brings that up you always hear "well at least I can swap my internal hard drive out unlike the xbox." They've both said and done things they haven't delivered on or changed their mind. It's almost like their a corporation who wants to make money and change accordingly to do so.

TheUndertaker852748d ago

Right? Sony didn't reimburse people when they shut down the MAG servers effectively making the game a non-usable piece of content as the entire game was online only.

They also didn't reimburse people who bought the DCUO discs after the disc product became unusable.

jmetalhead778122747d ago

Exactly. I bought the P90X XB workouts, used them regularly for more than 2 years and they completely refunded every penny. Plus, they let me know 1 year ahead of time. Was not expecting that at all. Yet, these idiots seize any opportunity to trash MS/XB with no research whatsoever. I can picture these people on n4g all day refreshing the page so can be first to jump on an XB article to make some stupid comment.

Chris122748d ago

Hoffman and Cindy-rella trashing another Xbox article with their anti-MS propaganda and FUD. Grow up silly little boys.

TheUndertaker852748d ago

"“It’s about licenses,” he began, adding Microsoft only had a finite period with which to use fitness regimens by the likes of Jillian Michaels and P90X."

It's hardly hard to believe Jillian Michaels and P90X wouldn't have some type of terms, limitations, and clauses in the contracts for them to be used by Xbox Fitness. They both literally make a living off of similar products that both repackage constantly.

milliniumstylz2748d ago

I see this type of comment on every Xbox article now.

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2748d ago
-Foxtrot2748d ago

Oh no...if I die from a heart attack I won't be able to pay off my student loan and other debts


christocolus2748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )

It would be really cool If they could get it to work offline. It worked really well with kinect v2 and my friends and I enjoyed doing many of the workout routines.

OpieWinston2748d ago

Well my brother bought the P90X workouts on Disc a long time ago so I know I'll be fine borrowing a few of them from him.

Aenea2748d ago

You'd think MS would throw some money to these license holders so they could keep this game going, they've plenty money, so why didn't they? Might have been a simple business decision that it wasn't making enough money for them, nah, can't be, MS isn't like that, they are consumer friendly and not all about the money!

TheUndertaker852747d ago

It's not entirely up to Microsoft as P90X and Jillian Michaels market similar products that likely pays them nicely as well, in particular when they've released more than one and likely think they could move more units along with newer iterations elsewhere, bringing them more profit.

Aenea2747d ago

Then they can ask more money from MS! Or MS can just offer them a buttload of cash and make an offer they simply would be crazy to refuse!


When Xbox Fitness gets lazy

Nicholas Simonovski and Andy Gray, both of Stevivor -- "I can say with 100% certainty now that I will not be going digital anytime soon. The reason for me no longer considering digital game purchases is the decision Microsoft made last week concerning Xbox Fitness. For those who didn’t see it, Microsoft announced that it would be ceasing support for the application. On June 27th they removed it from the Xbox Store, not a huge deal as those who have purchased games in the past were still able to play them if they were de-listed."

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Xbox Fitness users take to Xbox Voice to protest the app’s closure next year

Stevivor -- "Xbox Fitness fans have taken to Microsoft’s Xbox Voice website in an effort to keep the app alive."

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TheCommentator2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

This is one reason to like MS, they give users a voice and they actually listen to their customers. If they see people want a service they can keep it going or add it in. That's why we got BC and background music. Maybe they can release it as a download/retail disc?